| FTBL Freddie Roach Update

crimsnkentucky said:
No link. Consider this the link.

Consider this blown off. Let me guys, CNS realized that the weight room always has room for one more dumbbell?

As for the LBs, same line as above, only the need was for a tackling dummy, Right?
LBS said:
crimsnkentucky said:
No link. Consider this the link.

Consider this blown off. Let me guys, CNS realized that the weight room always has room for one more dumbbell?

As for the LBs, same line as above, only the need was for a tackling dummy, Right?

What the....? trust me CK has no need to lie.
Bamasball said:
LBS said:
crimsnkentucky said:
No link. Consider this the link.

Consider this blown off. Let me guys, CNS realized that the weight room always has room for one more dumbbell?

As for the LBs, same line as above, only the need was for a tackling dummy, Right?

What the....? trust me CK has no need to lie.

Help us understand the logic in such a move?
FWIW, RT, I've heard the same thing.

As to why, I'd offer the notion why not? Having another coach in the weight room working with linebackers (especially considering the # of new ones we'll have arriving on campus) can only be a good thing.

I'm not really surprised we haven't seen a formal announcement about this. It's a step above being hired as a GA, but a step below the roles a few other coaches in the program have.
Guys if crimsnkentucky says it, you can trust him. He has top quality connections, most of which are the players themselves. He isn't someone who needs a link to make his statements credible.
LBS said:
crimsnkentucky said:
No link. Consider this the link.

Consider this blown off. Let me guys, CNS realized that the weight room always has room for one more dumbbell?

As for the LBs, same line as above, only the need was for a tackling dummy, Right?

Please allow me to right my wrongs.

First, I apologize to Freddie Roach. Call it a brain-fart, but when I read CK's mentioning of "Freddie Roach" immediately someone else came to mind, and my "dumbbell" and "dummy" comments were directed at that individual, NOT AT FREDDIE.

As for me dismissing CK's comment, I still feel the same. That has nothing to do with CK, but has everything to do with never trusting a single-source report. This policy is a bedrock of sound media reporting, and until there are multiple sources, I consider these matters rumors. True, all current facts began as single-source reports, but I am prepared to wait. If you need a classic examples, recall the Dewey Beats Truman report on the front page of the Chicago Daily Tribune or the rush crown Gore President in 2000. In both cases one was better for holding acceptance of the word coming down. -- My disregarding of CK's comment is not a comment about CK. CK's reputation and validity to this sight can neither be helped or hurt by LBS. I want CK to continue doing what CK does.
LBS said:
LBS said:
crimsnkentucky said:
No link. Consider this the link.

Consider this blown off. Let me guys, CNS realized that the weight room always has room for one more dumbbell?

As for the LBs, same line as above, only the need was for a tackling dummy, Right?

Please allow me to right my wrongs.

First, I apologize to Freddie Roach. Call it a brain-fart, but when I read CK's mentioning of "Freddie Roach" immediately someone else came to mind, and my "dumbbell" and "dummy" comments were directed at that individual, NOT AT FREDDIE.

As for me dismissing CK's comment, I still feel the same. That has nothing to do with CK, but has everything to do with never trusting a single-source report. This policy is a bedrock of sound media reporting, and until there are multiple sources, I consider these matters rumors. True, all current facts began as single-source reports, but I am prepared to wait. If you need a classic examples, recall the Dewey Beats Truman report on the front page of the Chicago Daily Tribune or the rush crown Gore President in 2000. In both cases one was better for holding acceptance of the word coming down. -- My disregarding of CK's comment is not a comment about CK. CK's reputation and validity to this sight can neither be helped or hurt by LBS. I want CK to continue doing what CK does.

Talking about yourself in the 3rd person now, are we?!? :lol:

FWIW, I suspect that CnK got his verification of the story directly from Roach.

One other thing. This story broke, or first hit the public eyes (if you call it that) back during the coaches clinic when Freddie was very involved in and around the proceedings. There was enough reason at that time to suspect there may be conversations happening between Saban and Freddie at that time.
TerryP said:
LBS said:
LBS said:
crimsnkentucky said:
No link. Consider this the link.

Consider this blown off. Let me guys, CNS realized that the weight room always has room for one more dumbbell?

As for the LBs, same line as above, only the need was for a tackling dummy, Right?

Please allow me to right my wrongs.

First, I apologize to Freddie Roach. Call it a brain-fart, but when I read CK's mentioning of "Freddie Roach" immediately someone else came to mind, and my "dumbbell" and "dummy" comments were directed at that individual, NOT AT FREDDIE.

As for me dismissing CK's comment, I still feel the same. That has nothing to do with CK, but has everything to do with never trusting a single-source report. This policy is a bedrock of sound media reporting, and until there are multiple sources, I consider these matters rumors. True, all current facts began as single-source reports, but I am prepared to wait. If you need a classic examples, recall the Dewey Beats Truman report on the front page of the Chicago Daily Tribune or the rush crown Gore President in 2000. In both cases one was better for holding acceptance of the word coming down. -- My disregarding of CK's comment is not a comment about CK. CK's reputation and validity to this sight can neither be helped or hurt by LBS. I want CK to continue doing what CK does.

