Again those three reporters didn’t at any time post his aircraft’s location. They all three reported on his banning the ElonJet account and were and have been previously critical of Elon, so no they weren’t “doxxing” him. He’s just a thin skinned child.Here we are again.
If you're giving real time locations of an individual, you're doxxing the location of that individual. There is no gray area there.
ElonJet tracking and providing his location is for what purpose? These "reporters" doing the same is for what purpose? What's their intended end game?
I don't necessarily like Elon but I don't dislike him as well. And I'm certainly not one you can label as "on the right."
You may not see this, but he's been good for discourse because he's upset the status quo. Whether you claim to be on the right, or on the left, having someone stand up for individual rights and freedoms versus group rights is a good thing: needed.
He’s not standing up for individual rights, he’s standing up for the rights of people that agree with him, so no I don’t think he’s been for discourse at all. Now, I love everything SpaceX has done and will continue to do and I owned a Tesla until I upgraded, but as for Twitter I think he’s been terrible unless you agree with him and/or on the right.