| FTBL HELP! I missed the game.


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And, I need info. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? Those stats look horrible. ON papaer it sounds like we couldn't pass the ball or protect JPW and the 4th quarter we barely touched the ball!!!

I was stuck with a bunch of FSU fans, but I did get updates now and again, and it looked like we were running away with it.... So, like a bad fan, I didn't even sneak out to the truck to listen to Eli.

Can somebody fill me in without using the JPW is a headcase thing?
You know, I just caught a little bit of the game, and it wasn't that bad. Granted, I can't say much because I didn't see much. But, I get the feeling of panic from every news outlet in Alabama and Florida. Was it really that bad?
Basically you missed a lot of incomplete passes, some stalled runs, followed by punting. Repeat.

Every now and then a special teams touchdown.

All day long our defense held them to two field goals.

That is the story as I saw it.
ijijmijij said:
Basically you missed a lot of incomplete passes, some stalled runs, followed by punting. Repeat.

With a sack of JPW sprinked in there a few times. Offense, well there was little of it on our side of the ball. We may have scored another TD or two if Arenas hadn't got his bell rung on one punt return. TD's coming from a punt return that is. All said I have to give kudos to the Tulane quarterback, he played a heck of a game IMO.
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