| FTBL Birmingham News Intentionally Taunts 'Bama Fans

Lenny Kozlowski said:
My prediction.... Bama loses this week and you people will say its a conspriracy that we had the color ONLY due to the loss. :roll:

Here is my prediction, 'Bama beats Georgia and you people say that AuNeck/Tn. deserved the color section because it was a close and hard fought game, even though the beloved AuNecks lost.

You seem a bit paranoid, Lenny. It is okay if you want to point out the very real fact that the decision makers at the Bham-News are AuNecks, it doesn't make you paranoid. That is just how things are in real life. People make decisions based on their loyalties, even "unbiased" newsmen.

Telling the truth does not make you a conspiracy theorist, it just makes you realistic about your surroundings. It is wise to be aware of things.

Settle down, you don't have to teach that lesson you are so dying to teach to Bamm###.

The last two weeks coverage of college football in the B-Ham News has featured color spreads on the AuNecks. You know, it really happened, those were actual occurrences. Not really a reason to spew out the condescension.

Most reasonable persons could determine that a 3-2 win over Miss. State would get a color presentation over a beat down of Western Kentucky. That is logical and understandable.

On the other hand, a slaughter of Arkansas gets all black and white while a loss to LSU gets color and larger portions of print area?

No, that is not normal.

I fear you may be biased about this. Otherwise, you would be able to see our point of view. It seems that some posters revel in being contrarians, correct? I don't know what satisfaction this gives them other than to belittle 'Bama fans.

"Settle down Francis"

1: Lenny is a Bama fan

2: So you think the B'ham news has a conspiracy against Alabama when they feature a game between to top 10 (at the time of the game) teams?

9 out of 10 auburn fans will tell you what they call the "Bama Ham News" has a bias against auburn.
True Bamma Bo. The Barn swears that the Bham News is biased toward the Tide. They gave some reasoning in the Sound Off section about the decision to do color or black and white was made before the games even started. I don't really care as long as they get it covered.
CtrlAltieDel said:
The AuNecks at the Birmingham News gave Auburn 75% of the front page of the sports section.

Inside, you will find 'Bama's section all in black and white.

The AuNeck's section is all in beautiful color.

That's nothing new they been doin that for a long time now, have you just noticed that? I quit buying it because of that. But with the internet who needs a newspaper anymore?
Bama Bo said:

"Settle down Francis"

1: Lenny is a Bama fan

2: So you think the B'ham news has a conspiracy against Alabama when they feature a game between to top 10 (at the time of the game) teams?

9 out of 10 auburn fans will tell you what they call the "Bama Ham News" has a bias against auburn.

Don't get your bonnet on crooked, Mary. I never said Lenny wasn't an Alabama fan, that was your assumption.

Some of the minders seem to jump the gun when anything other than sickeningly sweet conversations are occurring. No one was out of line or overboard, it was just what adults call conversation.

Now, maybe we can get back to the discussion and be done with the corrections and admonishments.

The B-ham News used to be an Alabama paper, that much is true. Now, it is an AuNeck slanted sports section, that much is also true.

Scarbinsky and Melick say hello.

That is not a conspiracy theory, it is just the truth for anyone that is not blind.

Two weeks in a row, the AuNecks have had front and center and got to have the expensive ink used on their accomplishments, including a loss.

Meanwhile, 'Bama is steadily climbing in the polls and looking very much like a contender, at this point, yet they get approximately 35 percent of the space and no pretty ink.

I have reason to think that if both Alabama and Auburn win next week that the AuNecks will still get the color and Alabama will be in B&W.

Some say it doesn't matter, but it does. It matters because there are still quite a lot of Alabama fans in Birmingham. It matters because we want our team to be treated fairly because that is just the way it should be.
Altie, any reasonable adult can tell you which game will be color (and black/white) the Monday before the game. Its not rocket science!

You really believe a beatdown of Western Kentucky is more newsworthy than a road SEC win?

You really believe a top 10 matchup with the defending national champs isnt more newsworthy than a trip to Fayetteville?

Watch out for all the black helicopters circling outside :wink:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Altie, any reasonable adult can tell you which game will be color (and black/white) the Monday before the game. Its not rocket science!

You really believe a beatdown of Western Kentucky is more newsworthy than a road SEC win?

You really believe a top 10 matchup with the defending national champs isnt more newsworthy than a trip to Fayetteville?

