🏀 UPDATE 9/29: New Patch article: Pre-Trial Immunity Hearing For Darius Miles Started Today

Yep! A few posters on here with some great “hypotheticals/conspiracy” theories here on how to make Miller complicit in this tragedy and thus kick him off of the team! The follow up by Robinson had a better explanation of the “why or why not’s”.
If Miller brought that gun and took place in any way …well, he is toast… Carol Robinson is a racial sunshine pumper…I hope he is not guilty or charged…but If he participated in any way… the DA will knock him out of the park….all they need is PC… not a hard hill to climb… The investigation is very fluid and will shift quickly..
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If Miller brought that gun and took place in any way …well, he is toast… Carol Robinson is a racial sunshine pumper…I hope he is not guilty or charged…but If he participated in any way… the DA will knock him out of the park….all they need is PC… not a hard hill to climb… The investigation is very fluid and will shift quickly..
Robinson is the same “racial sunshine pumper” that was more or less crucifying Miller yesterday morning when it was first revealed that Miller and Miles had been in contact with each other.
There are still a lot of unknowns out there. As far as the timeline goes, when did the argument occur between Davis and the victim and when did the text between Miles and Miller occur? During the preliminary hearing yesterday, did the police reveal the entire conversation between Miles and Miller or did they just pull out the “good stuff” or did the media do that? Supposedly aka allegedly Miller and Bradley (who hasn’t been subjected to the same treatment as Miller) parked their vehicles in a way as to box the Jeep in. So after the shots were fired, did they just back up and let the Jeep leave? You do recall that the Jeep drove off and stopped in front of the stadium and stopped at a UAPD cruiser. Did the Jeep ram the two vehicles in an attempt to leave?
Miller has cooperated from the start and he even had a dash cam on his car. Police have seen this all and evidently evidence points to Miller NOT playing a role in this event.
If Miller brought that gun and took place in any way …well, he is toast… Carol Robinson is a racial sunshine pumper…I hope he is not guilty or charged…but If he participated in any way… the DA will knock him out of the park….all they need is PC… not a hard hill to climb… The investigation is very fluid and will shift quickly..

A summary of Miller's involvement... the text(s) from Miles to Miller said, "bring me my joint" which meant gun. Also was a text from Miles saying someone was "faking" aka acting tough. What is clear there is that Miles wanted his gun back (which he had to leave in the car because he couldn't carry it into the club) and there is at least some reason to believe that Miles felt he needed the gun for protection. There was no evidence put forth that Miller knew anything about the interaction (altercation) that occurred prior between the parties, which would make sense since he left the Strip after dropping off the other 3 guys earlier. Miller drove back to the area and parked the car (with dash cam on). The gun was retrieved from the back seat by the accused, and shortly thereafter the shooting occurred.

Miller was interviewed by investigators and cleared. He is considered a witness, not a suspect. That isn't going to change.

I have no clue what you mean with the Carol Robinson racial sunshine pumper stuff.
Not a lawyer so not sure what exactly, if anything, Miller is legally responsible for.

To me there's a glaring issue of what Nate Oats is responsible for. What kind of coach are we talking about? Aren't we looking for leaders to help young men become more responsible, successful members of society by holding them accountable and actually applying teachable moments? The fact that his star player brought a loaded weapon to his teammate that was then used to kill an innocent mother appears to never have been addressed in any type of disciplinary manner is pretty wild. And then to comment "wrong place wrong time", as if it was a complete accident of misfortune, is astounding.

I think back to the rant CNS gave about giving guys 2nd chances. That response started because DJ Pettway was brought up. If you remember CNS kicked him and others off the team for an assault situation. DJ went to Scuba and accomplished a list of things CNS asked of him to be allowed back to UA. The kid did it, came back, and ended up having a very successful career. I say that to say, there is difference between giving a guy 2nd chances after holding them to account for poor decision making and/or teaching an actual lesson, and just sweeping something under the rug for personal temporary gain. This is not a good look for any Coach in general, let alone someone in Oats' position.
Well put.
A summary of Miller's involvement... the text(s) from Miles to Miller said, "bring me my joint" which meant gun. Also was a text from Miles saying someone was "faking" aka acting tough. What is clear there is that Miles wanted his gun back (which he had to leave in the car because he couldn't carry it into the club) and there is at least some reason to believe that Miles felt he needed the gun for protection. There was no evidence put forth that Miller knew anything about the interaction (altercation) that occurred prior between the parties, which would make sense since he left the Strip after dropping off the other 3 guys earlier. Miller drove back to the area and parked the car (with dash cam on). The gun was retrieved from the back seat by the accused, and shortly thereafter the shooting occurred.

Miller was interviewed by investigators and cleared. He is considered a witness, not a suspect. That isn't going to change.

I have no clue what you mean with the Carol Robinson racial sunshine pumper stuff.
She Cant be trusted.. a flaming lefty..It can change easily… let the media get involved and see…Im not rooting for it… but if it comes out he done anything to help Miles or impede retreat of the victim, it can…
She Cant be trusted.. a flaming lefty..It can change easily… let the media get involved and see…Im not rooting for it… but if it comes out he done anything to help Miles or impede retreat of the victim, it can…

Since you edited...

Hays Webb isn't going to give in and bring make up charges against someone because of media pressure. As to the last part, there is a ton of evidence (both physical and eyewitness) involved in this particular crime (especially compared to most shootings). Miller would not have been cleared as quickly as he was if there was a belief that he'd be charged later on. This isn't a situation that he simply talked his way out of like some seem to think.
Since you edited...

Hays Webb isn't going to give in and bring make up charges against someone because of media pressure. As to the last part, there is a ton of evidence (both physical and eyewitness) involved in this particular crime (especially compared to most shootings). Miller would not have been cleared as quickly as he was if there was a belief that he'd be charged later on. This isn't a situation that he simply talked his way out of like some seem to think.
Finebuam is already started the backlash…
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