| FTBL Birmingham News Intentionally Taunts 'Bama Fans



The AuNecks at the Birmingham News gave Auburn 75% of the front page of the sports section.

Inside, you will find 'Bama's section all in black and white.

The AuNeck's section is all in beautiful color.
Or, one could look at it as they are taunting Auburn with 75% coverage of their heartbreaking loss! I know if I was unlucky enough to have been born an Aubie, that would have been the last thing I would have wanted to see this morning!
I noticed the same thing last week to... you can tell who they support at the birmingham news... but hell i think that they are proud of that loss... my dad came home from work this morning and was like War Eagle... I think that they're glad that they finally got an offense now...
Who cares what the BHM news says or reports anyways? It's best used crumbled as kindling.

Same ol' Same ol'. They never change. I've always thought we in Alabama deserve better sports coverage/reporting but....?

Now you know why the Internet has trumped the fish wrappers.
Crimsonblood82 said:
I've been convinced for a LONG time that Birmingham loves losers and loves the fact that it's a loser town.
I can only imagine how the Birmingham News CELEBRATED the stock market crash in 1929 :roll:

Funny you said that. I've been waiting for a long time to talk about this. While Birmingham is a cool, unique city(my birthplace) it has long seemed to me that it is quite underachieving!
For a city it's size, it lacks the type of people that really stand out. I think back to grammar school and the ones that I thought that would some day be famous. None of them panned out to be what I thought they could become.
The story doesn't end there. I showed a ton of potential growing up in several aspects of life, but just can't seem to put it all together. I don't know what it is about that town that seems to derail good genetics, but there is definitely something about that place that that feeds mediocrity.
I hate it when Bama/Aubs complain about the newspaper coverage......Both sides use your brain ITS A SIMPLE AND FAIR/EQUAL CONCEPT!
Outlaw said:
I am fairly sure they alternate which game gets color and which gets black and white.

No. They don't. It was all color for Auburn and B&W for Bama last Sunday too. They say they use color pages for "the most newsworthy" games. I think they just let Scarbinsky make the call.

I liked this headline though: "Auburn Hearts Broken Again." Awww.
Honestly guys....who really cares? :roll: AS long as Bama keeps winning it doenst matter what teams in color i nthe BHM News. They are going to print what sells the best in the long run and when Bama keeps winning that will be the cover story.
I've got to concur about the City of Birmingham. And it all comes down to a long, storied history or weak leadership. There has never been a mayor with a vision that was attainable and realistic. There has been talk of domes and olympics, but are these reasonable, or even a good use of public funds? Furthermore, the business leaders of the community have always been so conservative with regard to their own money, that they would not contribute to greater public projects that would require private money traditionally. I grew up in Alabama, but in the Muscle Shoals area, and folks I knew growing up did not hold Birmingham in high regard.

If the leaders in this city, both the elected kind and the de-facto kind, would embrace what is strong about Birmingham, we could make the city a better place. The medical community here is second to hardly anyone in the US. There are so many highly-paid doctors in this town, it's unreal. Worldwide-known doctors and hospitals and research.

UAB needs to give up on football and spend that money touting the University and it's greatest assets. UAB could be a real leader in the community. Lord knows Birmingham needs someone instead of these greedy banks.
ExiledTidefan said:
I've got to concur about the City of Birmingham. And it all comes down to a long, storied history or weak leadership. There has never been a mayor with a vision that was attainable and realistic. There has been talk of domes and olympics, but are these reasonable, or even a good use of public funds? Furthermore, the business leaders of the community have always been so conservative with regard to their own money, that they would not contribute to greater public projects that would require private money traditionally. I grew up in Alabama, but in the Muscle Shoals area, and folks I knew growing up did not hold Birmingham in high regard.

If the leaders in this city, both the elected kind and the de-facto kind, would embrace what is strong about Birmingham, we could make the city a better place. The medical community here is second to hardly anyone in the US. There are so many highly-paid doctors in this town, it's unreal. Worldwide-known doctors and hospitals and research.

