| CURRENT EVENTS Indoctrinating

Hammurabi says, "Hold my beer."

Laws which imply reciprocity, mutuality, consensual exchange, property rights, etc., have been ubiquitous around the world in all cultures, mandated by all sorts of gods, with variations of course relating to degrees of state intervention.
Which were based upon...maybe, just maybe, a moral code?
In fact, there's been no society to exist for any length of time which didn't circumscribe violence and fraud. Hence the Old Testament didn't inform Western Civilization that murder, theft, and criminal violence were worthy of punishment. The norms of human cooperation did.
I find pointing to the Old Testament when talking about Christianity...well, bullshit.

I don't think I'm sharing anything new here. But if I am, I hope it doesn't shock.

New is a word used ...
I find pointing to the Old Testament when talking about Christianity...well, bullshit.
I'm not talking about Christianity. I pointed to the Old Testament because the Ten Commandments is ... in the Old Testament. And my argument against posting this in a school is tied to the kind of god the OT portrays.
Kids of any day and time, HAVE to start learning the difference between what is right and what is wrong at a young age. From their parents first, at school, from Church, or from any other place or source. They need to know and practice what the Ten Commandments mean and symbolize as moral codes and laws and to know the ramifications of not living by these codes. The Ten Commandments ( codes of life and laws) should be ingrained in them from the start and progress through school and age until death. It should not matter where kids, or anyone for that matter, learns to be a respected human, at home, school, church or from any (B) books. It doesn't matter in my view. Much of morality, the codes of life, the laws that we all should live by, are mostly common sense and should become common knowledge as soon as possible in a young person's life. To grow into a respectable person who has respect for all others.

Who wrote or in which Book they are written is not the correct question. Where and how they are learned is. I would much rather kids learn about the Ten Commandments in school rather than the BS that many states are indoctrinating them with now days.
I'm not talking about Christianity. I pointed to the Old Testament because the Ten Commandments is ... in the Old Testament. And my argument against posting this in a school is tied to the kind of god the OT portrays.
So the 10 commandments are unworthy simply because of your view of the OT?
So the 10 commandments are unworthy simply because of your view of the OT?
Alright, Cathy "So what you're saying is ..." Newman. You should use the reply-to-quote feature.

Well there are many reasons I oppose posting this in schools. "My view" of the OT is one thing. However the behaviors and actions of the OT god speak for themselves. It's right there in plain text. And such behavior is not admirable in the least. It is not moral or admirable to kill your creation for not worshiping you. It's not moral or admirable to tell humans to take land from another community by killing every man, woman, child, and animal. It's not admirable to use a loyal and righteous man as a toy by allowing all sorts of misfortune to befall him just to prove a point to the Father of Lies.

I should mention that some of the earliest Christians regarded the Jewish god as evil, or at best, as middle management of the Most High.
The Ten commandments are irrelevant… They could simply ignore them..The fact is they just want things their way…and ONLY THEIR WAY… and if they scream and shout, loud enough, we have been giving in entirely too much… They only want their flags, their symbols, ,their type of people, and their teaching in the schools.. They don’t even want compromise.. so you get what you were seeing on the campuses these days.. they will resort to violence and destruction to win their arguments ..we are eventually going to have to meet these people on the battlefield inside this country..
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Religion is indoctrination
Religion is a belief system……
The only thing that should be in the “public” school system is reading, writing, arithmetic, science, history, et al….
If the commandments are an issue, all “belief system” simbolism should be a problem ie, pride, crt, politics, et al!!!!
In my opinion….

Also, Teachers personal lives should not influence the children they are “teaching”…

Plus teachers should stay in their lane and teach the subject they are hired and paid by our tax dollars to teach…..
Alright, Cathy "So what you're saying is ..." Newman. You should use the reply-to-quote feature.

Well there are many reasons I oppose posting this in schools. "My view" of the OT is one thing. However the behaviors and actions of the OT god speak for themselves. It's right there in plain text. And such behavior is not admirable in the least. It is not moral or admirable to kill your creation for not worshiping you. It's not moral or admirable to tell humans to take land from another community by killing every man, woman, child, and animal. It's not admirable to use a loyal and righteous man as a toy by allowing all sorts of misfortune to befall him just to prove a point to the Father of Lies.

I should mention that some of the earliest Christians regarded the Jewish god as evil, or at best, as middle management of the Most High.
Your understanding of early Christianity is from the basis that Christianity itself is false. If you want understanding try reading the Ante-Nicene Fathers then maybe the Philokalia, not a synopsis from someone with an axe to grind. Those were the earliest Christians and not one preached against the God of the OT.
Your understanding of early Christianity is from the basis that Christianity itself is false
Don't presume to know what someone else understands about something. Instead, inquire. My views about Christianity are complex and not easily explained piecemeal on a message board on the internet during momentary breaks in the real world.

try reading the Ante-Nicene Fathers then maybe
I'm talking about the earliest non-canonical sources available.
I don't see Christ mentioned there. You sure your text is reliable? ;)
My mistake in assuming that anyone reads more than the first verse.
“18 The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. 2 Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground.

3 He said, “If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by. 4 Let a little water be brought, and then you may all wash your feet and rest under this tree. 5 Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way—now that you have come to your servant.”

“Very well,” they answered, “do as you say.”

Why does it say “The Lord (singular) when following verses clearly say 3 or use they? My initial point was to @TerryP due to his casual dismissal of the OT as regards Christianity. Christ is throughout the OT.
I'm talking about the earliest non-canonical sources available.
The Ante-Nicene fathers are non canonical but not heretical. Biblical canon wasn’t established until late in the 4th century. Clement of Rome died around 100AD
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I'm not talking about Christianity. I pointed to the Old Testament because the Ten Commandments is ... in the Old Testament. And my argument against posting this in a school is tied to the kind of god the OT portrays.
And that's a bullshit argument. Seriously.

You've mentioned morality in this thread, that can be directly related to thing thing you are pointing to.

How many historical books can you find the OT referenced. XXL has 45, 50?

This thread, was about, a comparison between three subjects. One of which tells you not to fuck people.
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