🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

My daughter manages a nursing home.....
Talk about a pressure job....making sure every day...nothing is brought into that facility....
And doctors and nurses.... geeze
My wife worked in a Nursing Home for over 30 years. Yes your daughter has a very hard job telling folks you can't come in to see your folks. My wife old me she glad she retire.
One reporter asked a question if he sold stock or invested in any during this. His response, that's a nasty question that deserves to be answered... His response is worth listening to.
is there a minute mark you're pointing to or is it from the beginning ... I'll watch it when I take a break from the crown
Ugh, that's not ideal, but given the risk I can understand the thinking. Kirkland, WA is a perfect example of what could happen.

@rick4bama @PurlJam
She is pretty outspoken about all this....
She thinks they are getting ready to just make her live at nursing home....
Instead of getting to go home at night.....
To limit exposure......
Really dreading it..... that’s really asking a ton....
Kirkland, WA is a perfect example of what could happen.
On a side note, you may remember Kaylee Hartung (formally from SECN, then ESPN before moving to ABC.) I heard her interview a few days ago after she was exposed in the Seattle area covering nursing homes. She was in isolation after testing positive...good interview on Finebaum (in his archives/podcast.)
I rented a car to drive from Montana to Texas this past weekend, was cheaper to drive and felt that it was a bit safer, although that's up for debate. The added benefit to driving is I get to carry a friend and I don't end up in the news like Q.

I stopped at 3 fast food restaurants along the way - a McDonald's in Butte, a Taco John's in Billings, and a McDonald's in Trinidad, CO. The McDonald's in Trinidad still allowed people into the establishment and they were the only ones whose workers were not wearing gloves in the drive-thru. Yes, I still ate the food...hope I don't regret that decision. Fun fact, Trinidad is apparently the sex-change capital of the US :oops:

Toilet paper is an elusive butterfly along with specific cleaning products, I stopped by numerous grocery stores along the way to scout.

I returned the vehicle this morning to Enterprise and they wouldn't let me enter the building, had probably 8 signs outside about COVID-19, and the employee came out with gloves and a mask on. Ironically he took my credit card and gave me my receipt with his dirty gloves still on. He was touching his mask with his gloved hand, adjusting it around his head. I find myself wondering, are his hands and his environment safer than mine?

Traffic from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs was still heavy. This is one of my least favorite places to drive, keep in mind - I've driven in Dallas for 18 years, San Diego for 9 and visited LA, San Francisco easily 30+ times over the years.
Question. Is All the testing here in the states and other countries still using some or all the generic test that the WHO were pushing and the CDC had stock piled that President Trump ordered them to stop using and develop a new test to only detect COVID19? The original generic test were skewing the numbers as they were catching all respiratory ailments, as I understand it.

President Trump reminds me somewhat of Coach Saban in the way they treat media, especially trying to answer stupid questions repeatedly.

Also, my opinion if the virus is spreading as is being reported in NY, Ca, Wa and other places; sounds like a lot of arrogance and ignorance on the part of their citizens. Please see spring break kids in Miami for example.
Question. Is All the testing here in the states and other countries still using some or all the generic test that the WHO were pushing and the CDC had stock piled that President Trump ordered them to stop using and develop a new test to only detect COVID19? The original generic test were skewing the numbers as they were catching all respiratory ailments, as I understand it.

Hmm, I haven't heard that but I've been on the road for the last few days.

Also, my opinion if the virus is spreading as is being reported in NY, Ca, Wa and other places; sounds like a lot of arrogance and ignorance on the part of their citizens. Please see spring break kids in Miami for example.

You can't fix stupid. Far too many people still believe this is still media hype...
@planomateo, President Trump ordered stoppage of the generic, stockpiled test maybe 2 to 3 weeks ago. BBJosh has said in his post that PTrump had ordered the stoppage because it made the number of positive test too high and made him look bad. In some sense it does make the numbers higher because the old test detected any or all respiratory ailments, not just COVID19. The generic test made it impossible to get accurate numbers on the COVID19. I'm wondering if the old test are still being used in some places here in U.S. and in other places, Italy and so forth.

Yea, we are not born stupid, it is usually acquired or learned from parents and or peers.
Hmm, I haven't heard that but I've been on the road for the last few days.
Earlier in the thread I mentioned the first roll out of the test being recalled because they didn't work correctly..."faulty negative controls (what shows up when coronavirus is absent), caused by contaminated reagents." That's the time it was "handed off" to the private sector.

Instead of a video ...

You can't fix stupid. Far too many people still believe this is still media hype...
Sadly, the media has created a lot of disbelief due to their hype on other stories: made their own bed, so to speak.
Can we really trust Dr Fauci?
Take this video for what it's worth. Bill Still has been around for a long time. He is a digger.

"Our economy will be roaring by mid-April." I'll guess we'll see in three weeks. I'll be the happiest guy in the world, chowing down on crow tartar if this bears out. Most of the shelter/mandatory telework orders that have been shared with me are running until May 1.


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