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Because my cum dripped down the leg doesn't mean I don't know what it takes to raise a kid.

You're a dog, barking up a tree, without realizing it's a shagbark hickory you're trying to get traction upon.

(Yeah, that was funny. Shagbark...damn my thinking.)
Quaint picture you paint. Emotional frat boy response but uncalled for and certainly lacking humor. Drew Barrymore was an alcoholic before becoming a teen, not really a good one to pick.
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Quaint picture you paint. Emotional frat boy response but uncalled for and certainly lacking humor. Drew Barrymore was an alcoholic before becoming a teen, not really a good one to pick.
Did ya just call me a "frat boy?" Okay. You are a dumb fuck. Give memory retention a try. It works.

If you stopped, for one second, and thought about that comment you'd know how stupid it was. You have seen me post and comment for two decades. Frat boy? Dumb shit; in every way you can image that being a description.

You have no idea what you are commenting on here. My comparison to Drew was spot on. But, you have no idea how much she's read. Or, how smart (despite being pretty stupid on some things) she is.

Hey. I"m okay. I deal with a dumb ass every day of the week, somewhere. Do you want to approach this conversation in a different tone?
Did ya just call me a "frat boy?" Okay. You are a dumb fuck. Give memory retention a try. It works.

If you stopped, for one second, and thought about that comment you'd know how stupid it was. You have seen me post and comment for two decades. Frat boy? Dumb shit; in every way you can image that being a description.

You have no idea what you are commenting on here. My comparison to Drew was spot on. But, you have no idea how much she's read. Or, how smart (despite being pretty stupid on some things) she is.

Hey. I"m okay. I deal with a dumb ass every day of the week, somewhere. Do you want to approach this conversation in a different tone?
Calling something an emotional frat boy response is not calling you a frat boy. Someone with your literacy acumen should have ascertained that, however I doubt that I would have gotten a different reply if I had used infantile or any other phrase that would have pointed out the simplistic vulgar retort to a question about any progeny that you may or may not have. You know that I’m not a dumb fuck, just not as educated as yourself. You also know education isn’t necessarily an indicator of intelligence. Who cares how many books Drew Barrymore has read, for all I know she may have sprang to mind when you started freewheeling leg humping scenarios. You set the tone not I.
Calling something an emotional frat boy response is not calling you a frat boy. Someone with your literacy acumen should have ascertained that, however I doubt that I would have gotten a different reply if I had used infantile or any This other phrase that would have pointed out the simplistic vulgar retort to a question about any progeny that you may or may not have. You know that I’m not a dumb fuck, just not as educated as yourself. You also know education isn’t necessarily an indicator of intelligence. Who cares how many books Drew Barrymore has read, for all I know she may have sprang to mind when you started freewheeling leg humping scenarios. You set the tone not I.
This is good. Gonna come back...

I'm stocking the freezer tonight...I'm after Redfish. Not make someone a red ass.
This is good. Gonna come back...

I'm stocking the freezer tonight...I'm after Redfish. Not make someone a red ass.
Best of luck with the redfish. Rare that I allow myself to become flustered or angered. I spent my career with the real danger of one of my departments costing the company $100K or more per hour in fines for shutting down a customers production. Couple of close calls but left with a perfect record. Ice water for blood.
Best of luck with the redfish. Rare that I allow myself to become flustered or angered. I spent my career with the real danger of one of my departments costing the company $100K or more per hour in fines for shutting down a customers production. Couple of close calls but left with a perfect record. Ice water for blood.
Oh. Dude. We'll hit them tonight. One of the best things in my life is meeting, and fishing, with some of the old farts in town. It's a sport, they own. Remind you of something?

It's almost dark. We're taking a tri-toon in saltwater tonight. (I might have a beer in the cooler)

I'm finished with bass fishing this year.Thowing them back state. Got closed to 40 in the freezer. I'm going to add eight to nine Reds...then hit salmon.

Do you see how easy it is to love life?
Redfish... (Homer Simpson drool...)
The water wasn't "clear," but it was calm. Not glass, per se', but pretty damn close. I went with cut mullet for bait, another friend went with menhaden. Both worked equally as well. Another friend was using pinfish. Didn't work that night. I was going to use some top water jigs...left the damn things on the kitchen table.

It's really a fairly easy catch around here...the marshes are easy to find, tidal creeks they love...you get into the flats with the right boat and your "golden."

In the kayak groups you don't judge by weight, you judge by inches. I didn't measure the catch. My "fish cutting board" is 24" wide...all six I cleaned yesterday almost covered the board. So, gotta figure. average of about 18" or so...probably 2.5 to 3 lbs.

Here's another example of things I laugh at...

That's roughly 10 meals that cost me about $3 (bait.) I was fishing. It wasn't my turn to pay for the gas...so, caught that break. But seriously...hanging out with two friends, on the water, at night, having a few beers and chatting...all the while stocking the freezer.
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