Talking about yourself in the 3rd person now, are we?!? :lol:

FWIW, I suspect that CnK got his verification of the story directly from Roach.

One other thing. This story broke, or first hit the public eyes (if you call it that) back during the coaches clinic when Freddie was very involved in and around the proceedings. There was enough reason at that time to suspect there may be conversations happening between Saban and Freddie at that time.

I think CnK talked Freddie directly :) straight from the horses mouth..so to speak.
I haven't asked CnK if that was the case. But, considering Freddie was a part of his tailgate during the A-day festivities and he's been a guest in the last 5-6 on "Talk of Champions" it's a safe assumption he just picked up the phone and asked. It's not difficult and by far it isn't close to being bothersome to ex-players, players and coaches to have friendships with people that support the program.
TerryP said:
I haven't asked CnK if that was the case. But, considering Freddie was a part of his tailgate during the A-day festivities and he's been a guest in the last 5-6 on "Talk of Champions" it's a safe assumption he just picked up the phone and asked. It's not difficult and by far it isn't close to being bothersome to ex-players, players and coaches to have friendships with people that support the program.

Basically what I have read and what I was saying :)
LBS said:
First, I apologize to Freddie Roach. Call it a brain-fart, but when I read CK's mentioning of "Freddie Roach" immediately someone else came to mind, and my "dumbbell" and "dummy" comments were directed at that individual, NOT AT FREDDIE.

Glad I read down to this...I was about to unload. Freddie was a great LB and a weightroom warrior. I have little doubt that he will make a great S&C coach for someone. Taking a position in our program is a great starting point.

As for the other stuff...I agree with Terry. I have been wrong about a think or two in history = for example, I was 100% convinced that Tuberville was gone (and it was closer to happening than you would imagine)...my information came directly from a high placed member of the Auburn BOT who was convinced that he was gone. I stated at the time that I had reason to believe it would happen but I was not absolutely positive it would - only that he wanted to leave and there were people in high places who wanted him gone. 2+2=4 All that being said, I prefaced my statements as such. I knew that Saban was hired before it was announced because I had 3 rock solid sources who knew, and one in Montgomery who made it 100% certain.

When judging commentary and insider info, use logic. Speculation on Tuberville is not the same as a statment about Freddie. I was wrong and Tubbs stayed...oh well. If Freddie was not hired...oh well. Neither one is of consequence if you believe it and it turns out to be incorrect. Just file it away under Dewey Defeats Truman - that is, a normally reliable source was wrong about something. That does not make a pattern or invalidate CnK's outstanding connections.
Talking about yourself in the 3rd person now, are we?!?
FWIW, Yes. I do from time to time. I trust no one was thrown by that. This should not be an issue considering the masses that join me in not posting by our real names.

FWIW, I suspect that CnK got his verification of the story directly from Roach.
This still does not change the fact that it is a wise practice on my part to get a second opinion, unless it is Freddie himself...at least that's what Ian told me :D

My previous post still applies.
Glad I read down to this...I was about to unload.
As it turns out, you and I don't necessarily disagree, but regardless of how that turned out..."Unload"? Heaven forbid anyone express a counter opinion to yours. Hey, surely I did not just return from the Middle East because FREEDOM OF SPEECH was on of our rights. It may be me but but "Agreeing to disagree" and "Unloading" don't seem in line with one another. People have a right to be an idiot, and I KNOW PEOPLE WHO HAVE DIED DEFENDING THAT IDIOT'S RIGHT TO BE THAT WAY. But for the grace of GOD, I was not one of them.


That does not make a pattern or invalidate CnK's outstanding connections.
I concur wholly. To my knowledge no one has so much as implied a "pattern", nor discussed the validity of CK's connections. For my part, I simply declined to accept a one source report. I am not alone. How many have replied to a post by asking for a LINK?

CK's being the first I heard it from only stress these favorable traits.
LBS said:
Talking about yourself in the 3rd person now, are we?!?
FWIW, Yes. I do from time to time. I trust no one was thrown by that. This should not be an issue considering the masses that join me in not posting by our real names.

I wasn't making a jab about it. I found it funny. It reminded me of an episode of Seinfeld when they met the guy in the gym that always referred to himself in the third person and then George took it up as well.

FWIW, I suspect that CnK got his verification of the story directly from Roach. This still does not change the fact that it is a wise practice on my part to get a second opinion, unless it is Freddie himself...at least that's what Ian told me :D

My previous post still applies.

I don't read Ian's stuff that much unless I know it's just a blatant effort to seem like he's in the know and I know exactly where he's getting his information from. As example, when we were looking for an OC the list he put out there came directly from an article that was speculating on the situation...it was posted on BOL. Out of the 7-8 names he listed only one of them was even in the picture.

That's one thing that strikes me funny when I see people asking for links in threads. What, are they supposed to link an article by Ian? As often as he's wrong, suddenly he's a credible verification to a story?

This message board world we choose to abide in certainly can be entertaining in more ways than one.
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