🏈 Applewhite expected to interview with Texas...

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rammajamma said:
If CNS wants MA to stay, I think we could squeeze a few more rupies out of the budget and get him a raise. But I have a suspicion that CNS is looking to "take the team in another direction". I may be wrong, he may be all puzzled by this and on his hands and knees begging MA to stay.... All I or anyone can do is speculate, but if my hunch is correct, we will be sitting around with our jaws on the floor when we hear the replacement. We have Nick Saban, this is not Mike Shula, Mike Dubose or Bill Curry, he knows what he is doing.

I definitely don't think it's a money thing. I have no idea what it's all about and don't think I will ever know. I've heard rumblings of Saban and Applewhite "disconnect", but it's nothing more than internet rumor.

I also read about Applewhite back in December. He told Star Jackson he would be here. He is the main reason Star is signing. Now this? I know things change, and I'm not calling Major a liar. Dang, how can they change that quickly though??
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
Why does this hurt me so? Please tell me it will be OK with all the recruits and such. Are we going to finish w/ the 23rd ranked class? And on top of that, would I sound like a HOMO if someone from another board were to get on here and see what I am saying? I am kidding a little. Suck it barn and corndog fans!!!

I love Major Applewhite. I wish he could have stayed here 10+ years. That said, having Major Applewhite on Alabama's coaching staff is not a pre-requisite for winning championships. If you remember back to last January, he was Saban's 3rd or 4th choice for OC to begin with. Like I said earlier, we are in the best hands possible... it will be ok.
Porterhouse said:
rammajamma said:
But I have a suspicion that CNS is looking to "take the team in another direction".

If some whispers that I've heard are indeed true, then you are not far off.

My main concern is still Star. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we have no other QB commits right? I really had hopes of Star coming in next year and making some waves. I just can't handle the QB problems again this season. :?
Atlanta_Tider said:
Porterhouse said:
rammajamma said:
But I have a suspicion that CNS is looking to "take the team in another direction".

If some whispers that I've heard are indeed true, then you are not far off.
so you too heard Saban told him to start looking for another job?

Not exactly like that, no. But I'm NOT sold on this being a case where Texas just came and stole a coach out from under Saban's nose. It is more of a cause and effect thing that triggered this, as opposed to Texas stealing a coach away from BAMA... if those whispers are true.
Dang it, Barn babies are going to say that we are just making excuses just like they did when they lost there DC. Can we admit that he went for a better job? I don't know the details, but it sounds like we got left in the "lurch". Why GOD, why?
I just started thinking positively, and if we hire someone interesting, it might actually help recruiting. Might open up a few new doors. Just thinking positively. Any thoughts? Maybe the Sabanator has a little something up his sleeve.
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
I just started thinking positively, and if we hire someone interesting, it might actually help recruiting. Might open up a few new doors. Just thinking positively. Any thoughts? Maybe the Sabanator has a little something up his sleeve.

Bill Belichick the day after the Pats beat the Pack in the SuperBowl? :D
I really don't like the idea of him leaving at all. I think within the next couple of years he could really develop into one of the best OC in the nation. Although, I don't think that Saban would just let this happen right from underneath him. I really do think that CNS has something up his sleeve.
So is he gone or not?????
To put this short and simple...this really pisses me off. I don't want to have a whole new offense, we need stability the most in our program. The truth about all of this well never come out IMO, and I'm beginning to get a headache already. Not having play calling freedom would be my guess, but seriously come on...
Chuck-E-Cheeze said:
Hey Porter, give me a percentage that he goes. TerryP, feel free to chime in.

I'm not into percentages, but I can tell you my worry meter isn't flickering, one bit. Stays or goes, it won't move.

The one thing that hasn't been pointed out here is Major did interview with Houston and Saban encouraged him to do so to "get used to the process."

I'm not in the camp of the "horrible game plan/calling" this past season. I am in the camp that says "we didn't have a good running attack and that one thing in itself had an effect on the entire offense." There were just too many factors with our offensive this past season to lay blame at anyone's feet. But, that's the way I see it...and there are some that disagree with that notion.
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