| FTBL Whats the deal with the cell phone penalty?

I think that was kind of a personal penalty. Did anyone see the ref push JPW when he did it. He kind of gave him a shove and then threw the flag. Then again, that's just the way I saw it.
LSU fans are notorious for getting the cell phone numbers for opposing players. They did it to Tebow last year...he did the cell phone hand signal and pointed to the LSU fans after scoring a TD in BR. UGA's Moreno did it to them a couple of weeks ago. I know Tebow didn't get flagged, not sure if Moreno did.

It was worth getting the penalty. I liked it.
It was worth getting the penalty. I liked it.
I don't know if it was worth it. We gave them a short field and TD to follow. No different than Mazes statue pose. It calls attention to himself and puts the whole team in a negative situation. I think it changed the tone of the game somewhat.

After Saban sees the game, me thinks JPW will get some of that arse chewing. A QB arse chewing though (don't do that anymore)
bamascott2 said:
LSU fans are notorious for getting the cell phone numbers for opposing players. They did it to Tebow last year...he did the cell phone hand signal and pointed to the LSU fans after scoring a TD in BR. UGA's Moreno did it to them a couple of weeks ago. I know Tebow didn't get flagged, not sure if Moreno did.

It was worth getting the penalty. I liked it.

That explains it then. Somebody musta been calling and haressing him.
Supposedly last week LSU fans found out JPWs cell number and were calling him. Same thing with Teboew and Moreno. Only we got flagged for it unlike Tebow and Moreno....

At first when it happened I'd say it was worth it. Then after the penalty then fumble by Javy, I'd say I wished I could turn back time. Took some momentum we were trying to build on right out early in the game.
I did see the ref do a bit of a shove, what's up with that?

As for JPW, I like him playing with fire and being cocky but on the other hand it did cost us 15 yards. But I don't think he did it with a "look at me" attitude, it was more of a "how you like us now" maybe.
I did not like the whole cell phone thing at all. I have to agree with a previous post that it put us in a hole and the result was 14 LSU Points. I hope JPW hears about it from Saban. Mistakes like that against a FL team will destroy us. We had just driven the ball down the field twice and all that cell phone antic did was give LSU something to get them back up
What's funny is that I read on the gators website that Tebow, Moreno and JPW all did it after a TD in the same endzone each time.
Ref just happen to be looking right at John Parker. I liked it. Remember John Parker is Alabama through and through. He enjoyed the fact he was going to beat LSU! A team he had not beaten ever! Yeah it cost 15 yards but so what! We won the game and John Parker got to rub that LSU face in the mud. HE WILL NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAINST FLORIDA. Auburn on the other hand? :twisted:
There was a coach at Alabama a while back that told one of his players "Ain't nobody on this team good enough to cost us 15 yards on a penalty"

I agree with The Coach on this issue. I like that JPW plays with intensity, but that was just stupid.
What's funny is that I read on the gators website that Tebow, Moreno and JPW all did it after a TD in the same endzone each time.

So, I'm assuming that it hasn't dawned on anyone that this is happening in front of their student section?
TerryP said:
What's funny is that I read on the gators website that Tebow, Moreno and JPW all did it after a TD in the same endzone each time.

So, I'm assuming that it hasn't dawned on anyone that this is happening in front of their student section?

I'm suprised they didnt get stuff thrown at them!
Bama Bo said:
There was a coach at Alabama a while back that told one of his players "Ain't nobody on this team good enough to cost us 15 yards on a penalty"

I agree with The Coach on this issue. I like that JPW plays with intensity, but that was just stupid.

There are no other words than "pissed me off."

I remember people getting a kick out of him pointing to the scoreboard during the Arkansas game. Smack talk, plain and simple.

This situation, which resulted in that penalty, put them in great field position. It very well may have cost us 7 points.

BUT, the bottom line was that was a player putting himself above all else. It was all about that player without regard to the consequences, and those hurt the team as a whole.

If we had a player guilty of a penalty...lets say roughing the passer a few seconds after he threw the ball and it wasn't anything that "hurt anyone" physically, yet it cost us field position and led to points people would be calling for his head. They'd be saying "his play was stupid."

Yet, one is worse than the other...
Yep, I pretty much agree with Bo & TP and have always felt that way.

With that said, my boy had called me before the game and told me about an article he had read concerning JPW and LSU fans harrassing him with calls. Not only were comments directed toward JPW but also toward his family and his mother in particularly.

I know that still does not make things right in terms of what JPW did, but I slso can sympathize a little more, concerning the motivation behind it.

All I would like to see is officials being consistent with their penalty calls for unsportsmanlike conduct and excessive celebration. Tebow and Moreno do the very same thing and no flag is thrown.

Same with the penalty that Maze got against Ole Miss. I've seen more showboating, celebrating, and taunting on plays that did not even result in a TD.
JUst give the ball back to the refs and go to the sideline and watch the kicks...It'll piss the opposition off faster than anything
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