"Get to know each other" game?

I was at an event with my coworkers, we had cheese and wine. Pretty fancy for me, I usually just eat beer and mac and cheese lol.

How old were you when you dated your first boyfriend / girlfriend?
My Dad.

Other than your current home county (for AL residents), where would you most want to live in the great State of Alabama?

For me, I'm officially a GA resident right now, but I would say that living in the rolling hills of Clay or Randolph County, on the shores Lake Logan Martin or Smith Lake, or a little place on the Eastern Shore in Point Clear/Fairhope are on my short list.


Ohhhh I really liked Fairhope and Daphne .. So pretty. Had a great meal at Manci's in Daphne. I only drove through the hills up north but that was also real nice.

What was your favorite class in school?
I wanted to be a gold medal winning swimmer in the 2008 Olympics, and a veterinarian, graduating from U. Penn. Neither happened.

If you could go back in time and spend 2 minutes with any person, living or dead, in your life .. who would it be?
Heights. As the son of a builder, I spent a good bit of time on scaffolding, partially built decks and roofs. I absolutely hate it, but force myself to do it. Roofers charge less if the shingles are already along the ridgeline of the roof instead of on the ground. That was one of my jobs.

When and where was the last wedding you attended, or is there one in your near future? My oldest gets married this weekend in Bham.


1973 it was my wife friend from high school. The next one will be for my grand kids. Which will be a very long time. i don't go to any wedding.

Have you been in a car accident?
My oldest gets married this weekend in Bham.

Congrats Tim! :-)

I get some food that is horrible for me (fried chicken, mac and cheese or mashed potatoes, ice cream, beer), sit in my chair, wear the first Alabama shirt I ever got, and get pumped. I usually have had to watch games alone. I miss being in DC, they had a great Bama bar ..

How old were you when you realized you were no longer a child? (like, when you realized your childhood ended?) For me, it was 9/11. I was in 5th grade (I know, I'm the baby of this forum).
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