Watch out for all the black helicopters circling outside :wink:

What he said.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Altie, any reasonable adult can tell you which game will be color (and black/white) the Monday before the game. Its not rocket science!

You really believe a beatdown of Western Kentucky is more newsworthy than a road SEC win?

You really believe a top 10 matchup with the defending national champs isnt more newsworthy than a trip to Fayetteville?

Watch out for all the black helicopters circling outside :wink:

I didn't say the victory over W. Kentucky should have been in color, you are the only one who alluded to that. I said that it was understandable that the AuNecks should have been in color the week of their Ms. State game. Why you would say I implied anything else is beyond me; kind of strange though.

Secondly, I have stated that this is now 2 weeks in a row that the AuNecks have been in color. That pretty much blows out of the water the naive thought that it is an alternating pattern that is used.

Tertiary, there is no reason to believe that Alabama will be in color this week. The AuNecks have a big game with Tennessee in Lee County and to the AuNecks that run the B-Ham sports section, that is more important than 'Bama being far away in Athens.

Look for another color section on the AuNecks this week even if 'Bama wins. If 'Bama loses, it is a 100 percent lock that we will be in B&W again.
reger60 said:
Why does any of this really matter? :?:

It isn't that big of a deal, yet. But, there could come a time that to not complain would be unwise.

For instance, if the B-Ham News decided to never put Alabama in color just because they say so. It is a slight, a slap about the head, an insult that should be challenged if that were to occur.
CtrlAltieDel said:
reger60 said:
Why does any of this really matter? :?:

It isn't that big of a deal, yet. But, there could come a time that to not complain would be unwise.

For instance, if the B-Ham News decided to never put Alabama in color just because they say so. It is a slight, a slap about the head, an insult that should be challenged if that were to occur.

You've obviously never been insulted by anyone that really knows how to throw an insult -- or slapped in the head but someone that's a really good head-slapper.
reger60 said:
CtrlAltieDel said:
reger60 said:
Why does any of this really matter? :?:

It isn't that big of a deal, yet. But, there could come a time that to not complain would be unwise.

For instance, if the B-Ham News decided to never put Alabama in color just because they say so. It is a slight, a slap about the head, an insult that should be challenged if that were to occur.

You've obviously never been insulted by anyone that really knows how to throw an insult -- or slapped in the head but someone that's a really good head-slapper.

Have you ever heard of figuratively being slapped about the head? I wasn't really talking about being physically slapped on the head. I am going to have to start being more precise and clear.
CtrlAltieDel said:
reger60 said:
CtrlAltieDel said:
reger60 said:
Why does any of this really matter? :?:

It isn't that big of a deal, yet. But, there could come a time that to not complain would be unwise.

For instance, if the B-Ham News decided to never put Alabama in color just because they say so. It is a slight, a slap about the head, an insult that should be challenged if that were to occur.

You've obviously never been insulted by anyone that really knows how to throw an insult -- or slapped in the head but someone that's a really good head-slapper.

Have you ever heard of figuratively being slapped about the head? I wasn't really talking about being physically slapped on the head. I am going to have to start being more precise and clear.

No. Obviously, it is I that needs to be more precise and clear.
reger60 said:
CtrlAltieDel said:
reger60 said:
CtrlAltieDel said:
reger60 said:
Why does any of this really matter? :?:

It isn't that big of a deal, yet. But, there could come a time that to not complain would be unwise.

For instance, if the B-Ham News decided to never put Alabama in color just because they say so. It is a slight, a slap about the head, an insult that should be challenged if that were to occur.

You've obviously never been insulted by anyone that really knows how to throw an insult -- or slapped in the head but someone that's a really good head-slapper.

Have you ever heard of figuratively being slapped about the head? I wasn't really talking about being physically slapped on the head. I am going to have to start being more precise and clear.

No. Obviously, it is I that needs to be more precise and clear.

Or maybe you could just understand that I wasn't talking about schoolyard insults, but rather an intentional snub used out of spite.
CtrlAltieDel said:
reger60 said:
Why does any of this really matter? :?:

It isn't that big of a deal, yet. But, there could come a time that to not complain would be unwise.

For instance, if the B-Ham News decided to never put Alabama in color just because they say so. It is a slight, a slap about the head, an insult that should be challenged if that were to occur.

Right now, however, it's unwise to complain.
We could all express our displeasure by cancelling our subscriptions. That would get their attention.

Never mind. Most of us have already done that over their editorial content.
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