| FTBL Kentucky Game Concerns Me...

Southern Bama

Verified Member
Our boys played very well for two quarters Saturday..probably the best ive seen in quite a long time...from any team...BUT our second half play does not reflect a #2 ranking IMO. It was a huge win for our program and I think Saban is way ahead of schedule in his turnaround effort for the program. But....I hope we can forget this game and focus on Kentucky...they are a good team and can prove alot on Saturday. They have had a few upset wins in recent years over some very good teams. Im actually more concerned over this game than the Georgia game. These are the kind of games that can bite you in the A@#.....I hope our Special Teams gets some extra practice this week!!!!!! We have a outstanding team this year with EXCELLENT COACHING... I hope we can maintain this level of play.
Agreeing with B-ham on this one.

I don't buy UK.

They have an injury bug plaguing their team and this is the same team that came just 1 yard from losing to Middle Tennessee State.

If there was ever a case example for a team that hasn't proven anything it's this years UK squad.
Yeah you could tell Saban was going to chew some arse as soon as the boys hit the buses. I'm sure by the time they closed the doors CNS made them feel like they lost that game in a sense. I feel he will have our boys ready as he preaches about playing one game at the time and understands you can never underestimate ANY team these days. He references the upsets all the time. He will not let them forget what can happen if you don't prepare both mentally and physically. boys will come out fired up and ready to bite the head off them cats. :twisted:
UK concerns you? They ALL concern me. A coach once, when asked if it was a big game, replied, "try losing it and see how big it is then". They're all big and hopefully the kids and staff continue to take them one at a time.

As far as UK goes, I think we're the better team. There's little doubt about that, but you have to translate it on the field. BAMA has a lot going for it in this one, and as long as they show up prepared it shouldn't be a problem to dispatch the Cats.
Yea..I am happy to see Saban respond as he does in victories. As Saban said..maybe the second half play was a blessing in disguise to keep the players focused. As crazy as this may sound... I have the most confidence I have ever had in our coaching staff and truly believe we will never lose a game due to a lack of coaching...the kids may get beat..but it will be as a result of better play from the other team...but I feel that our staff will always have our team in a position to win, even if matched up against better athletes.
The chopper is absolutely correct...

Every team facing Alabama should concern us...

Ask Pete Carroll about a false sense of security when playing in Corvallis, OR against an unranked team and what was the fallout after that loss?

When any team plays Bama on any given gameday when they step onto the field, their mojo is there or it isn't...

A false sense of invincibility goes right out the window...

As fans we have the right to expect that Coach Saban will prepare and motivate the tide for any upcoming contest at any given time. He all too well remembers last year and how badly it was to lose to an opponent from a lower division...?

He is close to where he feels he rightfully belongs and where the Alabama faithful believe is a right of passage...

It is so close to being reality...

Good job CNS!

One day the bronze casting awaits.
Southern Bama said:
Yea..I am happy to see Saban respond as he does in victories. As Saban said..maybe the second half play was a blessing in disguise to keep the players focused. As crazy as this may sound... I have the most confidence I have ever had in our coaching staff and truly believe we will never lose a game due to a lack of coaching...the kids may get beat..but it will be as a result of better play from the other team...but I feel that our staff will always have our team in a position to win, even if matched up against better athletes.

I'm not sure Saban would have taken a 41-7 blowout over what he got on Saturday. He's just that intense and focused and anything,...anything that can give him an edge or a reason to get in his players' grill to keep them focused is just what he wants. Now Saban can be pleased (privately) with the win but have a legit excuse to get on the players and keep them focused on intensity and finishing games. I think Saban lives for this type stuff and it's what makes him a great coach. Most other coaches would have taken the win and expected little more. Saban is relentless, single-minded and focused like nothing I've ever seen.
^^Can't agree anymore. The man looks like he's on a serious mission non-stop on the sidelines. He will pace around with that look of determination and finishing. Hell even when it was like 1:20 or so to go in the game he was ripping a ref a new one for one reason or another. The man does not stop thinking of football. He eats, sleeps and chits football.
All I have to say to you worrying about this game is this:


Remember La-Monroe!

Remember Miss. State!

Remember 0-4 to close the season!

Remember giving up the first and only TD against Clemson!

Remember getting smacked in the mouth by Tulane after all the hype over beating Clemson!

Remember the 4th down TD giving up against Western Kentucky!

Remember the poor tackling and big plays given up against Arkansas!

Remember the dismal second half of being dominated 30-10 against Georgia!

NOW, forget everything I just said and focus on KY!!!

Feel better???
After reading all of the thoughts here, I still am not buying into the Faygo flavored drink they are serving in Lexington.

I've seen two games by UK this year. And, we aren't Louisville and we aren't Middle Tennessee State.

FWIW, this isn't 2007 if you need to reset your computer clock and what year it represents.
I don't see any letdown. Saban may have been a little happy with the letdown in the second half so he would have that edge needed to rip into them this week to keep them focused and on task. I think the TIDE rolls over an overmatched Kentucky squad who is suffereing from the injury bug and really hasn't played anyone worth a flip yet.
LeSU said:
Watch out for the trap game! We learned our lesson from last year.. Lost twice to trap games.

Sorry, I don't see any of those two as a trap game. You were outplayed on both games by great offenses.

385 yards rushing against Arkansas. Are you saying you were overlooking McFadden and Jones?

Versus UK, LSU was a lot like our game versus Georgia last weekend. In the last of the 3 quarter and the entire 4th quarter you let the offense (Woodson and his passing attack with a little Rapheal Little mixed in) score on 3 different possessions. LSU had 5 of the first seven scores in that game.

I'm sorry if you thought so, but the offensive power Kentucky had last year wasn't an unknown. Even with the two INT's UK threw they still came right back after you in the air.
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