| FTBL Bama gets low blow on forums for no reason....


Verified Member
Check this out and if you don't get a little ticked, then you are no Bama fan by my accounts.


It wasn't so much the jail reference that made me just a little peeved, but the way they said that people have to get hurt at a practice or else it's not gonna be a good season.(paraphrased a little) I'm pretty sure that practice is supposed to be tough, but not so brutal that one of your players gets sent to the hospital with a cervical sprain. And for any Auburn fans out there that think that we are soft at practice. We're only making sure we showcase our talent, not hinder if before next season.Besides, I want Auburn to be at full strength next season, so their loss won't be riddled with "we were injured" excuses.
I never visit Barner forums....ever. The only reason I have ever visited one was to post my condolences when Fife passed away. That was the one and only time.
Heres some of the latest of what the barners have been dishing out...


This was I think my second time going on one. I went this time to see what everyone there thought of their spring practice and what their improvements had been. Sadly i came across this trash.
Funny how things like this come full circle. Mark Richt had issues a couple of years ago with players smoking weed and the Barn has had its share of problems in the past. It will happen again at any given school soon enough.
bamafan4ever said:
Funny how things like this come full circle. Mark Richt had issues a couple of years ago with players smoking weed and the Barn has had its share of problems in the past. It will happen again at any given school soon enough.

It's happening at all Universities but ours troubles are clumped together at a time of an intense spotlight on Saban. What goes around comes around in college sports, just so happens we are on the wrong side of the jokes at the moment. :?

barners make me laugh :lol:

they are so obsessed with the bama nation in general it just makes me chuckle. :D

thats why they are, and always will be, a little brother (or sister). they are more concerned with bama than themselves.

just laugh, 'cause they will never have what bama has. :wink:
I wasn't aware of the two walk-ons, nice to see the Barners on top of everything. ;tr :roll:

Edit: Remember about them now.
BamaFan19 said:
Check this out and if you don't get a little ticked, then you are no Bama fan by my accounts.


It wasn't so much the jail reference that made me just a little peeved, but the way they said that people have to get hurt at a practice or else it's not gonna be a good season.(paraphrased a little) I'm pretty sure that practice is supposed to be tough, but not so brutal that one of your players gets sent to the hospital with a cervical sprain. And for any Auburn fans out there that think that we are soft at practice. We're only making sure we showcase our talent, not hinder if before next season.Besides, I want Auburn to be at full strength next season, so their loss won't be riddled with "we were injured" excuses.

I am not at all "peeved", concerned, or moved by what other boards say. Frankly I take more issue with 1) you bringing their trash into our board, and 2) Having someone 19 years old try to judge my support for the Tide. Son, I was on the field at Bryant-Denny when you were still crapping your diapers.

I appreciate you enthusiasm. Our team has enjoyed enthusiastic fans before I was born, and they will after you and I are gone. But, measure that enthusiasm with class and reason. We know other teams spread crap, we just don't need someone to bring a hand full into the house and stick it under our noses to know that its still out there.

You let their words focus your energy on countering them, instead of building us up.
I read the thread over there and I must say that this entire thread is a big deal over nothing.

Waste of time to bring it up because like has been said.....we would do the same if the shoe was on the other foot.

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