| FTBL LES of 2 Evils?


Verified Member
This weekend poses a problem.. Who do you pull for in the SECCG? Much similar to Auburn and TN playing not too long ago.. Who do you want to win?

FYI--Stadium Implosion is not an option either.. :D
I am rooting for Pony. (Check out the web comic Looking For Group)

Y'all can root for the Tigers or you can root for the orangeturds. I am rooting for Pony.

Swamptick said:
I am rooting for Pony. (Check out the web comic Looking For Group)

Y'all can root for the Tigers or you can root for the orangeturds. I am rooting for Pony.




I knew I recognized that line from somewhere, just couldnt make the connection.

Favorite character ever
i have always been for who ever is playing tennessee. but thinking of how ugly the lsu people acted there is no way i pull for lsu. that "lynerd skynerd" joke still pisses me off.
so i guess really i can't pull for either one. if lsu loses and i think they will i won't be upset.
My fondest desire would be to see the earth split open in the middle of the Ga. Dome and both staffs and teams be engulfed.

If the corndogs had gotten the job done last week I'd be pulling for them Saturday, so an SEC team would be playing for the NC. Now, I really don't care who wins.
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