What do you eat on a hotdog?


The Rowdy One
Just curious what everyone puts on their hotdogs, I usually keep my kind of plain and add some sneaky petes sauce but sometimes i do get a little adventurous and add chili or there was the one time i added some steamed mac and cheese to it and it was quite scrumptious :shock:
I'm gonna catch hell for this... ketchup if I eat it plain. I like mustard, just don't care for mustard on a boring hotdog - a braut never gets ketchup, always mustard :)

If I go with chili, then it has onions, chili, spices, and mustard.
I used to do ketchup only when I was a kid. Now, if I buy a hot dog at a game or something, I will do ketchup and kraut or mustard and kraut, whatever mood I am in. If I make a dog at home, I get creative and use whatever I have available. Last week I had a hot dog with honey mustard, Velveeta cheese, and Cool Ranch Dorito crumbs! :bluebiggrin:
Pete did make a great hot dog.

I really adorn a hot dog. There is an art to it.

Mustard first, then ketchup. Chopped onions are next, then kraut. A dash of Pete's sauce and some chili and its ready to go. Makes me hungry just to think about it.
We import Sneaky Pete's sauce to our home in GA, and I always grill Nathans.

There's a little restaurant in Cleveland, TN called Jenkins Deli, been there for years. They have a hot dog that when they bring it to you, you just have to trust them that there's a hot dog under the fixings. Chile, slaw, relish, onions - the works. It's been 20 plus years since I used to have that field territory and I still go back there when I'm traveling between Chattanooga and Knoxville.


I like mustard and mayo on mine. I am the only person I know of that actually puts mayo on a hotdog! :icon_lol: Don't know why I ever started doing it. But, it's good!
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