I understand this is another cheap shot at me but I agree actually. I literally have family members that don't speak to me simply because of who I do or don't vote for, except this isn't some new phenomenon. It's been like this. My uncle told me that I should have been aborted when I told him I voted for Obama in 2008. And you may say "well, Im sure you're as outspoken about your views to them as you are on here" but Im not. After the first few times of being told what a dipshit I was for not having the same views I completely stopped taking part in those discussions at family gatherings but a certain family member still attempts to troll me into getting into an argument. This is definitely not a new thing.
That actually brings me back to hearing Squirell (I think thats who it was) on Finebaum last week breaking out into this argument about how the divide in this country is all the Democrats faults because of how they've responded to Trump and have "treated" him and said it was something we've never seen before. He's not the only one I've seen make that claim and Im pretty sure I've seen it on here. It's 1000% a lie. Well, either people have selective memories or they are lying one or the other.
We've talked and understand each other a little better, so I'm gonna try and slow it down the best I can. When Democrats are in office it's always about handcuffing growth with regulations, while Republicans want as much growth as possible and little regulation so they can seize more profits. Democrats are known for their socioeconomics where they try and take from the rich and give to the poor (raising taxes) with social programs that have clearly spiraled out of control from their initial intent. I agree that in one time or another we have all needed help from someone, so the initial thoughts of helping those in need is something I believe any human with a heart could have gotten behind. BUT, give a mouse a cookie and he wants a glass of milk scenario has played out and now we have people voting for the Democrats because they are promised free phones and much more. There is a notion, one backed up once you peel the layers out of 2,000 page bills that show the Democrats want to buy votes from the lower income level citizens by simply giving them more money with asking for nothing in return other than voting for them. Republicans are known for deregulation and an open market that allows anyone and everything to benefit if they have the drive. Democrats want more money in the form of taxes from upper and middle class earners to pay for their pet projects to give it to the lower class. This isn't my thought, this is reality. Most of us here are middle to upper class earners (atleast that's my guess), so trying to take money out of our pockets to pay for the "rights" of illegal immigrants and other deadbeats mooching off society is a hard no. Like I had wrote to you in our DM, it's simply not right to continue giving and earmarking money from hard working people for it to only be given to those taking advantage of the system without laws. Give them coupons for bread and milk, not allowing them to buy steaks and Cokes. We have learned that this "may make those people feel embarrassed", so we open up and allow them to buy whatever they want, and you see food stamp recipients walking out of the store with more name brand food and supplies than someone using their paycheck, on top of those food stamps being sold for less cash so they can buy liquor and cigarettes. Will that little rant being said, it's no wonder that a lot of Americans see the Democrats as losing money to in an election because investing tightens up with a Democrat in office due to regulation. With that being said, I know there are also more white collar crimes when there is deregulation because big banks and Wall Street are behind a lot of dirty money at the expense of lower and middle income earners. The housing market is a great example, but with that you gotta have two to tango and you have a combination of smart intelligent money men and idiot borrowers. Both sides have their faults, but investors hold their money when Democrats are in charge and therefor markets showcase that in a lot of cases.
As far as all of the "stupid" comments, none of them are stupid. They may say dumb things or make you turn your head sideways like a dog hearing a weird sound, but none of them are stupid. Most of them have degrees and careers that they worked VERY hard for, and a stupid person couldn't have done. The only person I have found to be a complete dumbass stupid idiot is AOC. This chick is unbelievably stupid and will not win another term for everything she has costed her district. She won a small neighborhood with no voter turnout and simply the perfect storm for that race, not some well thought out strategic race that caught the nation's eye. Schiff, he's a piece of work, a liar, and a guy that would stab you in the back in two seconds simply from what he has shown to get on tv, but he's not stupid. As a matter of fact, most politicians are like him, Republican and Democrat. Here we are all fighting against one another, exactly what a handful of people want us to do, and in the end none of the elected officials give one fuck about any of us. Politicians make a salary that most of us here probably make and relatively modest, yet they are all millionaires. How does that happen? They are all cashing in at our expense through lobbyist and back door deals with foreign countries. They want to muddy the water on a day to day to get us to fight, that way there is zero attention to what is really happening in Washington. So let's please admit to one another that both sides of the aisle are garbage. We can align with a side that is built more towards our lifestyle and the type of worker we are, but one side is no more dumber than the other side in this whole thing. Has the tensions not increased in this country? Are politicians not going above and beyond to create narratives? Why you may ask? To keep us in the dark and keep us down. Eventually the cream rises and these slimeballs are now being scrutinized like never before and it leads to them trying to get us to turn on each other.
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