| FTBL Why I want LSU to beat Ohio State...


Naturally, most 'Bama fans' opinions of LSU's title game will be mixed, with some wanting LSU (the SEC) to win, and some wanting the corndogs to get their rear ends kicked for a third time this year. The following is why I think it is IMPORTANT that LSU win the game:

As a conference, the SEC is getting an unprecedented amount of respect from the national media. Frankly, we owe this new-found respect to one thing: Florida whipping OSU last year. Florida came in as the underdog, won easily, then told the rest of the world that 4 or 5 SEC teams could have won the game also. For once, the media believed it.

I think it is for that reason alone that LSU is even IN the game... which brings me to my point.

IF the SEC (in this case, LSU) can seize the moment, it will be a long time before another team goes 13-0 in the SEC and not play for the title, like Auburn did a few years ago. Clearly, the league's image is much stronger now than it was then.

I firmly believe that within a couple of years, we'll be watching BCS polls each week because they will determine our bowl destination... so the more the national media respects our league, the better chance we have of getting in THE GAME.
Sorry to disagree with you.

The hubby is in Columbus, Ohio today for business. I've asked for a Buckeye hat to wear just one day in January. :wink: :D
I'll prolly pull for LSU since I have a bunch of corndog friends. :D But, my world won't come to an end if the Buckeyes hand them their collective head. :shock:
I despise Ohio State and I wish them only student riots borne of frustration and embarrassment. The Big 10 is a sorry excuse for football. They look good as long as they are playing with themselves or Notre Dame.

That being said, I hope they beat LSU by the number of stupid gameday decisions by Les Miles times 7.


CrimsonPirate said:
since I have a bunch of corndog friends. :D

All the more reason I'm pulling for tOSU. My corndog friends and relatives are getting a little too full for their sticks.

Listening to them you would think they invented the NC. :roll:

I'm ready for Les(s) to begin his Mike Archer imitation.

And don't really want to wait until September to watch it start.
It Takes Eleven said:
I despise Ohio State and I wish them only student riots borne of frustration and embarrassment. The Big 10 is a sorry excuse for football. They look good as long as they are playing with themselves or Notre Dame.

That being said, I hope they beat LSU by the number of stupid gameday decisions by Les Miles times 7.



Honestly, I could not have said it better myself. ;w;w
Bryant34 said:
Naturally, most 'Bama fans' opinions of LSU's title game will be mixed, with some wanting LSU (the SEC) to win, and some wanting the corndogs to get their rear ends kicked for a third time this year. The following is why I think it is IMPORTANT that LSU win the game:

As a conference, the SEC is getting an unprecedented amount of respect from the national media. Frankly, we owe this new-found respect to one thing: Florida whipping OSU last year. Florida came in as the underdog, won easily, then told the rest of the world that 4 or 5 SEC teams could have won the game also. For once, the media believed it.

I think it is for that reason alone that LSU is even IN the game... which brings me to my point.

IF the SEC (in this case, LSU) can seize the moment, it will be a long time before another team goes 13-0 in the SEC and not play for the title, like Auburn did a few years ago. Clearly, the league's image is much stronger now than it was then.

I firmly believe that within a couple of years, we'll be watching BCS polls each week because they will determine our bowl destination... so the more the national media respects our league, the better chance we have of getting in THE GAME.

I have to ask a question.


2007- 5 teams in the top 25 today.
2006- 5 teams in the top 25 season end.
2005- 5 teams in the top 25 season end.
2004- 4 teams in the top 25 season end. (UF missed #25 by 14 votes)
2003- 5 teams in the top 25 season end.

Do you see what I mean here?

Win or lose, the SEC will have the same respect next year as this year. The only thing that is unprecedented is having 9 teams in bowl games. But, last year, 8.

One last thing I think is important to mention. When OSU faced UF last season it was an offensive attack that OSU wasn't close to be familiar with.

LSU doesn't bring the same attack. It's more of a traditional spread that a few teams in the Big10 use as well.

I'll say this. If LSU drops this one, there are a few things you can count on.

