| LIFE CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

The timeline of events really needs to be investigated. There was some real buffoonery happening by our collective leaders...
To re-emphasize a point.

The governmental leaders of the States, where was all their attention at the end of January and the beginning of February? The national media, what were they focused upon during this time?
Nations across the globe did the same.

How many of those nations' leader stands up everyday and blames the previous leaders of said nations for the "cupboards being bare" for why we were so bare on medical equipment/PPE? A whataboutism isn't a good excuse.

I guess if you ignore the congressional leaders that literally met with administration and practically begged them to take COVID-19 more seriously and acquire more medical equipment... No wonder congress gets away with the idea that they can't focus on more than one issue at a time, everyone thinks that way...

Also, I have no idea what you guys would do if you didn't have the media as your boogeyman. "What was the media concentrated on" is not a valid excuse either. Not to mention the evil media has literally been covering this since January and asking dear leader about it since then. Who do you think he was responding to every time he told us it was nothing and that it would go away like a miracle?
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How many of those nations' leader stands up everyday and blames the previous leaders of said nations for the "cupboards being bare" for why we were so bare on medical equipment/PPE? A whataboutism isn't a good excuse.
Because said nations were delaying shipment of medical equipment?

All you're doing here, in this thread, is assigning blame to Trump. The way you choose to construe how all this has happened? There's a lack of candor.
Because said nations were delaying shipment of medical equipment?

All you're doing here, in this thread, is assigning blame to Trump. The way you choose to construe how all this has happened? There's a lack of candor.

So, you're saying "said nations" were delaying shipment of ME for 3+ years? Trump says that the "cupboards were bare" when he came into office, laying blame at Obama and Bush for not buying more PPE and other medial supplies supposedly. Just like he lies and says that the military "literally had no ammo" when he came into office.

This is the sort of thing that is so frustrating to me. You've done nothing in here but tell me how unbiased you are and how I just want to blame Trump (spoiler alert, I do blame him for much of it) yet at every turn you have an excuse - most of the time the same exact excuse he uses - for his incompetence or lies. It was okay how often he shrugged off the virus, said it would disappear, said people should just keep going to work and they would be fine, said how in control of it we were because one time he said "we dont know." It's okay that he hired his son-in-law to do a job he's clueless about because... he hadn't screwed it up yet after being hired for a day... It's okay that he blames everyone else and literally - out of his own mouth - takes no responsibility. The dude stands up there every day saying that there is no problem with testing availability despite literally ever governor and his own officials saying otherwise. But thats okay too because he has an (R) next to his name.

One of two that have been filled with sand in the greater LA area. San Clemente (Orange County) between San Diego and LA did the same thing.

Seems to me it would cost more to do that nonsense and then having to fix it later on than it would be to just simply have a security guard out there to make sure that kids are sticking to the 10-person thing.
Link below is the snippet of the timeline for New York City, January to March. What is arguably the epicenter of the US and New Yorkers, are New Yorkers holding their local leaders accountable?

New York City Health Commissioner on record in early March telling New Yorkers to live their lives, ride public transportation.

Deaths by day in New York.


Cases per day New York.

The video, not the comment.

Interesting comment made "Do you want to blame Trump or do you want to get to the truth". Very much to the heart that everyone needs to ask themselves. The truth I am sure will discover some things Trump could and should have done differently but the question gets to your heart.
I guess if you ignore the congressional leaders that literally met with administration and practically begged them to take COVID-19 more seriously and acquire more medical equipment... No wonder congress gets away with the idea that they can't focus on more than one issue at a time, everyone thinks that way...

Also, I have no idea what you guys would do if you didn't have the media as your boogeyman. "What was the media concentrated on" is not a valid excuse either. Not to mention the evil media has literally been covering this since January and asking dear leader about it since then. Who do you think he was responding to every time he told us it was nothing and that it would go away like a miracle?

I was stating the obvious !!!!!;)
(spoiler alert, I do blame him for much of it) yet at every turn you have an excuse - most of the time the same exact excuse he uses - for his incompetence or lies.
There is no spoiler alert. This is what has been said along. It's my opinion your hatred of the POTUS drives a lot of your view. It's not based in what's actually happening, now, today.

All I've pointed to here has revolved around what was known, and when. As you cite advisors warnings in January I look at the disparity in all of the models. As you say he should have listened to the experts and then on the other hand call the travel restrictions meaningless? These travel restrictions have been lauded by the very experts you say he should have listened to, and yet, you get defensive when accused of it being all about POTUS and not about the situation?

There's one thing I'm reminded of here. A few months ago we were talking about the NBA and China. While part of the conversation included people labeling players as sanctimonious and hypocritical it's wasn't the point of others discussions. When you started your defense about some of the statements you told me you didn't know a lot about China.

How much of that applies here?

I wonder how much Trump's optimistic statements are at the root of this as well. I know people who are hell bent on being pessimistic about everything and can see why "one day this will be over" isn't what they want to hear.
I wonder how much Trump's optimistic statements are at the root of this as well. I know people who are hell bent on being pessimistic about everything and can see why "one day this will be over" isn't what they want to hear.

