| CURRENT EVENTS The carpet doesn't match the drapes

Can't even try to justify what I saw on the tape.

No doubt, but there is one thing you can control, your actions. Obey the cops.

Ignoring and walking away from them when their guns are drawn is not recommended and foolish.

I see it like this, tensions are high. Do you try to de-escalate the situation or escalate the situation? No way I'd want to give the cops a reason to shoot my ass, I'm gonna comply.

Not too long ago I was more or less castigated on here for denigrating the entire blm/antifa movement. I was/am right, however the idiot democrats are realizing they can’t put the genie back in the bottle. The useless Lemon on cnn brought it up to Fredo that the riots are hurting POLL numbers. Democrats, blm, antifa are enemies of America.
Not too long ago I was more or less castigated on here for denigrating the entire blm/antifa movement. I was/am right, however the idiot democrats are realizing they can’t put the genie back in the bottle. The useless Lemon on cnn brought it up to Fredo that the riots are hurting POLL numbers. Democrats, blm, antifa are enemies of America.

They are evil and should be labeled and treated as terrorists.
There's a lot of video (from riots, looting, etc) and a lot of statements from Biden/Harris/Dem leadership that could be (should be) mashed up for some very effective TV ads leading up to November. Hell, end them all with Harris saying (last month) to 'beware because the protests aren't going to stop, even after election day.' [paraphrased]
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