| FTBL Al Delgreco and Saban rumor

Saban back to LSU??

Im an avid Bama fan that has been living and going to law school in Baton Rouge for the last few years and hear all kinds of things from radio shows here and rumors from classmates that played at LSU.

The rumor here now is LSU is talking to Saban about coming back to coach. I have had at least a dozen people come up to me today to gloat over this news. They have even talked about it here on the radio show with specific numbers that supposedly were offered. A board of trustee that I heard from swears "No he would not come, nor would he be invited." But we all have heard that before with countless other coaching positions.

I just signed up for the board today to see if anyone around the program there had heard anything about this. The mere rumor of this disturbs me. :?:
I've been seeing it on other sites (even htose outside of the SEC) but I have no idea if it is true. My initial thought is that it's just a rumor started by LSU fans, but even if it is true I am not going to to lay awake at night worrying about it. This school and its fans have been through so much the last 10 years or so that Saban (or any coach leaving) doesn't even register on my radar anymore. It's not worth my time to worry about.

While I would love for Saban to stay here until he retires, I don't have the energy to worry about those type of things any more. Whatever happens happens.
If he leaves, he leaves. There are a number of other coaches we could get, and to be honest if he leaves it will be about par for the course.
Let me get this straight. A few weeks ago we were their worst enemey. They didn't care about anything other than beating Saban. They hated Saban. They wanted to come and plant purple and yellow flowers on our campus. They wanted to come and pee on Denny Chimes and all the statues around campus. They came over here to tell us that Saban was only an average coach and Miles had done a MUCH better job than Saban.

Now, a month later, they wish Michigan would take Miles so they could have Saban back?

:roll: :roll: :roll:
Most of these rumors came about when Jimmy Sexton went to Baton Rouge, but Jimmy Sexton has alot of popular clients other than Saban.

Alot of rumors think that LSU will buyout Sabans contract, false because Nick Saban has no buyout clause in his contract.

Then people freaked out because they saw him in LA, but he was making visits and recruiting inroads for Alabama.

Dont worry about it, if it makes you feel better I thought about making a "Point and Laugh" thread about their obsession with our coach.
Re: Saban back to LSU??

Leviathan179 said:
Im an avid Bama fan that has been living and going to law school in Baton Rouge for the last few years and hear all kinds of things from radio shows here and rumors from classmates that played at LSU.

The rumor here now is LSU is talking to Saban about coming back to coach. I have had at least a dozen people come up to me today to gloat over this news. They have even talked about it here on the radio show with specific numbers that supposedly were offered. A board of trustee that I heard from swears "No he would not come, nor would he be invited." But we all have heard that before with countless other coaching positions.

I just signed up for the board today to see if anyone around the program there had heard anything about this. The mere rumor of this disturbs me. :?:

You know how rumors are. They take on a life of their own. Next thing you know, you'll be hearing that we still lynch people in Alabama for starting BS rumors about our coach. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go to the garage and see how much rope I've got on hand. BTW, where exactly do you live?
No disrespect towards Leviathan:

I wondered how long it would take. :roll:

On a positive note......it's going to be this way from now on as "The Process" unfolds. Especially when we can say SECC,BCS and Alabama in the same sentence!
I have to be honest... I can see this happening.

I don't want it to happen but I seriously think it's possible and maybe even likely, but before anyone goes and hangs themselves by their "Sabanation" teeshirt remember we can find someone else if this does happen.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
If it did (again it wont) we really should just shut the program down. :oops:

Shut the program down? :roll:

The fact is we could find someone else that would not give us negative media coverage and do the same job Saban is/was/will do/doing.
ColoradoTide said:
Ultimately - if it happens, it happens.

Alabama Crimson Tide football is bigger than Nick Saban. :wink:

But if he does leave he's not nearly as sharp as we think he is.
If he leaves he better pray to the good Lord he never leaves LSU because he will have destroyed the little credibility he has left.
This is actually getting funny. Amazing how things morph! :roll:

People....he has seen the statues and knows where he walks.

psssssst....Miles to Meechigan and Terry Bowden to LSwho...lmao off at the Bowden bit. Who knows...maybe Jimbo Fisher returns. Ya know....the guy that Bowden ran off! :lol:
Hero said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
If it did (again it wont) we really should just shut the program down. :oops:

Shut the program down? :roll:

The fact is we could find someone else that would not give us negative media coverage and do the same job Saban is/was/will do/doing.

Care to name one? Ill wait
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