šŸˆ U of Miami...

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I was watching the replay of their game against UNC on ESPN last night at about 3 am. It was a home game for Miami. I've never paid much attention to it, and I knew they didn't have a reputation of being great, but the fan support for Miami is atrocious. Zillions of empty seats, and I'm not talking upper deck and endzone seats. I'm talking between the 20's. It looked like a crowd gathered to watch a HS game. Or a Marlins game. The attendance numbers listed 35,830... but there is no way that was even close. If I was a Miami fan or alum, I'd be embarrassed. How a recruit could want to go play for a team with support (and I use that term loosely) like that, is beyond me.
Maybe its a good thing for that program and its more of a sign of the fans demanding some integrity. Miami has been littered with off the field issues from their players for years now. They now have a new coach and hopefully are on track to rebuilding a respectable program. Until they prove otherwise I hope the "fans" are making a statement by not supporting such a program.
Yeah, I saw that too. Isn't it amazing though all the little trolls that come out wearing their Miami hats backwards when that program is winning. Fair weathered fans. I bet the sales of Oklahoma hats has skyrocketed as well. As will Bama hats if Oklahoma loses and we win out.

When was the last time Bama didn't fill their stadium?
Porter said:
I was watching the replay of their game against UNC on ESPN last night at about 3 am. It was a home game for Miami. I've never paid much attention to it, and I knew they didn't have a reputation of being great, but the fan support for Miami is atrocious. Zillions of empty seats, and I'm not talking upper deck and endzone seats. I'm talking between the 20's. It looked like a crowd gathered to watch a HS game. Or a Marlins game. The attendance numbers listed 35,830... but there is no way that was even close. If I was a Miami fan or alum, I'd be embarrassed. How a recruit could want to go play for a team with support (and I use that term loosely) like that, is beyond me.

They're lucky that south Florida is so talent-rich...they probably wouldn't get many recruits on a national scale.

I don't know why Miami fans are so apathetic. That's just the way they have always been.
Y'all should know how I hate that program. They're pathetic as Chris has pointed up before. And I remember some games at the Orange Bowl this last year where the crow is quite similar than this last Saturday. Definitely they suck.

Thats nothing new for UM. Thats how it is there unless they have FSU in town, or another big game.....which hasn't happened for a while. They have FSU this weekend. I assume it will be mostly full, but wouldn't be surprised if its not sold out. Both teams are kind of struggling. But as far as watching on TV, they are pretty evenly matched, so it might be a good game.
Come on guys, you are talking about a private university with an enrollment of 7,800 students! Their campus is tiny with no, I mean no football facilities to speak of. Also, it is a very difficult school to get into. On the face of those and other facts, it is very difficult to get your hands around the fact that at times they have been dominate in college football and no matter who their coach is they seem to always win games. Very perplexing.
My boss is a Miami alum. He claims that the majority of the students came down there to attend school and promptly left to go back north after graduating. He said that very few of the alums make their living in South Florida. Sounds plausible.
Still, Miami metro area has more people than the entire state of Alabama. Alabama fans travel. Miami fans apparently do not at least not unless they are winning.

Dolphin Stadium holds 76,500

Miami metro population = ~ 5 million
Florida population = ~18.5 million

Bryant/Denny holds 92,000

Tuscaloosa metro area population ~ 200k
Alabama population = ~ 4.7 million
Also add in that Miami is a terrible sports town. Much like the city, the population is very intergraded with hispanics and northerners. Not the college football crown neccesarliy.
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