🌎 Wall to Wall: Russia, Russia, Russia. This Ukraine mess, what's your feelings on the matter?

I read an interesting theory on another forum I frequent. (hunting)

Said that all of this is a stage show in order to make Dementia Joe look good with mid-terms coming up. The Biden family and Crack Head Hunter have long been incahoots with Ukraine. Putin knows he has a puppet in the oval office and can do whatever he wants when he wants. The theory is that all of this is a stage show so that down the road Putin can flex when he really wants to and Biden looks good in the short term.

IDK what Russia wants with Ukraine anyway. Not like there is a ton of natural resources or something rare in the region that they want or need.
Ugh … I assume you’re joking about Ukraine not having a ton of natural resources … right? They have a huge reserves of iron, coal, titanium, natural gas and even more importantly rare earth minerals. They’re also the breadbasket of the entire region.
@TerryP to make Joe look like he is in his right mind and has some balls. Make him look like a leader. Democrats are gonna democrat. This will most likely drive gas prices through the roof. Probably to the point of making folks look for alternatives. ie, electric vehicles. He will champion this is a positive for the environment and all the eco nazi's will lap it up. I dread to see what happens in 10 years when we have to do something with all these old batteries that are no good.

If I'm Elon Musk, I start looking to use Space X as a way to shoot garbage into outer space and get it off the planet.

@Davestwin, very true, but Russia has a $hit ton of all of that already. Is it worth causing all this hulabuloo over, was more my question.
@TerryP I can't find the economics on this one. Putin has repeatedly said Ukraine is not a state and that the Russians and Ukrainians are one people. But there is more. NATO has expanded its military presence and Russia does no like it. One of their big calls has been for NATO to withdraw back to where it was 25 years ago (for example, get out of Bulgaria and Romania) and no expansion into Sweden and Finland. These are areas the USSR/Russia has historically considered buffer zones between them and the West. Bosnia and Serbia are heating up over secessionists. Moldova, particularly the Russian supporting region of Transnistria, is starting to crack also. I believe that Russia (particularly Putin himself) is sensing its power declining and is now pushing back to maintain their former glory.
The economics are definitely there for Putin (see my earlier post) but he’s primarily interested in keeping Ukraine from joining NATO and keeping them from becoming part of the European Union. Ultimately though, he’s hell bent on retaking the breakaway states of the former Soviet Union in order to revive the Soviet Union. The world has known this since he first took over in Russia. He hasn’t hidden his agenda. And we had all better care about that. Unfortunately, Putin absolutely believes America is toothless with Biden in office and in fact he owes Biden a great deal for closing one pipeline (XL) that helped America and Europe too while “opening” another one (Nord Stream 2) that helps Russia while it hurts America and especially Europe. Of course, all wars are economic in one fashion or another but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth fighting. A weak America invites this kind of aggression so expect more to follow. If Russia succeeds in taking Ukraine with America’s only response being sanctions, Putin won’t stop there and China taking Taiwan will follow.
Ugh … I assume you’re joking about Ukraine not having a ton of natural resources … right? They have a huge reserves of iron, coal, titanium, natural gas and even more importantly rare earth minerals. They’re also the breadbasket of the entire region.
#5 in Corn production in the world
#9 in wheat.
They are pretty stout with natural resources.
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Half of Ukraine looks like Russia and speaks Russian. No other country will stop this takeover. Democrats always start wars to take your mind off of their terrible policies. And they are horrible no matter your politics. So many are clueless saying things like high gas prices are good for the planet. Electricity is generated with coal, natural gas, and water. An electric car battery is harmful after it's life is over. I say let the cows fart all they want
@TerryP I can't find the economics on this one. Putin has repeatedly said Ukraine is not a state and that the Russians and Ukrainians are one people. But there is more. NATO has expanded its military presence and Russia does no like it. One of their big calls has been for NATO to withdraw back to where it was 25 years ago (for example, get out of Bulgaria and Romania) and no expansion into Sweden and Finland. These are areas the USSR/Russia has historically considered buffer zones between them and the West. Bosnia and Serbia are heating up over secessionists. Moldova, particularly the Russian supporting region of Transnistria, is starting to crack also. I believe that Russia (particularly Putin himself) is sensing its power declining and is now pushing back to maintain their former glory.
“I paraphrase Lord Rothschild: ‘The time to buy is when there’s blood on the streets.” – David Dreman

Gutle Schnaper Rothschild (mother of five sons residing in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna and Naples respectively):
“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.”

There are always hidden actors and machinations.
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Putin has everyone by the short hairs imho. POTUS Biden can't go head to head with him. They're hoping the banks will cause the oligarchs to keep Putin in check. Most of these oligarchs owe Putin for gifting them all of the state resources. The countries that rely on Russian exports can't afford to stop importing Russia's goods, they've already told NATO they won't hold the line.

Imho, Russia isn't going after Ukraine's resources - Ukraine's had the resources forever and will forever. Ukraine can't go head to head with Russia. NATO isn't letting Ukraine in yet, maybe in the next few decades?

