| FTBL The Sun will come up tomorrow

ACL11190 said:
cant believe you guys can be postitive after a slap in the face like this....if you were there you would have not made this post.

I agree, we still need to be as positve as we can. A win over the barn will make this all go away!

I do feel for you having to watch. I listened to the entire game and can't imagine having to watch it. Just sickening...
ACL11190 said:
cant believe you guys can be postitive after a slap in the face like this....if you were there you would have not made this post.
You prboably need to check out some of my post from the past. My expectations were not high to start with with our defensive personnel short coming, but i have to admit i got a little natural high when we went into the LSU game with a chance to go to sec champ game, but realism sat back in. We had the personnel to win 7 or 8 games this yr(tremenously weak on defensive personnel ,problbly only 3 or 4 guys who would have started on other sec teams, but we have had good coaching up to th LSU game able to coach up less talent. I actually thought and still do think that Miss St probalby has better personnel than we do,(probably bout even on offense and better on defense) but todays game showed we simply dont have the personnel to compete with the lesser teams if you dont come to play. I think we will learn from it , and move up and on. There is a lot of hurt tonight, yes but what were you expectations anyway.
Also sorry you had to sit thru it , but i sat thru one in the early 80s when Coach Bryant lost openning game to a Ga Tech team which did not win another game all yr. Some how you have to learn to have confidents in these coaches even in defeat, i dont think Ole Bear was so bad.
ACL11190 said:
cant believe you guys can be postitive after a slap in the face like this....if you were there you would have not made this post.

It's because some of us can step away from the tree you are standing right in front of. See the forest...

Quick little example...

Spurrier has been trying to change the attitude of their players going on 3 years now. He's no closer now than he was on day one. Do you think the same thing will happen here?
Amen, Terry. You, too, bamalee.

It hurts to lose, but it is, after all, just a football game. The fate of the free world does not rest with the football fortunes of the University of Alabama. Am I disappointed? Dang right! Am I going to do myself bodily harm? Not hardly.

I listened to the broadcast and it didn't sound pretty, but I can't believe it was any uglier than the Mississippi State game.

Roll, Tide anyway!
CrimsonPirate said:
Amen, Terry. You, too, bamalee.

It hurts to lose, but it is, after all, just a football game. The fate of the free world does not rest with the football fortunes of the University of Alabama. Am I disappointed? Dang right! Am I going to do myself bodily harm? Not hardly.

I listened to the broadcast and it didn't sound pretty, but I can't believe it was any uglier than the Mississippi State game.

Roll, Tide anyway!

It was ALOT worse lol....we actually looked like a football team atleast against state

Did the players go to pizza hut at halftime and celebrate someones birthday???? what the hell went on at the half
Humble pie time...is all I can say.

Losses like these hurt. They hurt the players probably the worst. In 10 years...like all former alums...will look back with great regret and embarrassment. But hey...thats life.

I think that coaches can get better with this kind of loss believe or not. Saban fully understands that his stategy must change to win at Bama. He knows that the right combination of coaching style, player type, player skill level, coaching staff tweaking etc...This combination is different from football team to football team.

We will may experience great lows before we can experience great highs.

Lets just eat our crow and taking it on the chin.
imalive1459 said:
ACL11190 said:
cant believe you guys can be postitive after a slap in the face like this....if you were there you would have not made this post.

Go find another team.


FCS teams are no longer cupcakes. Talk to Michigan.

You have to be kidding me...i was one of the few fans today screaming my ass off...i spend my money to go to basically every game and cheer for our guys...but today was a terrible effort.
ACL11190 said:
imalive1459 said:
ACL11190 said:
cant believe you guys can be postitive after a slap in the face like this....if you were there you would have not made this post.

Go find another team.


FCS teams are no longer cupcakes. Talk to Michigan.

You have to be kidding me...i was one of the few fans today screaming my ass off...i spend my money to go to basically every game and cheer for our guys...but today was a terrible effort.

These are a bunch of kids. They are still learning how to do things right. What good does it to be an a-hole about it? Does it help the kids? Does it make us any more classy? This is not about you. Coach Saban is not here to make them winners in football so your money is well spent. Saban came back to college football because he wants to help kids grow up an become the best they can be.

I don't get it when people can't take a negative thing and turn it positive. These kids learned a lesson today. They'll take it beyond football and into their lives. They be better men, better husbands, and better fathers because of the lessons they learn through the year. They don't owe anything to you. You owe your respect and loyalty to them... THAT is ALABAMA football.

And no, I'm not kidding you.
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