| FTBL If you're like me and still have room to hate Notre Dame

I don't understand trying to hit the players...........but throwing them at the coach would be entirely acceptable!

Maybe they'll continue on this road for several years, each year losing more and more interest, until it is in their best interest to join the Big 10.
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
rick4bama said:
Maybe this is the way ND will find them a QB.

:lol: Good point, Rick. Somebody in the stands has got to be better than Clausen.
Hey offensive guru 2 years ago Clausen was the best thing since sliced bread coming out of H.S. Now you over rated Charlie Tuna fat ass can start looking for a OFF. CORD. job in the NFL I hear Cincy needs some help! :lol: :lol: :lol:
How can it be considered an upset? I mean really!

Notre Dumb is thw worst team in the nation with the best luck!(Besides WSU) :D
bear facts said:
HiTide said:
I don't understand trying to hit the players...........but throwing them at the coach would be entirely acceptable!

Weis is too easy of a target to hit.
His name is Charlie Tuna! From now on. :lol: :lol: Freaking Syracuse your Kidding right Charlie! Greg Robinson couldn't Coach his way out of a paper bag! :lol:
porkchop said:
Here's another reason. Hate their fans too! Works for me. :D :wink:

fans bombard their own team

I read a thread today from an LSU fan talking about this...basically saying, "at least we aren't ND fans."

That got me to thinking...

IF it had snowed in BR, and the fans had access to make and throw snowballs, there's seems it's a likely chance the team would have outnumbered those in the stands within throwing distance.
TerryP said:
I read a thread today from an LSU fan talking about this...basically saying, "at least we aren't ND fans."

That got me to thinking...

IF it had snowed in BR, and the fans had access to make and throw snowballs, there's seems it's a likely chance the team would have outnumbered those in the stands within throwing distance.

wonder how many fans would throw a pick six :D
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