| FTBL Help anyone know a link to the game



So my ISP TWC sucks doesn't carry espn 360 is there any links yahoo, tidecast, etc. that is going to show the game.

It's 7 in the moring, I'm like a school boy all pumped up.
LOL, I just read the thread about the regional coverages. I'm sorry for you Bama fans on the west coast.

Hope you get to see it! RTR
Hey Optimus,

It's not free (you'll see a ton of packages which are really cheap) but the coverage is assured by NASN channel (North American Sports Network). You'll see a schedule when you are signed up.


You'll need Winup and H264 codec to run those streams, but quality in NASN channel is amazing!! (you'll see on the forums how to handle that and some streams for free to check it out before you are signed up)

If you need something more to know, just ask me.

Optimus, we're just screwed lol!! :lol:
:cry: :cry:

I think I'm gonna pull up gametrax on ESPN and watch that and maybe just listen to zbq or another online station that may carry the game.
porkchop said:
Optimus, we're just screwed lol!! :lol:
:cry: :cry:

I think I'm gonna pull up gametrax on ESPN and watch that and maybe just listen to zbq or another online station that may carry the game.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! There has to be a way!
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