I'd rather hear the truth, in all the detail. But that's me.

Look at how people responded with an optimistic POTUS. How would our citizens respond had he been pessimistic?
I'd rather hear the truth, in all the detail. But that's me.
I know this will sound crazy. That brings me right back to the timeline.

Hear me out. Italy, as one example, confirmed a case before we had one in the US. As scientist here are trying to get to the truth—based on the models alone we know it had to be a vast array of different opinions—they are relying on information from abroad: Italy, China, Spain, etc.

The world, sans a few, didn't know what the truth was and yet it's expected action should have been taken sooner—without knowing the truth at the time.

I believe we're beginning to get to the truth. We are, at the least, seeing the framework of how this played out.

Look at how people responded with an optimistic POTUS. How would our citizens respond had he been pessimistic?

You, I, and others here often refer to context, right? His optimistic persona here. That's who he is, right? As an analogy, is his approach with the public here any different than his approach with them when he was addressing what he believed the economy would do under his leadership? To me, it's the same drive.

Or, how would they have responded if we saw the social distancing measures take place in early February with so few cases in the United States? And again, I can't stress this enough, what would the Democratic side be saying with their Super Tuesday's basically being canceled? Election interference, and we all know that to be true.
@planomateo setting that aside for a minute, a quick story.

I remember back in my early childhood being taught about the USSR. I'm guessing it was mid to late elementary, maybe as late as Jr. High, when they started getting into more details about how they restricted their citizens.

I remember seeing checkpoints on different war movies and TV shows. I remember hearing about how travel was restricted, people's ability to attend church interfered with, and other stories that built a "freedom" core in my life view, ya know? Stay out of my wallet, out of my house, and out of my life as much as possible.

Now...today, as I've thought for over a month now.

The purpose of a law/mandate to quarantine historically has been used to separate an individual or in some cases an entire group from the rest of the population. This. Where healthy people and businesses are being locked down?

Am I considering the phrase "martial law" to broadly? The governors are ordering, ordering a lot to shut down; businesses, church's during Easter, mandating what can and can not be purchased all the way down to food sources. 🤷‍♂️

Is this a time where it was necessary? It appears to be working. But good lord there has to be some discussion here for the future. Just like this virus was an unknown, what they've done is unprecedented.

Two closing thoughts. The smallpox vaccine had the SCOTUS rule a mandate could be enforced for everyone to be vaccinated. There's argument there but does it warrant what we've seen.

A friend mentioned this to me a few days ago. SCOTUS also ruled in the '60's that even with the government has a legitimate purpose that can't pursue that goal if it results in liberties being taken away. I believe he quoted "stifle" when he was walking through this. He went on to say the ruling included phrasing like if there's a better route. Jobs, economy ... we've got a list here of millions that have been killed. My second thought is one versus the other ... tells me there was a smaller route. Rulings like this can't just say, "that industry is out." It's far too broad.
I have noticed some big companies are setting up systems for curbside pickup like it is going to be permanent. Getting lighted professional signs made, painting the special parking spots, etc., do they know something that we don't. Home depot is 1 example.
I'm not happy that some states are not allowing the sales of non-essential items. Why do they care what a consumer is buying? Being a consumer is what drives the economy right?

And POTUS Trump mentioned it on last nights presser. What were the Democrats doing early in the year? Campaigning. None of them were talking about coronavirus. Pot meet kettle. Governor Cuomo is on record saying they didn't lose anyone due to lack of supplies, bed space, or hospital staff.

I can tell you this, I'm tired of being being confined. Walking the dogs daily helps, a few trips to the grocery store every week helps also helps. But getting back to a normal routine will be nice. This also is context that needs to be considered.

@RollllTide! I've seen that here with Home Depot and Walmart where they have 6-8 parking spots blocked for pickup.
I have noticed some big companies are setting up systems for curbside pickup like it is going to be permanent. Getting lighted professional signs made, painting the special parking spots, etc., do they know something that we don't. Home depot is 1 example.
If you think about it a few places already had that in place; your grill and bar restaurant chain is the best example.

Or maybe Walmart is a better example. I've been using their grocery pick-up for a while when it comes to a few of those essentials. (Face it, Wally World isn't a meat store. It's not a veggie store. It's a water, soda's, etc. delivered to your car store.)

It's not a lot different than what Lowe's had in place with their online ordering. In the past, I parked at the door, walked to the first counter there (25' or so,) picked it up and back to the truck. Now, the first parking place is "Curbside Pick-up."

I can tell you this, I'm tired of being being confined. Walking the dogs daily helps, a few trips to the grocery store every week helps also helps. But getting back to a normal routine will be nice. This also is context that needs to be considered.
How much of your grocery store shopping do you do online?
I think James Woods is an interesting guy to follow on twitter. i know it's a link to Fox News and how that will upset some here and also knowing how Jesse got his start and his show, here some of his commentary.

It's interesting also we've seen some of the stuff he says is bs here.

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