| FTBL The same November team...


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I thought about it hard today. I looked back over the last few years and came up with this conclusion. Maybe I am wrong.

Since 2005, Alabama has played hard and over its head against some really good opponents. They have had their eyes on the SECCG twice during those years. What happened?

In 2005 the loss to LSU completely deflated the team and they went down hard against Auburn. Once the possibility of big things was gone, they just folded. Nothing more to play for.

In 2006 they folded the tents even earlier. After the Arkansas loss they were simply horrible. No accolades to play for, so lets just quit.

This year they played like banshees until LSU ripped the sails off their SECCG boat again. The response: They quit. Plain and simple.

Some of these guys do not appear to be playing for anything but awards and accolades. Once the chance to win rings is over, they mail in the rest of the season. I just hope there is enough pride in these guys to pull out an Auburn win, but they are not going to do it unless they have enough desire.

You know the boogers are getting pumped.
Nice observation. I agree. They don't seem to be the full speed high endurance wrecking machine that they are capable of being. I do hope they find it before next Saturday. I'm not sure my heart can handle another lose to auburn. :(
I think Saban will remind them who they are playing for and I don't mean him. He understands where he's at.

You go out there Saturday with your feelings on a cuff and your a$$ will soon follow. They need to be the team that stopped the digit count. They'll have to earn that title though and they either will have the desire and heart....or not.

Bamapossum....The LSU game has been a millstone for sure. I think your assessment has merit. That's only been for a few years though. Buncha damn Saban talent we've had to play against.

Slowly but surely we'll get more than the Ark/Tn monkey off our back.
Bamapossum said:
I thought about it hard today. I looked back over the last few years and came up with this conclusion. Maybe I am wrong.

Since 2005, Alabama has played hard and over its head against some really good opponents. They have had their eyes on the SECCG twice during those years. What happened?

In 2005 the loss to LSU completely deflated the team and they went down hard against Auburn. Once the possibility of big things was gone, they just folded. Nothing more to play for.

In 2006 they folded the tents even earlier. After the Arkansas loss they were simply horrible. No accolades to play for, so lets just quit.

This year they played like banshees until LSU ripped the sails off their SECCG boat again. The response: They quit. Plain and simple.

Some of these guys do not appear to be playing for anything but awards and accolades. Once the chance to win rings is over, they mail in the rest of the season. I just hope there is enough pride in these guys to pull out an Auburn win, but they are not going to do it unless they have enough desire.

You know the boogers are getting pumped.

The funny thing is they'll still be boogers regardless of the outcome. :lol:
billfish said:
Bamapossum said:
I thought about it hard today. I looked back over the last few years and came up with this conclusion. Maybe I am wrong.

Since 2005, Alabama has played hard and over its head against some really good opponents. They have had their eyes on the SECCG twice during those years. What happened?

In 2005 the loss to LSU completely deflated the team and they went down hard against Auburn. Once the possibility of big things was gone, they just folded. Nothing more to play for.

In 2006 they folded the tents even earlier. After the Arkansas loss they were simply horrible. No accolades to play for, so lets just quit.

This year they played like banshees until LSU ripped the sails off their SECCG boat again. The response: They quit. Plain and simple.

Some of these guys do not appear to be playing for anything but awards and accolades. Once the chance to win rings is over, they mail in the rest of the season. I just hope there is enough pride in these guys to pull out an Auburn win, but they are not going to do it unless they have enough desire.

You know the boogers are getting pumped.

The funny thing is they'll still be boogers regardless of the outcome. :lol:

Y'all think it's boogers, but it's (s)not. :roll:
CrimsonPirate said:
billfish said:
Bamapossum said:
I thought about it hard today. I looked back over the last few years and came up with this conclusion. Maybe I am wrong.

Since 2005, Alabama has played hard and over its head against some really good opponents. They have had their eyes on the SECCG twice during those years. What happened?

In 2005 the loss to LSU completely deflated the team and they went down hard against Auburn. Once the possibility of big things was gone, they just folded. Nothing more to play for.

In 2006 they folded the tents even earlier. After the Arkansas loss they were simply horrible. No accolades to play for, so lets just quit.

This year they played like banshees until LSU ripped the sails off their SECCG boat again. The response: They quit. Plain and simple.

Some of these guys do not appear to be playing for anything but awards and accolades. Once the chance to win rings is over, they mail in the rest of the season. I just hope there is enough pride in these guys to pull out an Auburn win, but they are not going to do it unless they have enough desire.

You know the boogers are getting pumped.

The funny thing is they'll still be boogers regardless of the outcome. :lol:

Y'all think it's boogers, but it's (s)not. :roll:

LMAO......cow college best I recall. Some things never change and for good reason.
I totally agree with you, and I think the biggest part of that is that most of these kids had 3-4 years of Shula pumped into them and that attitude. They've only had less than one year of Saban, so his mindset hasn't fully taken affect yet.

Shula's team could never play 4 quarters of a game, much less a full schedule, so of course they always bottomed out near the end, just like after the 3rd quarter.

I fully expect the following years to improve significantly in this area.
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