| FTBL Alabamian couple killed after game

The entire thing looks pretty dumb to me. But I dunno, someone comes to your home and threatens you with a pistol, sounds like self defense to me.

Either way, its a waste. Alcohol was a huge factor there....
People get killed every day over the most trivial crap....This makes headlines because it involves football. I suspect there could be alot more to the story as for history / bad blood between all involved...All that being said...just another senseless killing.
Let me see if i get this timeline correct?

Everyone? is drunk
Bama beats LSU
LSU fan Smith calls Bama fan Williams
argument ensues
LSU fan Smith and his wife drive to Bama fan Williams home
Physical altercation ensues
LSU fan Smith gets gun from car and threatens Williams on Williams property
Williams shoots Smith
Smith wife then threatens Williams. Did she pick up her husbands gun?
Williams shoots Mrs Smith

This is just tragic all around. But lets get one thing straight here, if anyone came in my yard, threated me or my family with a gun, I would shoot him too. Regardless of why he was there. You pull a gun on me in my yard and I can only assume you mean to kill me.

I doubt I have all the information at this point but it sounds like Smith started the whole thing. Im not saying that just because he was an LSU fan. If a Bama fan started it, I would say the same thing. This is just horrible. I think people are taking things WAYY to seriously to let a dispute over a football game escalate to this.

Dear God, I wonder if the Smiths or Williams had kids? This is sickening.
Southern Bama said:
People get killed every day over the most trivial crap....This makes headlines because it involves football. I suspect there could be alot more to the story as for history / bad blood between all involved...All that being said...just another senseless killing.

Yep, when I was growing up, one of my baseball teammate's father killed my minister's brother over an argument about religion.

Alcohol was also involved in that incident.
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