| FTBL booooooooooooo.........



.... on the whole freakin' program!!!!!!!!!!

we suck, and will continue to suck, its in our blood now thanks to everyone after bryant (except stallings). what makes me believe saban will be any different, prove it to me. and he definetly has not so far.
bamafan said:
.... on the whole freakin' program!!!!!!!!!!

we suck, and will continue to suck, its in our blood now thanks to everyone after bryant (except stallings). what makes me believe saban will be any different, prove it to me. and he definetly has not so far.

I'd say give him some time as we have everyone else! There is nothing more you can do! Don't like it you can go pull for Barn. I'm not happy, but I'll still yell for the Tide anyday.

Although a fourm is a good place to debate some of our problems.
bamafan said:
.... on the whole freakin' program!!!!!!!!!!

we suck, and will continue to suck, its in our blood now thanks to everyone after bryant (except stallings). what makes me believe saban will be any different, prove it to me. and he definetly has not so far.

and his name is "Bamafan." Go figure. :roll:
bamafan you embarass me. It's hard being an Alabama fan right now. We're down and some of us actually hurt. To have you come here and act that way...inexcusable.
Atlanta_Tider said:
You should find the nearest cliff, jump off and hope there is nothing soft on the landing spot.

kind of extreme huh...

sorry that was a guy at my house who knew how to get on under my name.

sorry, bamafan
I feel the pain. I just don't think it's all Saban's fault. He is playing what he was dealt.

You have to give him time. I can't stand when Bama fans start screaming bloody murder over the coach. Did you really expect a NC, or even a SEC championship? If so, I'm sorry. I don't the rest of us did... :|
Why do some people think a loss pisses them off more than others?

We are all pissed because of the game. None of us wanted to lose. Deal with it some other way or find somewhere else to do it.
bamadezz said:
I feel the pain. I just don't think it's all Saban's fault. He is playing what he was dealt.

You have to give him time. I can't stand when Bama fans start screaming bloody murder over the coach. Did you really expect a NC, or even a SEC championship? If so, I'm sorry. I don't the rest of us did... :|

I was shocked that the Bama-LSU game was (at that time) a deciding factor in the SEC West.
HeflinLady said:
bamadezz said:
I feel the pain. I just don't think it's all Saban's fault. He is playing what he was dealt.

You have to give him time. I can't stand when Bama fans start screaming bloody murder over the coach. Did you really expect a NC, or even a SEC championship? If so, I'm sorry. I don't the rest of us did... :|

I was shocked that the Bama-LSU game was (at that time) a deciding factor in the SEC West.

Indeed, that was kinda nice wasn't it, or it could have been! :wink:
From here on out we should all post in August our expectations as fans with a number of wins and losses. Then after the Iron Bowl next year see how good or bad it was, then eat some crow. This season turned out just like I planned, no miracles, beat UT, except I thought we would lose ARK and beat ULM.
Booo fans who aren't willing to give one of the best coaches in the game enough time to turn the ship around. they will be the same ones "Roll Tiding' when the winning starts. "I've beeen behind my team all the way". BS! Go pull for someone else . Patience Tide Nation....
thebutcher said:
Booo fans who aren't willing to give one of the best coaches in the game enough time to turn the ship around. they will be the same ones "Roll Tiding' when the winning starts. "I've beeen behind my team all the way". BS! Go pull for someone else . Patience Tide Nation....

17-10, Exactly what we expected. We got showed up by another ****** team. I actually thought we could possibly win if we could out-coach AU. None of the 30 Alabama fans I watched the game with thought we did that.(including me ) Terrible play calls and stupid mistakes cost us this game. You dont call run plays up the middle when you are 3 and 15 in the 3rd quarter and down by 10 points. Even the commentators thought it was rediculous. Sabans bad play calling was not the only reason! This team we currently have played as good as they possibly could. Hopefully we can replace everybody from the Q.b. all the way to the lousy punter. They are not what we need to further our program. I pray to the Good Lord Above that we DO NOT see them next year. We can do a gadrillion times better. PLEASE LORD I PRAY... PLEASE, PLEASE , PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE
BamaHeat said:
thebutcher said:
Booo fans who aren't willing to give one of the best coaches in the game enough time to turn the ship around. they will be the same ones "Roll Tiding' when the winning starts. "I've beeen behind my team all the way". BS! Go pull for someone else . Patience Tide Nation....


I'm behind the team myself, I was born and raised on ALABAMA FOOTBALL!!!
Everyone is yelling that we should give the coach time, but, when we SHULA fans mentioned that, we were scrutinized!
I'll always love my CRIMSON TIDE!!
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