| FTBL Tuberville --> TAMU discussion.



Hey guys.

Some of you may know that I am married to a barner. Thats right...I am married to a Grade-A Aub. I have told you guys that before.

What I have not told you, is that I am kind of sort of married to a Lowder family member. Not a daughter or sister, but close enough that I DO get insider info on barner stuff from time to time. Most of it I manage to remove when I shower, but sometimes it is worth passing along.

As some of you know, there was a recent (and rather tragic) death in the family, and at a gathering -o- family members, the issue of Tubby to TAMU came up...and folks, it is legit. There is not just a small chance of it happening, as it currently stands it is better than 50%. Tuberville wants out and Auburn is not going to try to stop him.

Regardless of what happens with TAMU, expect to hear Tubby's name linked to every opening in the nation this year.

The only way Tubs stays at the barn is if nobody offers to hire him. Even then, there is so much damage already done that he will not recover. The blowout loss to UGA was a symptom.
I think this is will be interesting, at least to me, when word gets out that the two parties are in contract talks. Until then?

I say this for one reason. While A&M undoubtedly has more than one candidate on their list, their interest in Tubs is pretty clear. I've heard the number 3.5 a year bantered around in a lot of different places.

Now, if you consider the statement, "I'll stay here as long as they want me," could easily be taken in the context of "if they don't match, or exceed the offer (if tenured) they don't want me very badly."

I'd imagine, if this was left up to Jay Jacobs, Tubs will be in the same spot he's in now. The question lies in the contract talks and what the Board of Trustees is willing to spend.
I'll take a win over Auburn in all of this distraction.

I find this all pretty interesting to say the least. Sure would feel weird to see Auburn looking for a coach for once. :roll:
Big_Fan said:
Hey guys.

Some of you may know that I am married to a barner. Thats right...I am married to a Grade-A Aub. I have told you guys that before.

What I have not told you, is that I am kind of sort of married to a Lowder family member. Not a daughter or sister, but close enough that I DO get insider info on barner stuff from time to time. Most of it I manage to remove when I shower, but sometimes it is worth passing along.

As some of you know, there was a recent (and rather tragic) death in the family, and at a gathering -o- family members, the issue of Tubby to TAMU came up...and folks, it is legit. There is not just a small chance of it happening, as it currently stands it is better than 50%. Tuberville wants out and Auburn is not going to try to stop him.

Regardless of what happens with TAMU, expect to hear Tubby's name linked to every opening in the nation this year.

The only way Tubs stays at the barn is if nobody offers to hire him. Even then, there is so much damage already done that he will not recover. The blowout loss to UGA was a symptom.

You must really enjoy the presence of the Proud one.

ROFL classic!
Argo said:
Big_Fan said:
Hey guys.

Some of you may know that I am married to a barner. Thats right...I am married to a Grade-A Aub. I have told you guys that before.

What I have not told you, is that I am kind of sort of married to a Lowder family member. Not a daughter or sister, but close enough that I DO get insider info on barner stuff from time to time. Most of it I manage to remove when I shower, but sometimes it is worth passing along.

As some of you know, there was a recent (and rather tragic) death in the family, and at a gathering -o- family members, the issue of Tubby to TAMU came up...and folks, it is legit. There is not just a small chance of it happening, as it currently stands it is better than 50%. Tuberville wants out and Auburn is not going to try to stop him.

Regardless of what happens with TAMU, expect to hear Tubby's name linked to every opening in the nation this year.

The only way Tubs stays at the barn is if nobody offers to hire him. Even then, there is so much damage already done that he will not recover. The blowout loss to UGA was a symptom.

You must really enjoy the presence of the Proud one.

I tend to stay out of the way of that part of the family. I have gotten tix through them a time or two...but then when dealing with barners, ticks are always a risk.
We started this 5 game losing streak because Fran was getting ready to leave us "holding the rope" in 2002. A game that I attended :x Anyway, wouldn't be ironic if we ended the streak partly because now Wingnut is headed to ATM and now THEY are the one distracted? And wouldn't be equally interesting if we won it with a Van Tiffin field goal? The only thing left would be Bo Jackson running the wrong way...............
You guys are totally obsessed with Tubs leaving :D
My $100 bet that he doesn't leave is still on the table.

