🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

Chalk me up as one who is sick and tired of the public service announcements on how to "protect yourself from COVID." It's not the message, it's how it's delivered that drives me N.U.T.S.

This morning on the local news.

"Be sure to wash your hands for 20 seconds or sing Happy Birthday."

I've got a few errands to run today and I'm tempted to stop by every hand sanitizing station I find and sing.
Chalk me up as one who is sick and tired of the public service announcements on how to "protect yourself from COVID." It's not the message, it's how it's delivered that drives me N.U.T.S.

This morning on the local news.

"Be sure to wash your hands for 20 seconds or sing Happy Birthday."

I've got a few errands to run today and I'm tempted to stop by every hand sanitizing station I find and sing.

Walmart has those annoying ass loudspeakers blaring.

I'm not sure if you can get past the pay wall, but the daily data from the Wall Street Journal is really interesting. The county by county interactive map gauging new cases is also available on the main page at www.wsj.com Fascinating that a state like Georgia, where the governor opened the economy and schools, and South Carolina and Florida, are having relatively few new cases. New York, which was ravaged earlier, is low in spite of what you read.

It's a busy graphic, and the paste below is not interactive like the real one, but you get the idea. Most recent week, and a daily rate of 70 or more gets the high level, which would be 490 cases out of 100,000 for a week, or 0.5 percent. Midwest population centers, like Chicago, are surging.

From a Montana standpoint, since the vast majority of Montana counties have fewer than 50,000 residents, the per 100,000 rate is actually higher than the number of cases. Madison County, MT has a rate of 127 per 100,000, but a population of just 8,600, so that infection rate would mean over the last week there have been about 75 new cases.



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Missoula County implemented some new controls 3 weeks ago. They aren't working, anticipate further controls soon.

The outgoing Governor also mandated a change that everyone in public will be required to wear masks, regardless of the number of cases the other day. Sort of odd, because I'm under the impression that when the health department mandates this, you cannot legally fight this.

Many of the restaurants are struggling in town. They've adapted, but still struggling.

Just find it strange that positive cases are climbing at 60+ per day in Missoula County when masks are being worn. Perhaps it's rising as its cold out and people are gathering indoors without masks.

Two people at work have spouses that are helping with tracing.
Missoula County implemented some new controls 3 weeks ago. They aren't working, anticipate further controls soon.

The outgoing Governor also mandated a change that everyone in public will be required to wear masks, regardless of the number of cases the other day. Sort of odd, because I'm under the impression that when the health department mandates this, you cannot legally fight this.

Many of the restaurants are struggling in town. They've adapted, but still struggling.

Just find it strange that positive cases are climbing at 60+ per day in Missoula County when masks are being worn. Perhaps it's rising as its cold out and people are gathering indoors without masks.

Two people at work have spouses that are helping with tracing.

True, the big cold spell weather map from a couple of weeks ago overlays pretty well with the case increases.
^^^That video is spot on^^^. Ever since March, I've been being told that I am going to get symptomatic Covid. How anyone could profess to know such a thing, especially with such certainty, is beyond me. And why so certain that it will be of the symptomatic variety? Granted, these are people who do work in the medical field telling me this, and I respect their opinion because they are in the medical field. However, with all due respect to them, being in the medical field does not make them soothsayers. Nobody has the ability to know for certain what is going to happen. I have been warned against doing the things that I have gone on ahead and done, completely against the advice of medical professionals. I haven't been reckless or anything. But, I have gone on ahead and done some things so as to try and have some semblance of a life. Since May, I have eaten in restaurants, had haircuts, worked 40 hours a week every week (except for when I took vacation time), swam, fished, rode jet skis, and travelled. "But, if you travel, you will get Covid and then good luck getting medical care in another state". I went to Atlanta, supposedly one of the nation's top 5 places to catch symptomatic Covid. Hell, what city/state is NOT on that list? I've been 3 times since May. Before I left for the first of those 3 trips, I was told, by my acquaintances in the medical profession, that even with wearing masks, using sanitizer, washing my hands, etc, travelling, especially to a hot spot like Atlanta was going to skyrocket my chances of getting symptomatic Covid. I thanked them for their opinion, and told them that I would proceed with extreme caution. One of them got really pissed at me and told me that people like myself really should waive our right to medical care (should we come down with Covid) for ignoring such stark warnings. The funny part about that is, I live in Shelby County in Alabama and it too is labeled one of the top places in the nation to catch symptomatic Covid. So, go figure.

All these warnings, all this time that symptomatic Covid was going to get me, any day now. Any 5 minutes, it's coming. Hell, what is the virus waiting on? If it's that aggressive, why is it taking so long to find me? It's not like I haven't given it opportunities. It's like I've tied an arm behind my back and spotted it several moves. And still, it's a no show. And I can't be the ONLY person in the world scratching my head, wondering why it hasn't nailed me yet if it is in fact as aggressive as they say. Now, I'm not saying that it isn't serious and should just be just dismissed with a waive of the hand. But, I really do not see why people who are not vulnerable can't just go on and proceed with caution. The whole thing about "well, it's not all about you. Because you could get an asymptomatic case and in turn, give it to X amount of people" is really beginning to weaken. If I had contracted an asymptomatic case and gave it to others, wouldn't I have known of someone who had it by now? Because nobody that I know has had it either. Just some shit to ponder.
A lot of people voted against Trump more so that voted for Biden. Trump has made a lot of enemies with how he talks and caries himself. He is NOT a politician.

This is what people want to ignore. Even if you agree with Trump, he sounds tone deaf often on Twitter and especially once the media gets to twist that stuff. The common man just sees Trump says stupid stuff and Biden keeps his mouth mostly shut, which is mostly the media selling them a package but also partly because Trump doesn't know how to word anything properly for consumption by most.
This is what people want to ignore. Even if you agree with Trump, he sounds tone deaf often on Twitter and especially once the media gets to twist that stuff. The common man just sees Trump says stupid stuff and Biden keeps his mouth mostly shut, which is mostly the media selling them a package but also partly because Trump doesn't know how to word anything properly for consumption by most.
That is why you have to look at what they do instead of what they say and how they say it. What are their policies. To many people do not do that. They can't separate the presentation from the candidates record or policies.
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