🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

By the time that is an issue we should all be vaccinated.

Do you really believe that there will be enough vaccinated to make a difference? I know fewer people who will take the vaccine than wear masks.

But mask are the silver bullet I thought, is that not working?

How many are actually wearing them whenever they are around anyone who doesn't live in their home? When their kids come to visit, do they all sit around in masks? There is a great argument that 100% mask usage would keep us from having it as bad as we do now. Not going to get into that one way or the other though.
Do you really believe that there will be enough vaccinated to make a difference? I know fewer people who will take the vaccine than wear masks.

How many are actually wearing them whenever they are around anyone who doesn't live in their home? When their kids come to visit, do they all sit around in masks? There is a great argument that 100% mask usage would keep us from having it as bad as we do now. Not going to get into that one way or the other though.
IMO Mask don't work period. The kind most of us use. There is evidence that lockdowns don't work either. Just look at common sense. Social distancing does work because the virus can't travel on its own. A person has to be the carrier. 99% of people that get it also recover. Locking down is not a true choice because it is not a true lockdown. In a lockdown you still have to have food and services so you do have contact with other people. It is not a true lockdown. If it was the virus would not spread. The facts that lockdowns work is the big lie. They said 6 weeks lockdown and the virus is gone. Not true. Eventually we all are going to get it unless your lucky to be immune. The vaccine and better treatment is the answer. I have had several friends that have gotten it and mostly had mild cases. One had to be hospitalized but recovered in 3 days. I have a neighbor in ICU and is having a hard time. I wear my mask when I visit customers but most of them don't wear one. Eventually if enough people are vaccinated it will die out.
Do you really believe that there will be enough vaccinated to make a difference? I know fewer people who will take the vaccine than wear masks.

How many are actually wearing them whenever they are around anyone who doesn't live in their home? When their kids come to visit, do they all sit around in masks? There is a great argument that 100% mask usage would keep us from having it as bad as we do now. Not going to get into that one way or the other though.

In all honesty, if you get it, you won't look back and say "well atleast I wore my mask". You'll be questioning it just like those that aren't wearing them. Never heard anyone happy that they got the flu even after getting a flu shot. "Well, I got the flu shot, so this is ok being sick." You'll simply question the logic, as you should.
In all honesty, if you get it, you won't look back and say "well atleast I wore my mask". You'll be questioning it just like those that aren't wearing them. Never heard anyone happy that they got the flu even after getting a flu shot. "Well, I got the flu shot, so this is ok being sick." You'll simply question the logic, as you should.

In other words, don't worry about it or take any precautions because you'll still be upset if you get it.
In other words, don't worry about it or take any precautions because you'll still be upset if you get it.

Don't inject yourself with it, but if you're that worried about catching it, take cover yourself and don't become susceptible to it. If you're me, then yes, your comment is exactly how I'm living my life. I don't hide from the flu or bronchitis, but I also don't go right up to someone that has it and try to catch it either.
Fucking Ivy League trying to fuck everyone for the third time. Watch this be the first domino towards the cancellation of the 2021 NCAA basketball tournament and the College World Series. Again. They should just pull the damn plug on ALL sports from now on if they are this petrified
Garner Webb had three positive tests yesterday out of over 300 administered. As a result of contact tracing, they lost eight of their 11 offensive lineman. At the very least, five of those tested negative but are out.

Truly bizarre decisions based on contact tracing to guys who are testing negative while asymptomatic.

A question was posed yesterday about these players testing positive: "How many do you think were surprised they tested positive?"
My CFO tested positive over the weekend. I was in contact with him on Thursday and Friday, but luckily I don't feel anything. Gonna work from home for a few days just to allow them to fog the office and hopefully nothing else will come of it.
Montana has been in a statewide mask mandate since July for counties with a certain number of covid cases. All the populated counties have been wearing masks since July Missoula county is one of those.

Missoula is a liberal leaning city. Having said that, they've been pro mask since the beginning, you have to wear mask in public. Why are cases surging here if everyone is wearing masks?

Many in service industries have to wear masks all day. Schools are back in session, unclear if masks are worn there all day. University is a mix of virtual and in person learning.

Kinda interesting...
Montana has been in a statewide mask mandate since July for counties with a certain number of covid cases. All the populated counties have been wearing masks since July Missoula county is one of those.

Missoula is a liberal leaning city. Having said that, they've been pro mask since the beginning, you have to wear mask in public. Why are cases surging here if everyone is wearing masks?

Many in service industries have to wear masks all day. Schools are back in session, unclear if masks are worn there all day. University is a mix of virtual and in person learning.

Kinda interesting...

I'm not sure if you can get past the pay wall, but the daily data from the Wall Street Journal is really interesting. The county by county interactive map gauging new cases is also available on the main page at www.wsj.com Fascinating that a state like Georgia, where the governor opened the economy and schools, and South Carolina and Florida, are having relatively few new cases. New York, which was ravaged earlier, is low in spite of what you read.

It's a busy graphic, and the paste below is not interactive like the real one, but you get the idea. Most recent week, and a daily rate of 70 or more gets the high level, which would be 490 cases out of 100,000 for a week, or 0.5 percent. Midwest population centers, like Chicago, are surging.

From a Montana standpoint, since the vast majority of Montana counties have fewer than 50,000 residents, the per 100,000 rate is actually higher than the number of cases. Madison County, MT has a rate of 127 per 100,000, but a population of just 8,600, so that infection rate would mean over the last week there have been about 75 new cases.



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