Forget all this for a day and have a happy Thanksgiving and be thankful for all the blessings God has given us. Remember all our troops who serve in our defense around the world away from their families.
Proud Tiger said:
You guys are totally obsessed with Tubs leaving :D
My $100 bet that he doesn't leave is still on the table.

Forget all this for a day and have a happy Thanksgiving and be thankful for all the blessings God has given us. Remember all our troops who serve in our defense around the world away from their families.

One topic out of many has been about Tubs. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that doesn't compare to the obsession you Barners have had with us and our coaches.
Proud Tiger said:
You guys are totally obsessed with Tubs leaving :D
My $100 bet that he doesn't leave is still on the table.

Forget all this for a day and have a happy Thanksgiving and be thankful for all the blessings God has given us. Remember all our troops who serve in our defense around the world away from their families.

Now PT, you know we can never compare to you guys when it comes to "obsession". Let's not even try to joke on this one. :wink:
I was about to say....

If you count the AU threads here vs. the Bama threads on aunation, the two aren't even CLOSE. They even have a forum dedicated to us over there.
Proud Tiger said:
You guys are totally obsessed with Tubs leaving :D
My $100 bet that he doesn't leave is still on the table.

Forget all this for a day and have a happy Thanksgiving and be thankful for all the blessings God has given us. Remember all our troops who serve in our defense around the world away from their families.

Passing along info from Lowder to the forum is obsession?

No...Mark Green is obsession.
I appreciate the inside info. I always like to be "in the know". Last year, as early as the week BEFORE the MSU loss, I was hearing through some connected, "moneyed" people in B'ham that Shula was gone. I told them that they were blowing smoke. They told me to wait and see. Word was that an MSU loss was a guaranteed dismissal, or at least enough heat to force the change. The LSU and Auburn games would have to be won to prevent the change.

Of course, that didn't happen.

As for Tubs leaving The CrapPlains, I'm till skeptical. The only reason I see him leaving for is to get back at Auburn and the powers that be in that part of the world. That is all. I don't think money is the draw, and I don't think the aTm job is favorable enough to force a change. aTm might be more myopic than we are about thinking a coach would want to come there. Myself, if I weren't an alum and huge fan of UA, there's no way I'd have taken the UA job at the end of last year. But I guess 4Million would have forced my mind a bit, now, wouldn't it? I'm not saying Saban came only for the money. ON THE CONTRARY. I think the guy knows football, knows how serious it's taken in these parts, and wanted to be a part of something like that again. It was a once in a lifetime deal for him, and the money was good too. For an intense, driven, focused person like CNS, it was a no-brainer.

For a no-brainer like Tuberville, staying at Auburn seems more likely.
Tuberville wants out and Auburn is not going to try to stop him.

That's been my thought for a while now, given what we hear regarding Tubby's situation at AU. There seems to be this tug of war going on with him at AU. Half the fanbase loves him, the other half would rather see him gone. Half the money people have tried to replace him already (see Petrino-Gate) and half of them want him there. The whole relationship seems to be a love/hate type of thing almost to the point where one is trying to do the best they can to spite the other.

If either backed out in the end it wouldn't come as a shock to a lot of people I think. I think Tubberville would love nothing more than to stick it to Lowder and company while at the same time, Lowder and company would love nothing more than to be rid of Tubberville. But each wants to have the last laugh in the matter.
porkchop said:
Tuberville wants out and Auburn is not going to try to stop him.

That's been my thought for a while now, given what we hear regarding Tubby's situation at AU. There seems to be this tug of war going on with him at AU. Half the fanbase loves him, the other half would rather see him gone. Half the money people have tried to replace him already (see Petrino-Gate) and half of them want him there. The whole relationship seems to be a love/hate type of thing almost to the point where one is trying to do the best they can to spite the other.

If either backed out in the end it wouldn't come as a shock to a lot of people I think. I think Tubberville would love nothing more than to stick it to Lowder and company while at the same time, Lowder and company would love nothing more than to be rid of Tubberville. But each wants to have the last laugh in the matter.

That is a VERY good assessment of the situation. IF Tuberville is offered another high profile and high paying position, he will take it and run..and it will amount to thumbing his nose at Lowder. IF Tuberville does not get an offer, he will probably hang around...which will amount to thumbing his nose at Lowder.

