Gather 'round - Serious business

I will put in whatever's necessary. In all honesty, it's turning out like it might not be necessary for me to put in much financially up front (much thanks to everyone who has given) which I never imagined would be the case, but I'm pretty sure I will spend over 50 hours working on it over the next 2-3 weeks just to get it up and will probably continue having to make tweaks for the first couple months. I also don't expect it to pay for itself, at least not unless we're able to grow it over the next year, so I'm sure I will be picking up the tab at some point.

All of that plus the annual cost of the domain registry. Been there done that. I spent less money on Woolly because the base software was free, as was the hosting. I did spend about 80 hours of my free time getting it setup and tweaking in the first few weeks. Part of that was because I had no experience running a message board. Although the software will be different, at least Hanni will have some experience to use, so maybe it will take less time.
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OK...Biff*. Pundit's not donating. He's already said that. At least he's up front about it. So when is the deadline on the whole "wait and see what the top poster donates".
Your reputation as donation chairperson/treasury is soiled. I'm thinking we might need to move on and replace you with someone who doesn't have an asterisk. It doesn't look good.
Should we put a donation thread in the football section? Like you said, Hannibal, a lot of people didnt see it int he Welcome post. When I first got here, I pretty much stopped reading the post once I saw I was in the right place. I'm assuming some of those guys might donate, but right now this place is solely going to be funded by Asylum folks. They might like to invest too?
Should we put a donation thread in the football section? Like you said, Hannibal, a lot of people didnt see it int he Welcome post. When I first got here, I pretty much stopped reading the post once I saw I was in the right place. I'm assuming some of those guys might donate, but right now this place is solely going to be funded by Asylum folks. They might like to invest too?
We may have found our donation chairperson/ treasurer replacement for Mr. Asterisk. Congrats to Mr. Banker Balls.

:beer cheer:
Should we put a donation thread in the football section? Like you said, Hannibal, a lot of people didnt see it int he Welcome post. When I first got here, I pretty much stopped reading the post once I saw I was in the right place. I'm assuming some of those guys might donate, but right now this place is solely going to be funded by Asylum folks. They might like to invest too?

I don't want to make people feel like I'm being overbearing or just trying to drum up money for my personal benefit. I could never be a salesperson as a career.

I'm disappointed that you didn't even bother to read my entire welcome post though. Your uncle sure didn't rub off on you too much.
I don't want to make people feel like I'm being overbearing or just trying to drum up money for my personal benefit. I could never be a salesperson as a career.

I'm disappointed that you didn't even bother to read my entire welcome post though. Your uncle sure didn't rub off on you too much.

Hey now. I think you've got us confused. Larry would have already pissed off everybody and figured out a way to steal from the pot by now.
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