Bama Bo said:You asked for opinions, I gave you mine. Others asked why it bothers you, and from what I can tell, you haven't really laid out a good answer as to why it upsets you. And it appears (I say appears because I may be reading it wrong) that it also bothers you that some of us don't understand what the big deal is.
You have done more than give me your opinion. It was your intention to make it personal. That is childish.
A statement by you of, "you must feel insulted very easily" is not an attempt to have a discussion.
You have a problem with me for some reason, that is becoming abundantly clear.
You have also censored the use of the term AU/neck, knowing that I am the only poster that uses that term. You have no problem with 'Barner, Cow-Lovers, etc...
I don't even use the term in a trash talking manner, but only to identify the Au//Necks. Naturally you filter the term as we are having a disagreement about something else, that seems personal and petty also.
As for your conclusion that I haven't laid out a proper enough answer as to why 3 straight color spreads for the Au/Necks bothers me, I can't help you.
I have said I do not feel it is fair, that isn't enough? I have said that we have been consistently winning and the Au/Necks have lost, yet we still can't sniff any of the color ink. Wasn't that enough of an answer.
What is it with you? Do you wish to teach me some kind of lesson? What exactly did I do to get you upset or angry?
You say you couldn't care less about the subject or the content of this thread, yet you have made it your duty to disrupt it, because apparently you don't approve of it. That doesn't make much sense.