| NEWS #WalkAwayFromNike, Bama! "Report: Nike Pulls Sneaker With ‘Betsy Ross’ Version of U.S. Flag After Colin Kaepernick Expressed Concerns"

My daddy fought in Korea to give people like ck a platform to voice opposition to the flag, national anthem and other things that MOST AMERICANS hold dear. I do not like it and I do not have to buy any of the products that nike sells. Yes, the lower case letters are on purpose for the ex-player and company! Everyone has an opinion and IMO, I DO NOT agree with what they did.
This is getting confusing. Someone starts a thread telling BamaLand that Conecuh is now the official sausage of the University of Alabama. Is it not to dig deep and patronize their product more fully? And like loyal Bama fans, many have already spoken about the virtues of Conecuh sausage and the town of Evergreen.

Yet we got a full blown mutiny on our hands with Nike, the official sponsor of the University of Alabama. I mean, what is a loyal fan to do? I always wear my Nike hat and grey Nike T-shirt on gameday. When the weather changes I go into my closet and pull out either my home or away Nike sweatshirt. This tradition has got us to 5 national titles and countless wins. Would any self-respecting Bama fan be willing to give up that kind of gameday mojo just because Kaepernick said something controversial, again?

Perhaps we should all ponder that paradox the next time we sit around the old kitchen table chewing on our excellent and tasty Conecuh sausage. The official sponsor of the University of Alabama.
Nike has already taken sides with Colin several months back. They believe their main sales base is the inner city people. Our favorite teams runs out of that tunnel dressed in Crimson and White and none of it is made in the USA. We pay 80 bucks for the GameDay shirts and none of those made in the USA. Multi National companies don't give a shit what we(you) think.

This country is in its twilight years and is being ran by corrupt/ideologically blind bureaucrats, politicians, and financiers so disconnected from reality, they might as well be on a different planet. We had a good run, but like all super powers that have come and gone, our swan song is about to be played.
This is getting confusing. Someone starts a thread telling BamaLand that Conecuh is now the official sausage of the University of Alabama. Is it not to dig deep and patronize their product more fully? And like loyal Bama fans, many have already spoken about the virtues of Conecuh sausage and the town of Evergreen.

Yet we got a full blown mutiny on our hands with Nike, the official sponsor of the University of Alabama. I mean, what is a loyal fan to do? I always wear my Nike hat and grey Nike T-shirt on gameday. When the weather changes I go into my closet and pull out either my home or away Nike sweatshirt. This tradition has got us to 5 national titles and countless wins. Would any self-respecting Bama fan be willing to give up that kind of gameday mojo just because Kaepernick said something controversial, again?

Perhaps we should all ponder that paradox the next time we sit around the old kitchen table chewing on our excellent and tasty Conecuh sausage. The official sponsor of the University of Alabama.
May be blasphemy here but not that crazy about the Conecuh....my tried and true is still an Alabama product though. :)
Why not use the current US Flag is what I'm still left wondering.

Sounds like some folks at Nike didn't do their homework and understand a current meaning/use of the flag in question.

Overall, just a dumb move on Nike's part to not research the flag in question more. I don't blame Nike for pulling this based on what I've read, it's their brand they are protecting.

It's too easy to read Kaepernick and immediately think the worst, much harder to seek to understand before taking a stance.
Why not use the current US Flag is what I'm still left wondering.

Sounds like some folks at Nike didn't do their homework and understand a current meaning/use of the flag in question.

Overall, just a dumb move on Nike's part to not research the flag in question more. I don't blame Nike for pulling this based on what I've read, it's their brand they are protecting.

It's too easy to read Kaepernick and immediately think the worst, much harder to seek to understand before taking a stance.

Ck has already disrespected the current US flag, so no reason to think he would be ok with it. I'm sure they we're trying to stay out of the offending anyone arena with this idea. Cant blame them. I mean (unless Im wrong and i may be, im no history buff) but isnt this the same flag we flew to declare our independence from Britain and the same flag the North flew supporting the end of slavery? I'm sorry but when you get in bed with someone like this, this is what you have to deal with. And when you support their opinion with the moral of your company, you have to accept the consciences of those decisions.
For me personally, I cant help or hurt Nike. But at the end of the day, I know i feel better about my morale compass by not adding to their profits. I really really really wish we would have signed with another company, but at the end of the day the university has to do what is best for them and not me. And I can accept that. But there are many other companies that make Bama gear like Columbia, or Tuskwear. I've made my decision for me and my family and our decision was to end all ties with Nike. Btw as far as shoes, Brooks shoes are 1000% better than anything Nike has. IMO.
I'm of the mind that a negotiated divorce started now is far preferable to the hotly contested one that is coming.
While I understand your point and bleed just as crimson as anyone, there are things more important than football.

Commercialism has to be politically correct, they really can't afford not to be. This latest stunt is a lot of that. But it's also almost impossible to get people to do the right or decent thing on their own volition. The pages of history are full of endless examples of how self-serving the majority can be. While it's hard to see things changing that much with stuff like this it probably slows the gears down just a little.

When I speak about the challenges facing human behavior it travels far and wide beyond race discrimination. That's the saddest part for all of us.

"Quietly in 2013, Alabama inked an extension with the Beaverton, Oregon-based corporation that runs through 2025. Unlike previous deals, Alabama never announced the deal signed in early September 2013 by Bill Battle, in his first year as Alabama's athletics director.

The 2013 extension increased the value for Alabama, though not near the raises Texas, Ohio State and UCLA got a few years later.

All told, Alabama's deal that runs through 2025 is worth $63 million in apparel and cash plus a $5 million signing bonus. That works out to $5.25 million a year compared to $18.7 million a year for UCLA and more than $16 million a year for both Ohio State and Texas.

A number of factors from timing to lack of competition explain Alabama's standing in the sports apparel contract money.

Bob Dorfman, a sports marketing analyst, was surprised to hear about Alabama's 2013 deal with Nike. Like practically everyone else who follows this corner of the sports business world, he thought the contract was ending this June.

"Certainly, if the deal was expiring, I would suspect Alabama would sign the richest deal of all right now," Dorfman said. "I would think they'd re-up with Nike and Nike would pay them definitely more than UCLA is getting paid by Under Armour."

Instead, Alabama isn't even among the top 20 in apparel deals as Nike, Adidas and Under Armour went on a spending spree in the years after the 2013 deal kicked in."

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