I rented a car to drive from Montana to Texas this past weekend, was cheaper to drive and felt that it was a bit safer, although that's up for debate. The added benefit to driving is I get to carry a friend and I don't end up in the news like Q.
I stopped at 3 fast food restaurants along the way - a McDonald's in Butte, a Taco John's in Billings, and a McDonald's in Trinidad, CO. The McDonald's in Trinidad still allowed people into the establishment and they were the only ones whose workers were not wearing gloves in the drive-thru. Yes, I still ate the food...hope I don't regret that decision. Fun fact, Trinidad is apparently the sex-change capital of the US
Toilet paper is an elusive butterfly along with specific cleaning products, I stopped by numerous grocery stores along the way to scout.
I returned the vehicle this morning to Enterprise and they wouldn't let me enter the building, had probably 8 signs outside about COVID-19, and the employee came out with gloves and a mask on. Ironically he took my credit card and gave me my receipt with his dirty gloves still on. He was touching his mask with his gloved hand, adjusting it around his head. I find myself wondering, are his hands and his environment safer than mine?
Traffic from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs was still heavy. This is one of my least favorite places to drive, keep in mind - I've driven in Dallas for 18 years, San Diego for 9 and visited LA, San Francisco easily 30+ times over the years.