UAB needs to give up on football and spend that money touting the University and it's greatest assets. UAB could be a real leader in the community. Lord knows Birmingham needs someone instead of these greedy banks.

40+ years of fractured government and power struggles have told the tale. For the most part (with a few notable exceptions), Bham is landlocked by more affluent suburbs.

UAB is a leader of the community, both in jobs and local investment. The decline of industrial activity would have been much worse without the rise of UAB over the past 25 years. The City of Bham has done a lousy, lousy job in attracting and retaining companies. Red Diamond and several of those "greedy" banks (when money is your inventory, people are a little sensitive) are good examples of shifts in headquarters and employment. There are many others.

It won't happen (because of greed and power struggles), but the best thing for the Bham MSA would be a consolidated government like Nashville/Davidson County. Since Atlanta didn't have (historically, more now) significant competing suburban municipalities to stifle or siphon growth, they've managed okay with their gov't, particularly because the cash cow airport.

As to pigment bias by the News, let me know if aubrun/tennessee gets the color coverage - then I'll cry foul.


Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
Crimsonblood82 said:
I've been convinced for a LONG time that Birmingham loves losers and loves the fact that it's a loser town.
I can only imagine how the Birmingham News CELEBRATED the stock market crash in 1929 :roll:

Funny you said that. I've been waiting for a long time to talk about this. While Birmingham is a cool, unique city(my birthplace) it has long seemed to me that it is quite underachieving!
For a city it's size, it lacks the type of people that really stand out. I think back to grammar school and the ones that I thought that would some day be famous. None of them panned out to be what I thought they could become.
The story doesn't end there. I showed a ton of potential growing up in several aspects of life, but just can't seem to put it all together. I don't know what it is about that town that seems to derail good genetics, but there is definitely something about that place that that feeds mediocrity.

Now Chuck-E., you know that's a bunch of Bull . . .

Conner. :wink:

You guys have hit the nail on the head. B'ham sucks and has a bunch of ass-hats running it's government.

If they ever elected a mayor with more than 3 active brain cells they might get something accomplished. They are all typical politicians that are out for #1 and getting his/her pockets lined. They need to try and form a better relationship with the burbs such as Hoover and try to build things in those areas were expansion is possible and could get some help by a form of government that actually works. So many things such as mass transit and that stupid dome can be accomplished if they would approach it properly, but it will never happen because the money-grubbing idiots that run B'ham will never do what is needed.
CtrlAltieDel said:
The AuNecks at the Birmingham News gave Auburn 75% of the front page of the sports section.

Inside, you will find 'Bama's section all in black and white.

The AuNeck's section is all in beautiful color.

Heck, Bama can't even make it to the top of our local paper's Sunday edition front page, where college football scores are listed.

Here were the games posted for last Saturday:

Marshall 34
Southern Miss 27

Vanderbilt 23
Ole Miss 17

Georgia Tech 38
Mississippi State 7

Grambling 14
Jackson State 5

LSU 26
Auburn 21

Michigan State 23
Notre Dame 7

That's right! Sucking Notre Dame for Weis' sake!

Somebody in the Vicksburg Post's sports department must really despise the Crimson Tide. Bout the only time Bama gets any press is when something negative has occurred, and then it's plastered front and center all over the sports page.

Heck there's only one football team in the State of Mississippi worth the ink the paper's printed on:

South Panola High School.

South Panola knocks off Florida's #1 ranked 6A team, extends win streak to 79 games

Other than that, Ole Miss and Mississippi State can spend eternity rotting in college football mediocrity . . .

Get me out of here, Percy!
My prediction.... Bama loses this week and you people will say its a conspriracy that we had the color ONLY due to the loss. :roll:
Having lived in the Birmingham area for many years now, my conclusion is that the city of Birmingham has no interest in cooperating with its suburbs. It wants to call the shots, even though in a metro area of aroung one million less than 250,000 live in the Birmingham city limits, and that number shrinks every year.

The News, in the days of Alf VanHoose and Clyde Bolton, had a pretty good sports page. Now, with the likes of Scabinski and Melick it is a cut or so below mediocre.
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