| CURRENT EVENTS Following Provorov's stance on Flyer's "Pride Night," NY Rangers "ditch LBGTQ+ jerseys."

No Theologian here, but I thought Catholics were a form of Christianity whose basic version are the same but different denominations. Splitting hairs I know, but I dont think they are a different religious belief like Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and the likes.
There is enough difference between Catholics and Protestants that they still kill each other over it. But yeah, they both fall under Christian just like Sunni and Shiite fall under Islam.
No Theologian here, but I thought Catholics were a form of Christianity whose basic version are the same but different denominations. Splitting hairs I know, but I dont think they are a different religious belief like Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and the likes.
That was my mistake, bringing up Catholics. I believe they’re a form Christianity just different ideas, rules or whatever
No Theologian here, but I thought Catholics were a form of Christianity whose basic version are the same but different denominations. Splitting hairs I know, but I dont think they are a different religious belief like Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and the likes.

Christians, including Catholics, are distinct from the others you mentioned, specifically through Jesus Christ. There is no way to salvation but through Christ. This Biblical absolute makes us Christians intolerant. If we were just as flexible as muslims who take slight offense to images of their god...
Christians, including Catholics, are distinct from the others you mentioned, specifically through Jesus Christ. There is no way to salvation but through Christ. This Biblical absolute makes us Christians intolerant. If we were just as flexible as muslims who take slight offense to images of their god...
I believe it's images of the prophet that is the issue.
Christians, including Catholics, are distinct from the others you mentioned, specifically through Jesus Christ. There is no way to salvation but through Christ. This Biblical absolute makes us Christians intolerant. If we were just as flexible as muslims who take slight offense to images of their god...
I’m curious what makes the Christian Bible the truth compared to the others? I’m honestly curious
@ElephantStomp IF there's only 144,00 making it with the Jehovah's Witness group...why are they knocking on doors? You don't want a bigger pool, right?
There is so much to that number and belief that it is laughable. I mean, every sect has their stupid beliefs but that one is a major piece of their whole structure.

I have read the Book of Mormon as my dad was nominally Mormon (raised that way but not practicing) and we had it around the house along with missionaries visiting trying to get him back into the fold. Nice little piece of writing. Much like every other Holy Book it is primarily structured so one group of people can rule over the others more easily.
I’m curious what makes the Christian Bible the truth compared to the others? I’m honestly curious
It contains hundreds of fulfilled prophesies. For example, Daniel 2 predicts the next 3 world empires after the Babylonian Empire up to and including the Roman Empire and their falls. Daniel was a captive of the Babylonians and God revealed to him the dream Nebuchadnezzar had of the future World Empires, Medo-Persia, Greek, and Roman. Eleven prophesies (enter Jerusalem on a colt, be sold for 30 pieces of silver, be crucified with thieves, etc) concerning Christ from Micah, Isaiah, and Zechariah were assigned odds. They prophesied hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. The combined probability of the events being fulfilled by any one man's life was calculated conservatively to be 10 to the 19 power. Yet each and every one came true. Archaeological example, excavations of Jericho reveals that the walls did fall exactly as described in the book of Joshua. There are hundreds of other examples.
It contains hundreds of fulfilled prophesies. For example, Daniel 2 predicts the next 3 world empires after the Babylonian Empire up to and including the Roman Empire and their falls. Daniel was a captive of the Babylonians and God revealed to him the dream Nebuchadnezzar had of the future World Empires, Medo-Persia, Greek, and Roman. Eleven prophesies (enter Jerusalem on a colt, be sold for 30 pieces of silver, be crucified with thieves, etc) concerning Christ from Micah, Isaiah, and Zechariah were assigned odds. They prophesied hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. The combined probability of the events being fulfilled by any one man's life was calculated conservatively to be 10 to the 19 power. Yet each and every one came true. Archaeological example, excavations of Jericho reveals that the walls did fall exactly as described in the book of Joshua. There are hundreds of other examples.
But, what makes this different than the Quran, the catholic bible, etc.
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