| FTBL Coach Applewhite


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Could he be a candidate for the SMU job. I'm sure he is one of the hotest assistant coaches around, but I feel like he still needs some seasoning before becoming a HC. Besides SMU is going to be a tuff place to win everyear. I hope he stays under Coach Saban for a long while and enjoy success here and takes a HC job at a school that has a chance for success.
Ok, first off, that site RARELY gives out good information. Second, don’t you think it’s a little silly to say Applewhite would/should turn that job down? I mean it’s like if you were offered a CEO job, is there any way you would respond with, “No thanks! I think I need more ‘seasoning’ under my current boss.” No you wouldn’t because you would know that the opportunity may not present itself again. You would grab the money while the grabbing was good. If Applewhite is offered a HC job, he’ll probably take it. But that’s OK, that’s just the way things are. If you bring in really good assistant coaches you have to be prepared for the possibility they will be offered promotions at other schools. You also have to have faith that Saban will bring in another guy just as good to replace him.
RollTideRandy said:
Ok, first off, that site RARELY gives out good information. Second, don’t you think it’s a little silly to say Applewhite would/should turn that job down? I mean it’s like if you were offered a CEO job, is there any way you would respond with, “No thanks! I think I need more ‘seasoning’ under my current boss.” No you wouldn’t because you would know that the opportunity may not present itself again. You would grab the money while the grabbing was good. If Applewhite is offered a HC job, he’ll probably take it. But that’s OK, that’s just the way things are. If you bring in really good assistant coaches you have to be prepared for the possibility they will be offered promotions at other schools. You also have to have faith that Saban will bring in another guy just as good to replace him.

Agree with you, Randy! Great post!
If he goes, I have an idea for a OC.
RollTideRandy said:
Ok, first off, that site RARELY gives out good information. Second, don’t you think it’s a little silly to say Applewhite would/should turn that job down? I mean it’s like if you were offered a CEO job, is there any way you would respond with, “No thanks! I think I need more ‘seasoning’ under my current boss.” No you wouldn’t because you would know that the opportunity may not present itself again. You would grab the money while the grabbing was good. If Applewhite is offered a HC job, he’ll probably take it. But that’s OK, that’s just the way things are. If you bring in really good assistant coaches you have to be prepared for the possibility they will be offered promotions at other schools. You also have to have faith that Saban will bring in another guy just as good to replace him.

Opportunity not going to present itself again??? HE'S 29 YEARS OLD!!!!!! not to mention he was born and raised a BAMA FAN!!! lol His opportunities at UA, far out weigh those of SMU. missing out on maybe 250k a year raise sucks... but for him I'm sure will be well worth it in the end. If he chooses to stay
Nate said:
RollTideRandy said:
Ok, first off, that site RARELY gives out good information. Second, don’t you think it’s a little silly to say Applewhite would/should turn that job down? I mean it’s like if you were offered a CEO job, is there any way you would respond with, “No thanks! I think I need more ‘seasoning’ under my current boss.” No you wouldn’t because you would know that the opportunity may not present itself again. You would grab the money while the grabbing was good. If Applewhite is offered a HC job, he’ll probably take it. But that’s OK, that’s just the way things are. If you bring in really good assistant coaches you have to be prepared for the possibility they will be offered promotions at other schools. You also have to have faith that Saban will bring in another guy just as good to replace him.

Opportunity not going to present itself again??? HE'S 29 YEARS OLD!!!!!! not to mention he was born and raised a BAMA FAN!!! lol His opportunities at UA, far out weigh those of SMU. missing out on maybe 250k a year raise sucks... but for him I'm sure will be well worth it in the end. If he chooses to stay

I threw the word “MAY” in there I do believe, MAY not present itself again (not sure why you felt the need to leave that word out). No one knows what the future holds. Bama could struggle offensively for the next three years, Applewhite gets fired, and he ends up selling furniture, never having the chance to be a Head Coach again. I’m not saying that WILL happen or is even likely to happen, just that it MAY happen. This all goes back to the old adage “When opportunity knocks, open the door.”
Taking a job like that could be career suicide. Especially if he is not ready to handle the responsibilities and pressure to be the head coach. Like some have said'' sometimes you only get one chance''. I'm sure he's smart enough to know that you have to do it right or it may never come again. Do you try it knowing your not able or ready or wait for the time when you know you'll be more prepared. I know what I'd do.
IMHO I think he needs more experience. Being an assistant coach affords him the opportunity to tutor under coach Saban. Even if only for 2 or 3 years. Weather things go wrong or not he'll have a couple years to get some much needed guidence from one of the best in the buisness. Can you imagine the oportunities after 3 years under Saban? Yes things can go bad but highly unlikely. He would be better off to stay. Even if it did go wrong he would bounce back and land on his feet. Almost always happens to ''assistant coaches'' Not so much to first time head coaches that don't work out. Like I said it could be career suicide.
kudzu said:
Taking a job like that could be career suicide. Especially if he is not ready to handle the responsibilities and pressure to be the head coach.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Obviously there is a huge difference between the responsibilities of a HC vs an OC. Besides, I'm not sure even SMU would offer him the position at this time. Being a good play caller is one thing, running a program is another. BUT, after a few yrs w/ Saban, that will change.

I'm really surprised no schools have ever knocked on Larry Blakeney's (Troy Trojans) door (not that the SMU job would be a step up). IMHO He'd make a decent coach anywhere at any level.
HiTide said:
kudzu said:
Taking a job like that could be career suicide. Especially if he is
I'm really surprised no schools have ever knocked on Larry Blakeney's (Troy Trojans) door (not that the SMU job would be a step up). IMHO He'd make a decent coach anywhere at any level.

I agree, I'm suprised Blakeney's name isnt surfacing either. I know he tried for the UGA job, when Richt got it. Maybe if the Ole Miss or Arky job comes open he will get a look.
Is SMU willing to match Applewhite's current salary? That's the first hurdle they'll have to clear.

As for Larry Blakeney, his "keeping it down home, cuz" is what has wound up keeping him down home... in Troy. I'm aware of the success Dennis Erickson is having, but most major programs are going to be cautious about hiring a man who knows the streets of Indianapolis like the back of his hand.
Elephantitis said:
Is SMU willing to match Applewhite's current salary? That's the first hurdle they'll have to clear.

That's the very reason he wouldn't leave. That and having no experience as a head coach.
Some people may think I'm crazy but I think they'll take a run at Coach fRan. (You know since he'll be unemployed in about 4 weeks)

Besides, he's already got his "I just love the state of Texas" speech already memorized.
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