| RECRUIT UA recruit, DE Tyreke Smith: "I hope I don't get killed for being black today."



Cleveland Heights four-star defensive end Tyreke Smith didn't have much to prove during Ohio State's one-day camp on Saturday, as he's already one of the most sought-after prospects in the country. In addition to holding an offer from the Buckeyes, programs such as Alabama, Florida, Georgia, LSU, Michigan, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Oregon, Penn State, Texas, UCLA and USC are pulling out all the stops to get him to commit.

Smith showed up anyway, and used the camp as an opportunity to mingle with Ohio State commits — and potentially his future teammates — Emory Jones, Jaelen Gill and Dallas Gant. He also spent a significant amount of time with defensive line coach Larry Johnson, who pulled him to the side for some one-on-one instruction.

But none of that was the talk of the camp. Instead, it was Smith's shirt that grabbed everyone's attention.

“I hope I don't get killed for being black today.”

That's a powerful message from a 17-year-old kid who shouldn't even have to worry about losing his life, but that's also a reality for so many young African-Americans across the country. Smith lives in a county that saw a state-high 168 homicides last year, and he wants to use his platform as a star athlete to make a positive impact on his community.

“I decided to wear the shirt because I wanted to bring attention to the epidemic of blacks being killed at an alarming rate,” Smith said. “What we would like to do is have people talk about these issues to reduce the murder rate of African-Americans.”

Now before you rush to judgment, understand that Smith isn't just talking about the Cleveland police officer who fatally shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice and other examples of police brutality that seemingly dominate headline news. He's also talking about the black-on-black crime that is destroying his city brick by brick.

“The shirt was created to bring light into the every day problems that blacks face between police and black-on-black crimes,” Tyreke's older brother, Malik, said. “The shirt exemplifies a voice that we have, but may not be heard. So why not have people see it?”

Saturday's camp, with hundreds of prospects, parents and reporters in attendance, was the perfect time for that to happen. Smith knew he would be photographed and that it would create instant conversation on social media.

“He asked me if he should wear it, [and] I said, 'Absolutely, Tyreke,'” Malik said, explaining how he was the one who made the shirt. “I told him to be ready for people to want to voice their own opinion about the shirt — good or bad. I also told him to be ready to have an answer and be able to fully explain the shirt in great detail. He did just that.”

The response to Smith's actions have been overwhelmingly positive, with seven out of every 10 replies to his tweet showing support. Naturally, some are also not so kind.

“[They] are speaking negatively because they don't understand what's going on and the message behind it,” Tyreke said, noting he understands that not everyone will share his opinion.

But, then again, some people don't live in constant fear of someone taking their life. They don't have to worry about being shot for being out too late or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“To see or hear about so many senseless killings, it tends to have a negative impact on you,” Tyreke said. “You start to wonder if we should move away... but most, 'why?'”

Tyreke, with nearly 40 scholarship offers to his name, has the chance to remove himself from the situation. He'll get a world-class education and have a chance to make millions of dollars in the National Football League. But not everyone in Cleveland has the same outlet.

“I think the biggest reasons [for the crimes] are a lack of parenting, community policing and valuing education,” Tyreke said, who wisely beyond his years acknowledged his family, coaches and teachers for their influences on his life.

Smith knows the shirt — which can be purchased through direct message on Twitter — isn't going to put an end to the killing of black men and children in the inner cities. But if it brings the slightest bit of awareness, then he used his platform for good. And that's more than we should have to ask from a 17-year-old kid.

“We need to come together as a unit and stop coming after our own people,” Malik said. “We have to work together.”

'I Hope I Don't Get Killed For Being Black Today'
I should wear one that says I hope I don't get killed for being a conservative today. I am 43 and shouldn't have to worry about it.

Crazy people are everywhere but the BLM people, and the radical left militants are over the top and are hurting innocent people. Michael Brown wasn't inncoent, Freddy grey wasn't innocent the guy in new New Orleans wasn't innocent. They were braking the law.

Scalisee did nothing to deserve being shot.

You won't see a t shirt for him though or riots in the streets
I mean, I happen to agree with WHY these people are putting themselves in position to be targeted, but I do not agree with the message of his shirt. I think he is missing the point as well. I'm not saying every instance, but most of these instances in the news the person killed incited the entire ordeal. I'm not saying it should have resulted in their death, but if they simply had listened, not broken the law, or tried to act all righteous, they'd most likely still be alive. Now I'm not saying forego all freedoms just for the po po, but I am saying just abide and move along with your day. If you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about, plain and simple. If you have something to hide, then you are putting yourself in position for a tragic possibility.
I mean, I happen to agree with WHY these people are putting themselves in position to be targeted, but I do not agree with the message of his shirt. I think he is missing the point as well. I'm not saying every instance, but most of these instances in the news the person killed incited the entire ordeal. I'm not saying it should have resulted in their death, but if they simply had listened, not broken the law, or tried to act all righteous, they'd most likely still be alive. Now I'm not saying forego all freedoms just for the po po, but I am saying just abide and move along with your day. If you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about, plain and simple. If you have something to hide, then you are putting yourself in position for a tragic possibility.

It is called... COMPLY!! I dont always agree with the policeman pulling me over and they aren't always kind or respectful. But I have always been told by my parents to just comply and then we deal with it after. I have always been "yes sir/no isr" with police whether they are right or wrong.

The problem comes in when they don't comply, try to run or assault the police. Then they want to acted shocked when someone gets hurt. If you are guilty or innocent just comply and you will live.
It's easier than he thinks it is . Make good decisions and you got a good chance to make it .

