So, tell me. How is this the "absolute worse take I've read."
Or, is this another drive by shot where you are going to change the subject.
Those scenario's, are literally comparable. It's written in the law on some areas of the country. You say hello to a teacher every morning. You sit with them, once a year, to talk about the school. And, there are teachers encouraging sexual preferences in the classroom.
IF it were a neighbor? YOU would be killing someone. But, its okay if it's a teacher.
On the same end, I don't want some teacher telling my child about their relationship with God. BUT, the commandments, and God, while related, aren't. Those commandments are the fabric of Western Civilization.
Which, goes to show, how stupid the comparisons are.
How is this the worse take?
All three don't belong in the classroom. That's what I said in my original response.