| CURRENT EVENTS Trump vs the Democrats. I'm hearing the word "coup" a lot here lately describing the efforts made by the D's to win the election.

There are a few things that don't follow the rule of the law there, Tim.
I wrote my diatribe here yesterday afternoon. I came across this tweet just a minute ago. I had no idea there was a group entitled Republicans for the Rule of Law, My theory on where they are headed (talking points?) I'm coming of the opinion this will rival Carville's "It's the economy, stupid" catch-phrase in terms of impact.

@TerryP, @It Takes Eleven, Yeah, it is well known those who speak the most and the loudest are normally the ones who are scared with the most to hide or cover up. This goes for Repubs, Indes, Dims, and any tweeners. As well as judges, AGs and lawyers. Muleears job was to gather information and facts within the scope of his investigation, not to indict or bring charges against P Trump, but to list his allegations of law breaking, which I believe his report did not show conclusively P Trump violated any laws. It also appears, that his report is not altogether factual, RE- Russia hacking of the DNC servers and turning over the information to Wikileaks. That is not a proven fact. The DNC refused on 3 separate occasions to turn over their servers to the FBI. Although, the FBI , working with the CIA, who has programs to leave " Russian and other fingerprints on any hack job" that they wish. The only investigation ,I think, done on DNC servers was done by HRC's water boys, the same team who set up her servers in her home, deleted her emails and bleachbit other pertinent information. I am not certain as I write this, as I do not remember the name of company who " inspected " DNC servers. CIA does have the capability to hack anyone's server and leave Russian and other's fingerprints. It has been proven by Bill Binney and others, that a download of that much information at the speed required, is impossible.
It was determined that it hat to be a download on to a disc or some kind thumb drive device, in other words, an inside job. Number one suspect was Seth Rich, who was assinated, not robbed as the " official " story says, as he was found to still have his valuables on him, nothing was taken. Julian Assange all but said it was SR and offered a $ reward for informatin on his killers. Kim.com offered information to Muleears on this but was refused an interview by the investigators.
@It Takes Eleven, I'm far too much of a cynic to take things at face value. I had originally thought I'd play that video during a few commercial breaks from softball today. I didn't realize it was so long.

All that said ... here's a few opinions I'd like to see if you think they make me "crazy as a sh!thouse rat."

Do you remember back during the campaign Hillary referring to the Make America Great Again group as a bunch of deplorables? Mine was a vote that didn't need to be won that day, it was certainly sealed. I also believe Trump won a lot of voters minds that day. It's this underestimated movement, #MAGA, that got him elected. (I believe you'd agree with me when I call it an unlikely win...at face value, right?) I also believe its characterization by the MSM as being an alt-right group wasn't the truth.

The Q movement/group isn't what I view as the driving force behind those who'll support him for a second term. I do believe they'll play a part of the supports' foundation and be a fairly strong arm. In the social media world they'll be pushing a constitutional plot highlighting following the law of the land. The word "spying" opens the door for "liberty."

I find it of interest reading of Trump singling out supports at rally's who've been wearing "Q" apparel. That taken at face value tells me he is familiar with the movement and aware of its potential.

There are a lot of people who point to "Q" and the news-bits and say there's a direct link to the administration. I believe there's a link, how direct enters the arena of speculation.

Do I believe #QANON is censored from some of the social media platforms? Yes.

Reading your response earlier about the CIA and the MSM brings this to a broader point.

I don't believe intelligence agencies are as described. I do believe we were watching some "bad apples." The FISA story by itself proves such. It also goes to apples versus apple.

I'm also of the opinion there are people who need to be charged. I believe that line was crossed with the destruction of emails, phones, and other materials. There are a few things that don't follow the rule of the law there, Tim.

I do not believe all of this was going on without Obama's knowledge. I don't believe he orchestrated it, but was certainly a supporter.

Mueller's statement last night drew my attention. It's my opinion he separated himself last night. He's partisan, and I believe it affected his job performance. There's that rule of the law bit again but it's not to the extreme you mentioned earlier.

I'm not a political historian. I am intrigued in this to the point some strong opinions are being formed.

I believe even more than you. The intelligence agencies are out of control and have been since after WW2. Kennedy was going to shatter the CIA into a 1,000 pieces and see where he wound up. I don't remember names but one CIA director said that when everything the American people believe in is a lie, then they have been successful in their propaganda. The CIA ran the Red Brigade in Italy and blew up places as false flag commie terror plots. Read about Operation Northwoods.

Obama orchestrated it. I have read some quotes supposedly attributed to his inner circle and he is pissed the hildebeast lost because he is worried about his legacy. Remember how Chicago politics work.
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If y'all will watch the SGT Report video on page 2 titled (Declas) Enjoy The Show - Bill Binney & Harley Schlanger, Binney explains how the down load of information from DNC servers was accomplished. The video is 45 minutes long, and there is a lot of knowledge between the two interviewee's. But if you don't want to watch or don't have that
much free time , just skip to the parts where Binney is answering questions. He was very high up in the CIA. As was Kevin Shipp. An interview video of him on page 3 on the Greg Hunter youtube channel, titled " Blackmail Spying by Obama and Clinton ". That video is 39 minutes long, but well worth the time to watch.
@12gage, while I was reading a bit on D-Day these last few days one thing really stuck out to me this year. I knew this, but hadn't really considered it in the past.

The average size for the guys invading the beaches was 5' 9" and @ 150 lbs. Compare that to today's fighting units. You can't, eh? Far too much has changed.

It's the same way with your question in my opinion. I guess, from the conservative side of the aisle, we could point to the Christian Conservative movement but they weren't as involved in social media outlets. The Tea Party? I don't think they had as many in their group.

In today's "Internet world," I don't think I've seen more "heels" and "faces" at anytime in my life...unless the WCW had a 100 man Battle Royal.
@12gage, I have never paid much attention to elections or politics in general, up until about 3 to 3 1/2 years ago. Hell almost everybody who ran for office seemed to want to enrich themselves instead of being public servants. The Dim controlled House just voted themselves another raise. For what reason? How much " work " do they actually do? They never seem to get anything done. I guess it's a hard ass fight to impeach P Trump. Members of the House and Senate go into office, usually not hurting for money. Then after a few years, most are millionaires many times over. That counts for members of all parties. To answer your question. There have been smaller movements as @TerryP, stated in his post above. But I don't recall any such movement as large as the QAnon Patriot movement seems to be, as it has become country wide. Also, if researched, one would come to the conclusion that the Q Patriot movement has made it's way into many other countries. If the mockingbird msm can't be trusted to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, where can you go for what is really going on? ALTERNATIVE MEDIA. Try The Epoch News site, or One America News Network site, The Prayingmedic site, X22 Report and the SGT Report are good ones to watch. All of these sites, I believe, have staffs and journalist who dig and investigate to find out the true facts. John Solomon and Sarah Carter both appear on Hannity and are excellent reporters, though I believe they are somewhat muzzled by The Fox Network and not allowed to tell the whole truth. It appears these two have inside sources.
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