| CURRENT EVENTS Trump vs the Democrats. I'm hearing the word "coup" a lot here lately describing the efforts made by the D's to win the election.

I agree with you @TerryP, , this is and has been a captivating story all it's own. It is believed by many that QAnon, that now post on 8Chan is a group of maybe 5-8 people including P Trump, who signs off as Q+. It is believed to be a group of former and ongoing military Patriots who recruited Donald Trump to run for the presidency to begin with, to be the figurehead, to write and enact Executive Orders and such, to allow the Patriot movement to carry out their Plan.
The Plan was many years in the making, which took untold and countless hours, days and yes, years, with the aid of military intelligence and reconnaissance, the Plan was formed. A plan to rid our government, our country of corruption and pedophilia, and to remove as much of the same world wide as possible. You are right about Mockingbird MSM and QAnon both being anonymous with at least two BIG differences. The MSM uses the guise of "anonymous sources" to push false and misleading propaganda in print, tv and radio. And by the way, their lives are not in danger on a daily basis. If the identities of the QAnon group were made public, their lives would be in grave danger. There already have been many attempts to take the President's life already. If HRC had defeated DJT, The Plan called for a military coup and take over of our government until chaos and upheaval subsided and a new election could be implemented. The Plan is to defeat the deep state, shadow government, the elitist who run the world's banking system and all who have pushed for globalism for decades. The Plan calls for the elimination of deep state actors in every country around the world and restore sovereignty to every nation. In the Prayingmedic video above, he explains much of this much better than I can. But all that I have written here is gleaned from Q drops, from guys like Prayingmedic, SGT Report, X22 Report and other channels on youtube. And no, I don't believe QAnon is a larp, as the MSM would have you believe. Besides informing the people of the The Plan, I believe that QAnon started the drops to wake up and inform as many people as possible before The Plan is fully implemented and in plain sight for everyone to see.
it will have everything on every individual, huh? i HIGHLY doubt that. and the ones who'll be excluded from that database are the ones sitting in those chairs at the capitol. somehow, they'll miraculously be exempt from that database.

but i say we put them in there, first...before anyone else. THEY are the ones that nobody trusts. you want a database like this? you better be willing to put yourself and your family in it, as well. otherwise, shut the hell up.
and the ones who'll be excluded from that database are the ones sitting in those chairs at the capitol. somehow, they'll miraculously be exempt from that database
that's the opposite of what she said. she was warning future Dems
@It Takes Eleven, May be that you are right; but anyone believing the mockingbird msm, an arm or extension of the cia, would also have to be shithouse crazy.

I agree with not believing ANY single information source. So, there are no patriots in the CIA, and the mainstream media are controlled by the CIA and not People for the American Way or other liberal groups? Do you realize the conservatism in the CIA? CIA and State are not always in lock step. Plus, the idea that if Clinton won, there would've been a military coup in the United States (think about that for just a moment) AND in every other civilized nation, simultaneously, to remove the corrupt and pedophiles among us. There are people working, hard, to remove the corrupt, and the pedophiles, from among us. Every day. That it's as easy as someone's utterance on Youtube is a pipe dream.

I wish it were that easy. Roll Tide, man.


@It Takes Eleven, Nothing happens over night. Please don't take my word for it, but research the where the term "mockingbird media" came from and when it started.

Also, P Trump's first directive to Sessions after he was confirmed, was to root out as many pedophiles as he could find. A little research will show that arrest of small time pedo's sky rocketed.

Also, if you will, research and read the " executive order " signed by P Trump, either on 12/21/17 or 12/23/17, I don't remember for sure which date.

When you find it and read it, you will get a little flavor of what I was talking about ridding this country, our government and indeed the world of as much corruption and pedophilia as possible. Was it last year(?) that Saudi Arabia rounded up and jailed many of their richest, most corrupt people, and that happened all in one day, if I am not mistaken.