For Tubs, it is a win/win...except with his flirting with TAMU, LSU, and now Arkansas, he is beginning to tick off some of the folks who have supported him up until now. One pro-Tubs barner booster I know said something to the effect of "After the way we did him with Petrino, I would not blame him for leaving if he gets a good offer...but the way he is trying to flag down every job that comes open this year is beginning to make me wish he would just go ahead and leave."
Proud Tiger said:
You guys are totally obsessed with Tubs leaving :D
My $100 bet that he doesn't leave is still on the table.

Forget all this for a day and have a happy Thanksgiving and be thankful for all the blessings God has given us. Remember all our troops who serve in our defense around the world away from their families.

Same to you PT this holiday.

You have to admit, freely and readily, obsession with another team's coach is defined on the "other" forum. I'm sure you've seen a few of them over there (TigerN.L.A and universitytube come to mind) that have Bama or Saban in ALL of their posts. Seriously, I've yet to see one post from either of those guys that wasn't related. Hell, as tiga linked, he even went over to the USCw forum to post things about Saban.
TerryP said:
You have to admit, freely and readily, obsession with another team's coach is defined on the "other" forum.

Sure I admit that but you have to admit that:
1. There are far more Bama posters on boards like WEN and LSU Tiger Forums than there are rival fans posting here and that makes for more inteplay. Heck your old friend BamaGrad03 is one of the most prolific posters on WEN and keeps the pot stirred.

2. Saban, like it or not, gets a lot more media attention (and hence the sometimes negative publicity that goes with it) than Tubs because of the high profile manner in which Saban was hired. You guys may have realistic expectations of Saban in his first yesr or two but much of the rest of the country expects him to win all the time because of all the publicity about his salary. There at lest 10 Bama posters on WEN who post on almost a daily basis.
In fact most of them post a lot more than I do on WEN. Even your friend Argo here posts more on WEN than I do lately.

3. I only teased about the obsession with Tub's leaving because many here say Auburn is obsessed with Bama when the truth is both sides are obsessed with news about the other and love the smack talk they can do annonymously on rival's boards.
porkchop said:
Tuberville wants out and Auburn is not going to try to stop him.

That's been my thought for a while now, given what we hear regarding Tubby's situation at AU. There seems to be this tug of war going on with him at AU. Half the fanbase loves him, the other half would rather see him gone. Half the money people have tried to replace him already (see Petrino-Gate) and half of them want him there. The whole relationship seems to be a love/hate type of thing almost to the point where one is trying to do the best they can to spite the other.

If either backed out in the end it wouldn't come as a shock to a lot of people I think. I think Tubberville would love nothing more than to stick it to Lowder and company while at the same time, Lowder and company would love nothing more than to be rid of Tubberville. But each wants to have the last laugh in the matter.

If you really had any insight into Auburn matters you would know that there isn't any lasting friction between Lowder and Tubs. As I have posted here before, McWhorter is the BOT that is the problem. If you remember he was the BOT on the plane to Louisville. You can point out all day long that it was Lowder's plane but I can counter that the plane was used regularly for lots of reasons just like PB Jr.'s plane is. So take it or leave as truth, but Lowder is not the problem. Fortunately McWhorter goes off the BOT in February so he is currently a lame duck.

I would also ask if you have a poll or some shred of evidence that Auburn fans are split 50/50 in their like of Tubs or are you just pulling numbers out of the air.
Posting on Thanksgiving.....what is wrong with us?

Proud Tiger said:
Sure I admit that but you have to admit that:
1. There are far more Bama posters on boards like WEN and LSU Tiger Forums than there are rival fans posting here and that makes for more inteplay. Heck your old friend BamaGrad03 is one of the most prolific posters on WEN and keeps the pot stirred.

The reason there are so many more BAMA posters on barn boards than there are barn posters on BAMA boards is due to the fact we rarely talk about the barn. If you'll notice, very few BAMA topics are started by BAMA fans at AUN. The barners start them and the BAMA posters make futile attempts to protect BAMA's honor.

It's like "build it and they will come". Fill a board up with topics about BAMA and you're going to have BAMA fans. Until the Tubs to ATM rumors started it was once in a blue moon you'd see anything about the barn here. Our smack forum is dead compared to AUN's rival board.
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