Did you know Ukraine has 33% of the worlds black soil? For such a small country, they sure have alot of resources.

I would not be surprised if this conflict has been fueled in part by the US. We tend to get involved in much that we shouldn't.

There are some democrats and media who are now blaming the Republicans for this.

And let's not talk about the latest news with Clinton, Russian, and Trump. What a shit show.

Fuk these dip ship politicians.
During the reign of the USSR, Russians settled in many of the captive lands. Ukraine has the most commonality with Mother Russia, and Putin is playing that up, but they are a separate nation. The Estonian population, for example, is 25% Russian. In the mid-90's, I became aware of and marveled at an underground Methodist congregation in Estonia that survived communist rule. With the fall of communism, it was amazing to follow their story, to see them thrive and develop the Baltic Mission Center that established a base for a congregation and a training site for pastors and missionaries. They have both an Estonian and Russian speaking service there.

@TerryP Economic - Biden will change his tune, again, about U.S. LNG exports. Every day Europe goes without Russian gas aids those exports. it would be nice if this helped a few pipelines from PA to the Atlantic seaboard see success - of course the libs would howl over that. Cutting off some access to world payment systems will bite. I haven't checked aluminum prices, but a Russian oligarch is huge in that space. Look who is just behind him. It's not always about what someone will get out of something, though. Sometimes bad people pursue evil courses. Personally, I believe Putin recognizes his mortality and he wants to be known as the second (and true) father of the USSR, and he has always been a gambler as well. I don't believe this helps Biden or the Dems in the midterm. It's too far away, and the stupid voters have poor memories.

Strategic - Someone noted the Baltics could be next. That's a shooting war since they are now NATO members. Of course, Clinton committed to protect Ukraine in exchange for them giving up their nukes. That did them well. Biden blinked on China during the presser today, and he also signaled lack of European support on SWIFT, which makes sense because they are a seller to Russia for many goods and not just a buyer.

It's a big mess and no one world ruler is sufficiently courageous to counter the daring and brutality of Putin. We have Chamberlains and precious few, if any, Churchills in charge.
Right or wrong this is what I have heard recently.

Bill Gates said recently that the Omicron variant is like a true vaccine to C19 virus. He also said practically in the same breath that There Was Going To Be Another Pandemic, matter of fact.

To the Russian "invasion" of Ukraine. My information says that Russia has only bombed military installations that included 7 of the 9 bio-weapons facilities (laboratories) in Ukraine which have been funded by none other than deep state actors and Richey Rich himself, Bill Gates.
Right or wrong this is what I have heard recently.

Bill Gates said recently that the Omicron variant is like a true vaccine to C19 virus. He also said practically in the same breath that There Was Going To Be Another Pandemic, matter of fact.

To the Russian "invasion" of Ukraine. My information says that Russia has only bombed military installations that included 7 of the 9 bio-weapons facilities (laboratories) in Ukraine which have been funded by none other than deep state actors and Richey Rich himself, Bill Gates.
If that's the case, they made a poor choice by locating those bio-weapons facilities right by their military aircraft and air defense systems.

So who's the bad (or worse) guy? Bill Gates or Putin? In terms of Omicron being a vaccine, it's widely viewed (and I expressed my hope here) that the mild symptoms and rapid spread would create a widespread natural immunity. If, three years ago, you asked most people in the know on viruses and pandemics what the likelihood would be for a worldwide pandemic, they would say it was a near certainty. Those in the know are saying this will likely happen again.
Flipping through a few channels in another window and see her this morning.

Hijacking the thread a second...

I miss watching/listening the simulcast Don Imus had for years. Carley was an assistant on that show giving you the jeans and sweatshirt look. Speaking of...Dagen McDowell was a trip on Imus.

Screenshot 2022-02-25 5.39.55 AM.png
From my amateur and pretty uneducated opinion, I wish Biden had shown some backbone for once in his life and taken action that Putin would feel to the bone. Seems to be a lot that we (and NATO) could do to bleed Putin/Russia of their oxygen/finances, while also making them the uncomfortable party. For starters, NATO should have done much more weeks ago in terms of sending weapons, equipment, and aid to Ukraine. I assume we are sharing some intelligence with them, but that pipeline needs to be flowing wide open. We should be using our ability to wreak havoc on Russia via cyber attacks (seems like we fired a shot or two, but nothing like we could). More NATO troops should be sent to bordering countries, yesterday. Russia should be removed from SWIFT financial payment systems... and if Germany objects, tell them to sit their asses down. Germany has a history of making shitty decisions, as far as I'm concerned, they should be lucky they have a seat at the table, but they shouldn't have a voice at it. Finally, take steps to add Finland and Sweden to NATO.

Putin is a bully and nobody is willing to stand up to him (other than Zelensky apparently). Without an American firing a shot, we could not only stand up to him, but take his lunch money and erode his power. But of course, we won't. We have a weak leader who is too dumb and/or too scared to do anything. He's the coward that hides under the bleachers while the bully picks on his girlfriend...
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