šŸ“” #WalkAwayFromNike, Bama! "Report: Nike Pulls Sneaker With ā€˜Betsy Rossā€™ Version of U.S. Flag After Colin Kaepernick Expressed Concerns"

What makes this even more asinine is the fact that Betsy Ross never owned a single slave.

Also, this...

Whether I agree with the sentiment or not, the whole point wasn't "Betsy Ross had slaves." His point was it was a flag that was flown during slavery so many people see it as a symbol of slavery. I think it's silly personally but I could not care less whether or not Nike makes a shoe with a stupid flag or not. If people weren't so obsessed with flags and anthems, none of this would matter.
Whether I agree with the sentiment or not, the whole point wasn't "Betsy Ross had slaves." His point was it was a flag that was flown during slavery so many people see it as a symbol of slavery. I think it's silly personally but I could not care less whether or not Nike makes a shoe with a stupid flag or not. If people weren't so obsessed with flags and anthems, none of this would matter.
You mean patriots that love their flag and anthem?
You mean patriots that love their flag and anthem?

Yes, SLO, because you have to be obsessed with a flag and an anthem to be a "patriot." If people gave even a half of a shit as much about things that matter in this country rather than who does and doesn't sit during an anthem or who does and doesn't want a stupid flag on a shoe maybe we'd be a lot better off...
Coach Saban said that the NFL protest was not to disrespect the veterans. So once again as soon as stunts of this caliber are pulled off it immediately goes back to folks getting their patriotic feelings hurt. Are we listening to coach Saban? I fear some are ignoring the obvious and trying to draw attention away from the social issues at hand. My guess is that these same obstinate folks really don't eat Conecuh sausage. The official sausage of the University of Alabama.
I am proud to live in my little part of this country. In many years passed, I would have considered living in almost any state in this country, but now days , not so much. There are many states or places I have visited in the past, but now you could not pay me to go back to. I am proud of much of my country, but some parts not so much.

As far as CNS saying that NFL protest was not to disrespect veterans, that is his opinion, but the protest were for something. Disrespect for the flag? Yes. The flag that many veterans have fought and died for, and yes, I feel that many of them feel disrespected. I do respect CNS through and through as our head football coach and his program. But his opinions outside of football are just that. His opinions are no better than yours or mine or anybody else.

Probably, Conecuh brand is a fine sausage, I may never know. I seldom buy sausages, but when I do, it is not because of name brand, where they are made, or who is hawking them. when I buy sausages, I normally buy them on sale, no matter the brand.

I have never bought anything nike to the best of my recollection and most likely never will. I will not pay double or triple for a pair of sneakers when a less expensive pair works for me. I like Harley Davidson motorcycles, beautiful machines, sound great, but I have been told in the past, you have to make sure some of the bolts have not rattled themselves loose from the vibrations before or after every ride. When you buy a Harley, you pay a much higher price than for similar makers because you are buying a bigger brand name.

I wonder where ck stood or kneeld, when for President Obama's second inauguration, two 13 star flags and others, formed the backdrop behind his podium? I agree, the back of a sneaker may not be the best place to display any American flag. That seems disrespectful to me, jmo. But ck, and apparently nike believes that because they pay him millions $, his opinion matters more than others. He, ck says that the 13 colony flag stands for slavery because it was in use during those times. Ok.....? So, I take it that America was not supposed to have a flag during those times. Because whatever design had been chosen for the flag, ck would have taken offense to. What if Betsy had chosen a design with rifles on it, or pigs, or a pumpkin or a freaking black bear, what then ck? That flag does not represent slavery in my opinion. It represents 13 colonies trying to scratch out an existence in a new land, fighting for independence for all people who follow. Sure, there are many things in our history and today, not be proud of. But if any person can't be proud of their country or flag, then move to some other one, if they will have you. Many people who thought they mattered, made false promises to leave when DJT was elected President. Where did the go? NO WHERE. IMO, they don't matter and chances are they wouldn't matter anywhere else.

Most nations of the world as well as the USA, have flown their flags for many centuries and I suspect they will continue to do so for many more. Even in third world countries, the people are proud of their flag and the country where they're from. No matter of the meanest, heartless dictators that rule them. Maybe ck and some others who are full and high on themselves, should take stock of just how GOOD we all have it here and accept our countries failures. For I don't believe they would find a better country to live in, and they KNOW it.

I believe ck is a racist and a false profit of the worst kind. Why, you may ask. Because of the money and power bestowed upon him by the fake media and other powerful people who prop him up with a platform. His opinion is like an asshole, everybody has one, just as citizens have one vote to cast for their favorite candidate. ck's protest of our flag and for the injustices that black people have endured in our past history and still endure today. I agree, all people are people and should be treated with respect, that must not be judged by skin color, but by their character. How well does ck know his history? Does he realize there were also white slaves? Does ck believe that no white people face injustice? Or that only white cops kill Blacks? Or that no black cops kill white people as well as blacks? Imo, ck displays ignorance as well as stupidity with a racist attitude.
And the kids around here don't seem fazed.

