Montana has been in a statewide mask mandate since July for counties with a certain number of covid cases. All the populated counties have been wearing masks since July Missoula county is one of those.
Missoula is a liberal leaning city. Having said that, they've been pro mask since the beginning, you have to wear mask in public. Why are cases surging here if everyone is wearing masks?
Many in service industries have to wear masks all day. Schools are back in session, unclear if masks are worn there all day. University is a mix of virtual and in person learning.
Kinda interesting...
Charting the spread of Covid-19
I'm not sure if you can get past the pay wall, but the daily data from the Wall Street Journal is really interesting. The county by county interactive map gauging
new cases is also available on the main page at Fascinating that a state like Georgia, where the governor opened the economy and schools, and South Carolina and Florida, are having relatively few new cases. New York, which was ravaged earlier, is low in spite of what you read.
It's a busy graphic, and the paste below is not interactive like the real one, but you get the idea. Most recent week, and a daily rate of 70 or more gets the high level, which would be 490 cases out of 100,000 for a week, or 0.5 percent. Midwest population centers, like Chicago, are surging.
From a Montana standpoint, since the vast majority of Montana counties have fewer than 50,000 residents, the per 100,000 rate is actually higher than the number of cases. Madison County, MT has a rate of 127 per 100,000, but a population of just 8,600, so that infection rate would mean over the last week there have been about 75 new cases.