| CURRENT EVENTS Wall to Wall: Russia, Russia, Russia. This Ukraine mess, what's your feelings on the matter?

My opinion in a nutshell
Europe has pushed the "green" agenda to the max and shut down a lot of their self reliant energy sources to which Russia (Putin) have been too happy to "help" fill the void with their resources (leverage). The EU relies on over 40% of its natural gas from Russia. Germany is a meth head and Russia is Walt White and has all the methylamine.
The US/NATO precipitated the crisis. Russia was never going to sit on their hands while NATO kept making members out of places they said they wouldn’t. Ukraine especially because Crimea was administratively moved under Ukraine during the USSR days. Crimea was purchased from Turkey by Catherine the Great in 1854 to ensure that Russia would have a warm water port. They will not relinquish it. To the folks wanting to do something. Go enlist and beg to go die in the cold over there fighting for nothing yet again. Our latest color revolution toppled a popularly elected Russian neutral president with a puppet of basically the democrats of the US. Ukraine was one of the largest sources of foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation.
Anyone who thinks all war is economic doesn't get ideological war. Can you find the economics in it? If you try hard enough you can believe anything. But this is not much different than Islamic Jihad. Putin believes the same as some Muslims. Once an area belongs to Russia it is always Russian. And he knows Mutually Assured Destruction will stop NATO from doing anything about it.
Just the fact we're seeing conservatives, neo-cons, and democrats all crying for intervention? Three huge red flags.

The response we're seeing of "dissident and traitor" being thrown around when one says "hold up" is another "no discourse allowed" scene.

If you're not Ukrainian get that damn flag out of your username, signature, etc. 99.9% of those have no skin in the game.
If you're not Ukrainian get that damn flag out of your username, signature, etc. 99.9% of those have no skin in the game.
I kind of have to agree and disagree. It is useful to have people paying attention to it and showing that they support the Ukraine being left alone. But 99.9% are doing it as slacktivism and not following it up with anything useful. Donate to the Red Cross or other orgs helping the refugees. Donate to the Ukrainian Defense Fund. Donate blood. If you just post a flag and think you helped then don't bother.

As far as US military intervention, Putin has already laid the nuclear option out there if any foreign troops get involved (of course other than his lackey countries). The Ukraine has to fight and die on their own in that respect. But we are sending a lot of equipment, so the Dems and Repubs should be happy that their defense contractor owners are getting paid.
I kind of have to agree and disagree. It is useful to have people paying attention to it and showing that they support the Ukraine being left alone. But 99.9% are doing it as slacktivism and not following it up with anything useful. Donate to the Red Cross or other orgs helping the refugees. Donate to the Ukrainian Defense Fund. Donate blood. If you just post a flag and think you helped then don't bother.
For gawds sake what's the purpose of pouring out Russian vodka when it's paid for already?

Slacktivism. Nice.
For gawds sake what's the purpose of pouring out Russian vodka when it's paid for already?
That is idiotic as hell. Refuse to buy anymore until after this is over if you want, even put it into storage and refuse to sell for a while as a symbolic gesture, but the Russians already have that money so you are only hurting yourself by destroying it. I prefer American vodka usually anyway.
Tidbits from elsewhere.
1) Russian tank that ran over a civilian car in Kyiv was a Strela-10 Ukrainian air defense system. NOT Russian.

2) Photos of Zelenskyy in military garb with a helmet on are from a 2021 Ukrainian border inspection trip.

3) The “Ghost of Kyiv” MiG-19 shooting down a Russian Su-35 was from a Digital Combat Simulator animation.

4) The “Ghost of Kyiv” identitified as Samuyil Hyde is actually a pic of SAM HYDE, an internet prankster.

5) Photo of two children (girl in pink with teddy bear, boy saluting) watching convoy pass, are from 2016.

6) The photos of a woman saying goodbye to her man, going off to fight Putin’s Russians IS FROM A MOVIE.

7) Snake Island “martyrs” actually were NOT killed, and a video shows all 82 being transported to Sevastopol.

8) “Her Blood Is On His Hands” old lady photos that were on the front pages of The Sun, The Mirror, and The Guardian are actually images from years ago.

Tidbits from elsewhere.
Gonna need more than a random poster saying it is so before I believe anything either way.

BTW.. Sam Hyde is an infamous internet prankster and him being identified as anything by anyone is not proof of anything other than the gullibility of the person involved. In this case it was a Republican in Congress.
Anyone who thinks all war is economic doesn't get ideological war. Can you find the economics in it? If you try hard enough you can believe anything. But this is not much different than Islamic Jihad. Putin believes the same as some Muslims. Once an area belongs to Russia it is always Russian. And he knows Mutually Assured Destruction will stop NATO from doing anything about it.
Looks a tad bit like economics to me. With the Putin justification of Ukraine is a part of Russia and we're just taking back what is ours rhetoric. But hell, I don't like any kind of Vodka, so what do I know? :p
He has completely fucked his economy for quite some time in order to take over some pipelines that he has already built others to replace with.
The ones he's built has required other countries involvement. If he gets Ukraine, all of these will be his (Russia's). The EU already depends on 41% of it's gas from Russia. Taking Ukraine will jack those percentages up by a good bit, I would say. As you stated before that Putin believes the same as some Muslims, I find it odd he hasn't tried to take back any of the majority Muslim countries they lost on the Soviet Union split.
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan
It’s about having a buffer between Russia and NATO. That and I’m sure Putin isn’t thrilled with Uncle Sam’s biolabs in Ukraine.
This bothers me. It's poisonous, for lack of a better word. It's also the same mindset we see from terrorists when it comes to civilians. They're after leaders and look at those around them as the one's who made them leaders.

This ranks up there with those who with a gloating tone were tweeting images of people stranded because Apple and Google pay are no longer working.

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