The Bible says you can flirt with death and die before your time , don't do that !
isn't just talking about the Cleveland police officer who fatally shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice and other examples of police brutality that seemingly dominate headline news. He's also talking about the black-on-black crime that is destroying his city brick by brick.
So this message is that Black People kill Black People because they (the victims) are Black? Why aren't there marches and riots that destroy the places these killers live and play? Why aren't there organized "Stop Selling Drugs" "Organizing your Gangs" etc, etc when blacks kill blacks?
I am not a racist, but I am sure I will be painted as one. Maybe I should make my own shirt... "I hope I don't get killed today because I am an Old White Man who is (mostly) a Republican Conservative" But I would need to paint a target on it so the Vast Left Wing Conspirators can shoot my arse. or the Radial Blacks or Radial Muslims, etc, etc could easily id me other that the fact that I look amazing like an Old White guy, with a job. O' Hell. Maybe I should change it to because I am an ANGRY old white man? Just pleased that Jon Assoff, lost the 6th district of Ga.
And personally, would rather this kid go to tOsu. Don't need the clutter on the campus of UA
So this message is that Black People kill Black People because they (the victims) are Black? Why aren't there marches and riots that destroy the places these killers live and play? Why aren't there organized "Stop Selling Drugs" "Organizing your Gangs" etc, etc when blacks kill blacks?
I am not a racist, but I am sure I will be painted as one. Maybe I should make my own shirt... "I hope I don't get killed today because I am an Old White Man who is (mostly) a Republican Conservative" But I would need to paint a target on it so the Vast Left Wing Conspirators can shoot my arse. or the Radial Blacks or Radial Muslims, etc, etc could easily id me other that the fact that I look amazing like an Old White guy, with a job. O' Hell. Maybe I should change it to because I am an ANGRY old white man? Just pleased that Jon Assoff, lost the 6th district of Ga.
And personally, would rather this kid go to tOsu. Don't need the clutter on the campus of UA

Clutter...... Basically shut up and play football. ?


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View attachment 6970 Now before you rush to judgment, understand that Smith isn't just talking about the Cleveland police officer who fatally shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice and other examples of police brutality that seemingly dominate headline news.

'I Hope I Don't Get Killed For Being Black Today'

Thats the paragraph that got me...a police officer gets assulted and defends himself.....or protects himself....its police Brutally....thats the kinda subliminalor slipped in messages that keeps the BS afloat.[/QUOTE]
That's the author of the article offering opinion alongside the story of Tyreke.

There's more than one message being sent here. At least that's how I'm comprehending this piece.

The author sees the shirt and then that leads him to writing what you've quoted. The kids quotes are scattered throughout the article. I wonder how many skim over them?

This reads to me like he's thinking this through with both sides being weighed. <shrug> My interpretation.

“I decided to wear the shirt because I wanted to bring attention to the epidemic of blacks being killed at an alarming rate,” Smith said. “What we would like to do is have people talk about these issues to reduce the murder rate of African-Americans.”

“The shirt was created to bring light into the every day problems that blacks face between police and black-on-black crimes,” Tyreke's older brother, Malik, said. “The shirt exemplifies a voice that we have, but may not be heard. So why not have people see it?”
I can see his point and his views.

But, I think this is less about cops killing black dudes and more about the overall killing of black people.

As for cops killing blacks, it obviously has happened, but 99.9% have been justifiable shootings. Now obviously there have been some that weren't justifiable, but because of the slanted media and I believe a lack of personal responsibility every officer involved shooting is first viewed negatively.

Disclaimer: I'm about to go to the academy to become a cop.

Disclaimer #2: I'm a 39 yr old conservative cracker
It is called... COMPLY!! I dont always agree with the policeman pulling me over and they aren't always kind or respectful. But I have always been told by my parents to just comply and then we deal with it after. I have always been "yes sir/no isr" with police whether they are right or wrong.

The problem comes in when they don't comply, try to run or assault the police. Then they want to acted shocked when someone gets hurt. If you are guilty or innocent just comply and you will live.


(Don't) Play stupid games, (and you won't) win stupid prizes.
Did any of you hear, 2 years ago, in Grand Ledge, Mi. A white cop shot AND killed a white kid for flashing his lights at the cop? No, you did not.
Is this excessive force? You betcha, but the kid did not comply and when the cop pulled the kid out of the car, the kid fought back. Maybe, just maybe the cops could use rubber bullets or the tazer first instead of live ammo. The community is still devised because a kid lost his life for flashing his lights at a cop! Sad!!!
Did any of you hear, 2 years ago, in Grand Ledge, Mi. A white cop shot AND killed a white kid for flashing his lights at the cop? No, you did not.
Is this excessive force? You betcha, but the kid did not comply and when the cop pulled the kid out of the car, the kid fought back. Maybe, just maybe the cops could use rubber bullets or the tazer first instead of live ammo. The community is still devised because a kid lost his life for flashing his lights at a cop! Sad!!!

He didn't die for flashing his light. He lost his life for arguing, not complying and being combative. The policeman never knows who they are talking to, kid could be a serial killer, have a hidden knife, gun, or explosive. They can't act like he is harmless and adjust or they could get killed. They have to think that the person is a threat and then adjust if they are not. It is in public interest and their own to act this way. We have to be smart enough to teach our family to comply because that cop has to be prepared that you are not going to for their and the public's safety.
Let's not forget cops and service members have families to go home to as well. Can't act as if they are not humans and should allow their lives to be sacrificed just for the sake of "what if this thing goes to court". Sure, we need to make sure everyone is treated respectfully and equally, but once there is blow back or a threat, I'm all for a cop or service member taking appropriate action to make sure the threat is neutralized and that they get the chance to go back to their family.
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