Practically all the military and police of our country are Trump supporters.There are many thousands of sealed indictments all across our country, waiting to be unsealed. Sessions, working with Huber behind the scenes, with the help of the 400 or so lawyers in the IG's office, have been very busy behind the scenes, gathering facts and building cases against corruption and pedophilia in all walks of life, which include elected government officials, appointed government officials, judges, lawyers, hollywood folks, business moguls and elites.

Ask yourself, why would a man as rich as Trump want to be president? He does not even take a salary, he donates it. Ask yourself, why has the media taken a stick and beats the hell out of P Trump every day as often as they open their mouth? Do they hate him as Hannity is only allowed to say? NO. They knew the day he was sworn in, that he was going to " Drain The Swamp" just as he had promised during his campaign. And there are alligators on both sides of the aisle when it comes to democrats and republicans.

Ask yourself, why so many members of Congress (around 50,I believe) decide not to run again in the mid term elections last year? This included the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, btw. Yes@It Takes Eleven, I can damn sure be wrong about this, hell I've been wrong a few times before, but I do do have very high hopes, Our country could not go on in the direction it was headed in if Trump had not been elected.
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Seriously, one would have to be as crazy as a sh!thouse rat to take this at face value.

Tim, I'll watch the entire video a little later on today. There's one comment I want to throw at you real quick...something I find a little amusing.

The viewpoint offered would be so much better with the preface, "it's my opinion." Or, "have you considered." There's so much lost in tone. Here, it's as if we're watching an aristocratic instructor—that's the personna he's adopted, right?
Tim, I'll watch the entire video a little later on today. There's one comment I want to throw at you real quick...something I find a little amusing.

The viewpoint offered would be so much better with the preface, "it's my opinion." Or, "have you considered." There's so much lost in tone. Here, it's as if we're watching an aristocratic instructor—that's the personna he's adopted, right?

I agree, @TerryP , but what's good for the goose... With that in mind, it's my opinion that one would have to be as crazy as a sh!thouse rat to take this at face value.


@It Takes Eleven, I'm far too much of a cynic to take things at face value. I had originally thought I'd play that video during a few commercial breaks from softball today. I didn't realize it was so long.

All that said ... here's a few opinions I'd like to see if you think they make me "crazy as a sh!thouse rat."

Do you remember back during the campaign Hillary referring to the Make America Great Again group as a bunch of deplorables? Mine was a vote that didn't need to be won that day, it was certainly sealed. I also believe Trump won a lot of voters minds that day. It's this underestimated movement, #MAGA, that got him elected. (I believe you'd agree with me when I call it an unlikely win...at face value, right?) I also believe its characterization by the MSM as being an alt-right group wasn't the truth.

The Q movement/group isn't what I view as the driving force behind those who'll support him for a second term. I do believe they'll play a part of the supports' foundation and be a fairly strong arm. In the social media world they'll be pushing a constitutional plot highlighting following the law of the land. The word "spying" opens the door for "liberty."

I find it of interest reading of Trump singling out supports at rally's who've been wearing "Q" apparel. That taken at face value tells me he is familiar with the movement and aware of its potential.

There are a lot of people who point to "Q" and the news-bits and say there's a direct link to the administration. I believe there's a link, how direct enters the arena of speculation.

Do I believe #QANON is censored from some of the social media platforms? Yes.

Reading your response earlier about the CIA and the MSM brings this to a broader point.

I don't believe intelligence agencies are as described. I do believe we were watching some "bad apples." The FISA story by itself proves such. It also goes to apples versus apple.

I'm also of the opinion there are people who need to be charged. I believe that line was crossed with the destruction of emails, phones, and other materials. There are a few things that don't follow the rule of the law there, Tim.

I do not believe all of this was going on without Obama's knowledge. I don't believe he orchestrated it, but was certainly a supporter.

Mueller's statement last night drew my attention. It's my opinion he separated himself last night. He's partisan, and I believe it affected his job performance. There's that rule of the law bit again but it's not to the extreme you mentioned earlier.

I'm not a political historian. I am intrigued in this to the point some strong opinions are being formed.
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