This is getting confusing. Someone starts a thread telling BamaLand that Conecuh is now the official sausage of the University of Alabama. Is it not to dig deep and patronize their product more fully? And like loyal Bama fans, many have already spoken about the virtues of Conecuh sausage and the town of Evergreen.
Yet we got a full blown mutiny on our hands with Nike, the official sponsor of the University of Alabama. I mean, what is a loyal fan to do? I always wear my Nike hat and grey Nike T-shirt on gameday. When the weather changes I go into my closet and pull out either my home or away Nike sweatshirt. This tradition has got us to 5 national titles and countless wins. Would any self-respecting Bama fan be willing to give up that kind of gameday mojo just because Kaepernick said something controversial, again?
Perhaps we should all ponder that paradox the next time we sit around the old kitchen table chewing on our excellent and tasty Conecuh sausage. The official sponsor of the University of Alabama.