I am 51. I own 1 pair of Nike running shoes. Nike is not marketing too me. They are marketing to my younger kids and my grandkids. Nike really hasn't pissed me off but they will piss off all the 50+ folks in order to not piss of the 15+ crowd

And just for the record I do not believe boycotts have any effect on the parent company in today's market. Especially when it is a global product and a global company
His point was it was a flag that was flown during slavery so many people see it as a symbol of slavery
I have to ask here, Josh. How do you know what his point was when all he'd done (as of Saturday when you posted this) was send out a Tweet quoting (rather, mischaracterizing) Douglas's speech?

What I believe you're saying is "I think his point is." He certainly hasn't put out a consistent message in my view.

Are we listening to coach Saban?
Why on earth would I listen to Saban and his views on politics and take his view with more weight than that of the one Josh supports, or any Bob, Dick, or Harry out there?

Hell, what's even more confusing are the times you've questioned what Saban has said about footballā€”a subject he knows far more about than you, me, or anyone else on the Internetā€”but now you're pushing the notion we should listen to Saban about the political atmosphere? Listen to something that's not in his wheelhouse any more than it's in your's or mine?
Why on earth would I listen to Saban and his views on politics and take his view with more weight than that of the one Josh supports, or any Bob, Dick, or Harry out there?

Hell, what's even more confusing are the times you've questioned what Saban has said about footballā€”a subject he knows far more about than you, me, or anyone else on the Internetā€”but now you're pushing the notion we should listen to Saban about the political atmosphere? Listen to something that's not in his wheelhouse any more than it's in your's or mine?

At ease @TerryP, I was being facetious. How can you tell? For the reasons you mentioned. I'm seldom out of character.
I have to ask here, Josh. How do you know what his point was when all he'd done (as of Saturday when you posted this) was send out a Tweet quoting (rather, mischaracterizing) Douglas's speech?

What I believe you're saying is "I think his point is." He certainly hasn't put out a consistent message in my view.

No, I'm going by what Nike says was his reasoning for suggesting they pull it.

No, I'm going by what Nike says was his reasoning for suggesting they pull it.

There's no statement from Nike in that piece; just a reference to the WSJ article.


On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Nike had dropped the call after receiving a call from the company's sponsored athlete Colin Kaepernick. The activist reportedly advised the company to drop the planned shoe, calling the flag an "offensive symbol because of its connection to an era of slavery."
This was not entirely accurate, it soon turned out. It was not Kaepernick himself who decided that the flag was offensive, but white supremacist groups around the nation. Kaepernick merely pointed out to Nike that radical organizations like Identity Evropa, an avowed white supremacist group, had used the flag to symbolize a time when slavery was legal.
It appears that Kaepernick warned the company he works privately that the Betsy Ross flag was already being co-opted by domestic terrorists. Still, as the story spread online many assumed or inferred that Kaepernick himself had decided that the flag was now offensive.
This sparked a cultural and symbolic argument that shows no signs of slowing or stopping just yet, and it is only getting uglier. Kaepernick is already a figure of contention for his NFL protests, which many interpreted as anti-police, anti-military and anti-American. Now that he is attached to this decision from Nike, he is more controversial than ever.
There's no statement from Nike in that piece; just a reference to the WSJ article.


On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Nike had dropped the call after receiving a call from the company's sponsored athlete Colin Kaepernick. The activist reportedly advised the company to drop the planned shoe, calling the flag an "offensive symbol because of its connection to an era of slavery."
This was not entirely accurate, it soon turned out. It was not Kaepernick himself who decided that the flag was offensive, but white supremacist groups around the nation. Kaepernick merely pointed out to Nike that radical organizations like Identity Evropa, an avowed white supremacist group, had used the flag to symbolize a time when slavery was legal.
It appears that Kaepernick warned the company he works privately that the Betsy Ross flag was already being co-opted by domestic terrorists. Still, as the story spread online many assumed or inferred that Kaepernick himself had decided that the flag was now offensive.
This sparked a cultural and symbolic argument that shows no signs of slowing or stopping just yet, and it is only getting uglier. Kaepernick is already a figure of contention for his NFL protests, which many interpreted as anti-police, anti-military and anti-American. Now that he is attached to this decision from Nike, he is more controversial than ever.

So I don't hang with the extreme and dangerous hate groups, even though I have been known to ride a Harley, so my simple question is, does the white supremacist, skinheads, white nazis officially embrace the Betsy Ross Flag? If so, why wouldn't black and white decent people be offended by their mere existence?
So I don't hang with the extreme and dangerous hate groups, even though I have been known to ride a Harley, so my simple question is, does the white supremacist, skinheads, white nazis officially embrace the Betsy Ross Flag? If so, why wouldn't black and white decent people be offended by their mere existence?
I've seen the same groups adopt the OK hand symbol. Does that make me a racist if I use this? šŸ‘Œ
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