šŸˆ ESPN needs to go

Good lord, do what I did five years ago and stop watching SportsCenter. You whiners crack me up. Pick up your remote and change the friggin' channel -- or better yet -- turn the TV off and get your sports news off the web. Apparently, the worst thing ESPN has done is made us lazy.
reger60 said:
Good lord, do what I did five years ago and stop watching SportsCenter. You whiners crack me up. Pick up your remote and change the friggin' channel -- or better yet -- turn the TV off and get your sports news off the web. Apparently, the worst thing ESPN has done is made us lazy.

Back in the late mid-90's to late 90's I'll admit I watched Sportscenter several times a day. Heck, turn it on in the AM and just let it run.

But, things have changed dramatically, haven't they. Replay's, with the growth of video's on demand the the progression of sports sites on the web are beginning to make shows like Sportscenter obsolete...much like the print media. It's akin to sports radio which I still listen to, but not as much.

Sensationalism has taken over that medium. No doubt. But, on a Saturday when you are watching football you can't tell me there isn't a soul here that doesn't flip to one of the ESPN channels to watch the bottom line.

The only sports channel (that I watch) that has maintained its purity is the Golf Channel. As to the rest of it, who cares?

Gone are the 900 numbers to keep up with recruiting. Gone are the days we waited for the next days newspapers to find out what was happening. Now, we get news a couple of days before the print media gets it. Heck, we sit here and watch the press conferences that happen at Alabama and then sit back and laugh at who they are interpreted by the media knowing all along, "he didn't say that."

Hell, last night we knew of Jordan's commitment before any of the major sites had a word up about it.

If I may add, ESPN360 is quickly becoming a replacement for the few ESPN channels...especially when you can plug your laptop into your TV with an S-video outlet and watch any game you want with a click of the mouse.

Geez, makes you wonder how many people actually walk into a Blockbuster any more when you can download the movie, plug it into the TV and within a very short span of time watch any movie you want!!!
reger60 said:
Good lord, do what I did five years ago and stop watching SportsCenter. You whiners crack me up. Pick up your remote and change the friggin' channel -- or better yet -- turn the TV off and get your sports news off the web. Apparently, the worst thing ESPN has done is made us lazy.

I agree. I don't watch ESPN and probably won't until Bama is on top again. I really only watch it for Alabama, so there is no need to go back for a while.

There are only two announcers worth my time...Rece and Kirk. That's all. :)
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