| FTBL Walk of Champions

The walk of Champions is both something takes place AND it is a place. The Walk of Champions is the strip of championships that Alabama has won placed in concrete plaques on the ground. This area is surrounded by statues of all of the coaches in Alabama history who have won championships at Alabama. This walk leads you directly into Bryant Denny Stadium. I don't remember exactly the time that the players come off the bus and walk through the Walk of Champions but it is something that you will want to see. If I remember right it was about 2 hours before kick off.

Don't expect any warm fuzzies, waves or smiles. And you know what? Believe it or not I'm completely fine with that now. :) I want them more focused than ever this Sat.
BamaDelta said:
Don't expect any warm fuzzies, waves or smiles. And you know what? Believe it or not I'm completely fine with that now. :) I want them more focused than ever this Sat.

Most were pretty focused during the UK walk but there were a few giving out slight "hi-fives" or hand slaps. I got to shake Mt.Cody's hand and was like woah due to him towering over me :shock: :lol: . CNS broke a smile or two....for very briefly of course :lol: .

But yeah, if its your first time you might think the players are being rude or "dissing" the fans by wearing the ear phones and such but its all because the coach wants them focused on one thing before entering that stadium.
Thanks, for some reason I didn't realize that strip with the statues was called the Walk of Champions as well. By the size of that crowd I dunno if we'll be there or not, but thanks again, RTR.
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