| FTBL I hope nobody gets their feelings hurt......



We could drop in the polls. Mark Mays ESPN says we should be #5 with TX, MO, and LSU being at the #2 spot. Of course this is his opinion and just his opinion.
Re: I hope nobody gets there feelings hurt......

Bamatilldeath said:
We could drop in the polls. Mark Mays ESPN says we should be #5 with TX, MO, and LSU being at the #2 spot. Of course this is his opinion and just his opinion.

He's probably right.
Hell, I hope we do drop. We have no business as high as #2 anyway. They gave us that ranking based on the emotion of the beat down we gave UGA. We are still pretty young, not deep, and in a cutthroat conference. If they demote us to 4 or 5, then that means LSU will be ahead of us. Guess what? We play them later on. I guess Missouri will be ahead too, and right now, they are beating the mess out of the Blackshirts. Texas will be ahead of us, and eventually they will have to play either Oklahoma or Missouri.

It will settle itself out. If OU goes undefeated, they will stay #1. If Bama continues to win and wins out, we will be #2, and I'm gonna be the first SOB on the plane to Miami...
That's right Porter. The Big 12 is very top-heavy, and it's going to slim down some in the next couple weeks. I was hoping for some help from Colorado or NEbraska today, but I it looks like that was a bit too much to ask for.

One more thing: It seems like LSU is always off. And when they are playing, it seems like they are always playing in the state of Louisiana. I know it's just my perception, but still..... :D
Bamatilldeath said:
We could drop in the polls. Mark Mays ESPN says we should be #5 with TX, MO, and LSU being at the #2 spot. Of course this is his opinion and just his opinion.

I see that as a good thing actually. It might bother me if the teams ahead of us were USC and Ohio State with no one left on their schedule, but of those teams only one from the list will come from the west and we have a game with LSU. Maybe it would re-light the fire these guys had a game and a half ago.
Bamatilldeath said:
We could drop in the polls. Mark Mays ESPN says we should be #5 with TX, MO, and LSU being at the #2 spot. Of course this is his opinion and just his opinion.

I even said last week that #2 was a bit high for us. I am with Coach Saban on this....it does not matter to me. Being #2 does not mean anything yet.
#5 is fair. I'm not going to worry about that because it doesn't matter at this point. The only thing we have won thus far is Bowl Eligibility. And, we have not played ourselves out of any possibilities including WINNING THE NEXT GAME, which is the main thing. Aight? :D
ExiledTidefan said:
Hell, I hope we do drop. We have no business as high as #2 anyway. They gave us that ranking based on the emotion of the beat down we gave UGA. We are still pretty young, not deep, and in a cutthroat conference. If they demote us to 4 or 5, then that means LSU will be ahead of us. Guess what? We play them later on. I guess Missouri will be ahead too, and right now, they are beating the mess out of the Blackshirts. Texas will be ahead of us, and eventually they will have to play either Oklahoma or Missouri.

It will settle itself out. If OU goes undefeated, they will stay #1. If Bama continues to win and wins out, we will be #2, and I'm gonna be the first SOB on the plane to Miami...

Now, wait just a second here guys. If USC gets beat by at 1-2 team only drops 8 spots. Then why should we drop 3 spots for winning?

Just thought I'd throw it out there? I agree, #2 is high but, something is not adding up here?
I hope we get dropped in the rankings...we're a young team and it's going to be tough for a young team to handle expectations. All we need to do is to keep winning our football games, continue to get better each week and the rest will take care of itself.
Are you guys serious? We should still remain number two. We played against a good 4-0 team and won. Not only that we played through alot of adversary yesterday. Leigh didn't do well at all and the calls where very bad. Other than that our team played great. I think that if we go down the ladder our teams confidence will go down and self doubt will set in.
I think some of the voters will consider the SEC toughness and even as KY being a pretty good defensive team allowing about 8 pts. average through five games now. But I think most voters are impressed with the other top five teams putting up those 40 and 50 burgers.

But agreed if we continue taking care of each opponent, we 'should' be in the mix. I just hope that we continue to improve like good teams do.

The reality is that if when the rest of our games by small margins, we possibly could be on the 'outside looking in'. We have all seen good teams not getting a look toward the end of the season.

But hey, lets not get the cart ahead of the horse. The most important game next step is 'Bye' I mean Ole Miss.
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