The media will be all over Miles looking at some of the decisions he made in games this season. They'll be all over him for not accomplishing what they could, IE: NC. The fan base will be up in arms about how Miles is being treated by the media.
I can see both sides of the argument, to be fair, and I know most of you do too but most of us have long memories about how these guys bashed Coach Saban and Alabama Football. Respect only came AFTER we stood toe to toe with the LSU Tigers with much less overall talent on the field.

Lester may win this game but he will be exposed after this season. He will be no better than any other 4 loss coach in this league.

I'd just assume to see the corndogs sink rather than swim.
Terry, I do not disagree with you... facts are facts. We all know how good the SEC is/has been.

However, I believe that if the season had played out this year like it did a few years ago when Auburn went undefeated, I think the SEC team gets the nod.

Any SEC school that goes undefeated should play for the National Championship, period. (although it couldn't have happened to a nicer team) Auburn got screwed... and it shouldn't happen again. Next time, though, it should be Alabama in the mix.

EDIT... ALSO, having now 8 out of 12 coaches being alumni of BCS bowl games (4 with NC's) doesn't hurt your conference's reputation.
I want LSU to win because they are representing the South, the Southeastern Conference and it helps all members of the conference in the future with respect to BCS games. There is no doubt in my mind that the butt whipping UF put on OSU last year changed many media mindsets about the strength of the SEC. A loss by LSU would hurt that IMO.
Go Mini-turds! :D

elbatider said:
I want LSU to win because they are representing the South, the Southeastern Conference and it helps all members of the conference in the future with respect to BCS games. There is no doubt in my mind that the butt whipping UF put on OSU last year changed many media mindsets about the strength of the Big10. A loss by LSU would hurt that IMO.

Which was non-existent. Michigan State's opening loss confirmed it, and they consistently talked of the Big12 being down all year even with OSU undefeated.
I hope LSU and Les Miles are totally humiliated. In my book, a team doesn't deserve to represent the South in the National Championship when they exhibit such a lack of discipline as evidenced by the high number of penalties/game or when they have multiple near-loss games with scores of basketball proportions. Add to that Miles' personal arrogrance ("We're undefeated in regulation...") and I'm really, *really* itching to feed them all some humble pie.

Yeah I know--I've heard the argumnent that an ugly win is better than a pretty loss, but I don't buy into it myself. Scorekeeping is arbitrary and this season, especially, underscores the notion that there's more to what took place on the field that the numbers left posted on the board. When I think "National Champions" I think "elite" and for all their raw power, LSU's performance this season has not elevated them to the ranks of the elite.
elbatider said:
I want LSU to win because they are representing the South, the Southeastern Conference and it helps all members of the conference in the future with respect to BCS games. There is no doubt in my mind that the butt whipping UF put on OSU last year changed many media mindsets about the strength of the SEC. A loss by LSU would hurt that IMO.

I would rather Georgia represent the south....cause if LSU is our representative it means we play sloppy,and undisciplined in the SEC. Who cares what the media thinks about the SEC or anyone else....even if they start harping on the SEC IF they lose....next year a better team will be representing the SEC not a pretender like LSU. Never thought I would say this but go BUCKEYES?
LSU will win

would you guys stop crying about miles! LSU will still be loaded with talent for years to come, we won't drop down in the rankings,Les will still win his 11 games a year and we'll still kick Ala. butt every year also! why do you people hate miles so much? is it because he beat Saban at home or is it because you are just envy of LSU's succes this decade.
Re: LSU will win

ranger350 said:
would you guys stop crying about miles! LSU will still be loaded with talent for years to come, we won't drop down in the rankings,Les will still win his 11 games a year and we'll still kick Ala. butt every year also! why do you people hate miles so much? is it because he beat Saban at home or is it because you are just envy of LSU's succes this decade.

I just don't like the smell of corn dogs.
would you guys stop crying about miles! LSU will still be loaded with talent for years to come, we won't drop down in the rankings,Les will still win his 11 games a year and we'll still kick Ala. butt every year also! why do you people hate miles so much? is it because he beat Saban at home or is it because you are just envy of LSU's succes this decade.

^^TR ^^JO
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