| LIFE This tweet brings a question to mind. "What are the open container" laws in your area?


As much time as I have spent on the water I don't know what the law is in the area. We were boarded a few years ago by the Coast Guard on one of their "checks" and had beer: they didn't say anything.

When we were camping a few years ago we'd just returned from the store; food and beer run. The beer hadn't been moved into the cooler yet and a ranger came by and said we could haven't the beer out. In the cooler, in a coozie, in cup, all's okay. But, not out in the open.

As much time as I have spent on the water I don't know what the law is in the area. We were boarded a few years ago by the Coast Guard on one of their "checks" and had beer: they didn't say anything.

When we were camping a few years ago we'd just returned from the store; food and beer run. The beer hadn't been moved into the cooler yet and a ranger came by and said we could haven't the beer out. In the cooler, in a coozie, in cup, all's okay. But, not out in the open.

It eliminates probable cause to inspect any further..Unless BEER is wrote on the top of the can.. place your moonshine in Aquafina water bottles… play your jack daniels or charred shine in Milo’s tea jugs..
It eliminates probable cause to inspect any further..Unless BEER is wrote on the top of the can.. place your moonshine in Aquafina water bottles… play your jack daniels or charred shine in Milo’s tea jugs..
I get the purpose.

The question was about what the laws are in your area. I find it weird that the Coast Guard turns their head, a ranger says, "you can't have it on the table."

Going a bit off topic, because I do ...

There was a lady on that CG boat who had one foot on our boat, another on theirs, holding an automatic rifle...and her job was to call out waves. It was amazing to watch as they were on our boat. "Port, in five..." and you saw them adjust weight, balance...it was crazy.

I've looked for that boat for three years, maybe four, and haven't seen it again. Solid black. That afternoon on the peninsula there were a group of people flying the Confederate flag in some kind of "party" thing...

Overall, one of those days you look back and say, "okay, that just happened."
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