Good Lord.... These politicians need to read the constitution and accept people have freedom to make choices whether you like it or not. When they start telling me I can't go inside my own house but to go to the bathroom and can only have thanksgiving outside they have gone waaaaay to far. Maybe that is what it is going to take to get people to open their eyes. I am all for doing something as a good neighbor for someone else but not as a mandate sorry.
I mean, it's right there in front of folks' faces. One damn guy thinking he has the power to force everyone to do what he says. I don't care what's out there, we the people have our freedoms. Idiots that abide by this are surrendering their freedom of life. You want to talk about modern day slavery, here it is right here. You're right when you say slavery is alive and well when you have politicians thinking they can force the masses to listen to their every word. Work in unity as a society, quit the bullcrap and being mean to each other. mind your business and produce for yourself and your family, but quit letting a handful of politicians dictate every day life for everyone at this point. Just ridiculous.
By the way, I love California's ban on straws not too long back as an environmental savior, only to enforce single helping instruments and tools for Thanksgiving. You can't make the craziness up.