| FTBL about OC. Not what you think.

Would Pendry running the show on O scare you?

  • Yes, yes it would

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Makes no matter to me

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kinda, but I'd give it a chance first

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd rather have somone else, but not Norm Chow.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
These choices confuse me. Why is there a “Not Norm Chow” option in a poll about Pendry? I’d rather have Chow calling the plays than Pendry, but I wouldn’t mind having Pendry as OC and hiring a top notch QB coach. Where is that choice? ;scr
RollTideRandy said:
These choices confuse me. Why is there a “Not Norm Chow” option in a poll about Pendry? I’d rather have Chow calling the plays than Pendry, but I wouldn’t mind having Pendry as OC and hiring a top notch QB coach. Where is that choice? ;scr

Norm is the guy most people want. But I don't ever see this happening. I knew if I left the last one w/out Norm, everyone would pick it because they want HIM. I'd rather see if people want other OC's. Hope that made sense.
ericd said:
Pendry seems like he would be too conservative. Our defense is not strong enough to have that much responsibility.

I agree. I think it would be a huge mistake at this point. UA should just bite the bullet and run the spread with Fanuzzi for now, or at least a version of it. I have noticed teams with mediocre talent be highly successful with the spread. For example Oregon, Illinois, USF, West Virginia (they have talent now).
AlabamaMan said:
RollTideRandy said:
These choices confuse me. Why is there a “Not Norm Chow” option in a poll about Pendry? I’d rather have Chow calling the plays than Pendry, but I wouldn’t mind having Pendry as OC and hiring a top notch QB coach. Where is that choice? ;scr

Norm is the guy most people want. But I don't ever see this happening. I knew if I left the last one w/out Norm, everyone would pick it because they want HIM. I'd rather see if people want other OC's. Hope that made sense.

Norm is the guy most people want? Did I miss that poll?
RollTideRandy said:
These choices confuse me. Why is there a “Not Norm Chow” option in a poll about Pendry? I’d rather have Chow calling the plays than Pendry, but I wouldn’t mind having Pendry as OC and hiring a top notch QB coach. Where is that choice? ;scr

He's a former pollster for the Clinton campaign.
I would probably only be satisfied with Hatcher only, but there are maybe a couple of others that would be nice. Honestly I just want a guy with experience and a offense with great numbers.
Bones82 said:
ericd said:
Pendry seems like he would be too conservative. Our defense is not strong enough to have that much responsibility.

I agree. I think it would be a huge mistake at this point. UA should just bite the bullet and run the spread with Fanuzzi for now, or at least a version of it. I have noticed teams with mediocre talent be highly successful with the spread. For example Oregon, Illinois, USF, West Virginia (they have talent now).

Both of these statements lack one thing, fact.

You can't call Pendry conservative because he's shown, and with success, a wide open offense in the past.

Then the comment about Fanuzzi? Heck, he wasn't able to practice much of this past season and you want to throw him out there when we have better and more experienced QB's on the team?

Secondly, we run elements of a spread now. Three of the teams you mention have an offensive set that is just like ours. But, the only difference is we have a mind set to establish a strong running game. That's football.

West Virginia doesn't belong in the category of the first three teams. The run an option based spread formation. Very few teams in the NCAA do this.

As to the poll question, I'm one of those that have no, absolutely no problem with him named as OC. Putting the blame on Pendry for the offensive problems this past season is a knee jerk reaction at it's best. In fact, it's based on something I just can't grasp.

From day one, the game plan was set in place for offense by one person. Coach Nick Saban. There were voices in the game plans each week. Cignetti, Middleton, Burns, Applewhite and Pendry. With Pendry you are looking at 42 years of experience on the offensive side of the ball. (fact is Pendry could coach any position on the field and do it well. There probably only one person on our staff that knows more about football than Pendry, Saban.)

Game plans were a majority rules kind of situation. All had input, all didn't agree on specific things, but everyone had a part in what happened on the field.

People shouldn't dismiss the rotation we saw on offense due to suspensions and injuries. When we played well, we had continuity. When we did, it was one of those two reasons.

Nothing provides a better example than the last game of the year. As soon as we saw an injury on the offensive line production ceased. The breakdowns were all in the middle over the G and C position.
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