If you believe equal rights is “indoctrination” is that all you on your side can come with?Indoctrination has taught you well …Like I said beware of whom you label with your slurs… one day it’s not going go to well…if someone does not want to wear a shirt or support lefty causes just Let them alone…Sports should not be a place to pick a political side…all should be comfortable just being fans..people that are set in their ways have a right to be..
Calling somebody a bigot that’s a bigot isn’t a slur, it’s called a fact.
Again equal rights isn’t a “lefty cause”, but I’m beginning to believe you’re not going to understand that. It’s also not a “political side”.
People that are set in their ways have a right to be…..so it’s only your rights you care about or for the people that are like minded like you? Because I’m fine with people believing in a god, but it’s those same people that try to force their beliefs onto others, but it’s buttered up and called “evangelism”, so you agree then that religion has no place in overall society